Mole Station Native Nursery Database Search
Narrow Leaf Bottle Tree - Adaptable tree - swollen bottle like trunk - insignificant flowers followed by small interesting boat like pods - useful indoor plant - frost tender when young. 20m |
Acacia acuminata |
Raspberry Jam Wood -
Fast growing small tree - long thin green phyllodes - bright yellow rod shaped flrs in Wi & Sp - tolerant of limestone - heavy durable wood which smells of raspberry jam when freshly cut - used as a host plant for sandlewood - frost hardy. 8m x 5m |
Acacia adunca |
Wallangarra Wattle - ornamental tree to 6m - narrow blue green phyllodes - scented yellow flrs in Sp - frost tolerant. |
Acacia amblygona prostrate |
Fan Wattle - Hardy prostrate plant - small green pointed
leaves - globular bright yellow flower heads in
Sp - tolerant of moderate frosts. |
Acacia anceps |
Port Lincoln Wattle - Bushy spreading shrub - broad green phyllodes - fragrant globular golden flrs in Sp & Su - tolerant of drought and lime - frost tolerance unknown. To 3m |
Acacia baileyana |
Cootamundra Wattle - fast growing tree to 6 m - ferny grey foliage - yellow flrs in Wi - frost resistant. |
Acacia baileyana Prostrate |
Prostrate Cootamundra Wattle - vigorous hardy groundcover to 60cm high with a 4 m spread - silver foliage - yellow flrs late Wi to early Sp - frost resistant. |
Acacia baileyana purpurea |
Small tree to 6m - feathery silver grey foliage with purple new growth - yellow flrs in Wi - frost resistant. |
Acacia binata |
Dense domed shrub from Esperance district - almost succulent like green phyllodes - showy golden yellow spherical flrs in Sp - frost & drought tolerant. 1m |
Acacia boormanii |
Snowy River Wattle - upright shrub to 4m - golden flrs in Wi to Sp - dense narrow foliage - tolerates wet sites, frost and snow. |
Acacia browniana |
Small spreading shrub - green pinnate leaves - pale yellow globular flr heads in Wi & Sp - frost hardy. 0.2 to 0.5m |
Acacia cambagei |
Gidgee - Small tree with rough grey bark - long thin grey green phyllodes - globular cream flrs in Wi or Sp with an unpleasant odour - hard durable timber - frost & drought tolerant. 4-12m
Descriptive label only |
Acacia cardiophylla |
Wyalong Wattle - ornamental shrub growing to 3m - green fernlike leaves - golden flowers in Spring - 10 year life span - drought and frost tolerant. |
Acacia cognata |
Ornamental rounded shrub to 6 m - drooping branches of narrow phyllodes - creamy flrs in Sp - frost hardy. |
Acacia cometes |
Small groundcover - narrow linear leaves - dense spikes of yellow flrs - tolerates dry conditions – enjoys light to heavy soil - frost tolerance unknown. 0.3m x 0.6m |
Acacia conferta |
Crowded Leaved Wattle - rounded shrub to 2 m - dense green phyllodes along the branch - golden ball flrs during Wi - tolerant of drought & medium frost. |
Acacia convenyi |
A striking shrub or small tree to 5 m tall - the soft bluish foliage is very ornamental - bright yellow flr spikes in Sp - tolerant of lime & frost. |
Acacia craspedocarpa |
A dense rounded shrub to 2.5 m tall - the foliage is a feature with oval grey phyllodes - short yellow flr spikes occur in Sp - drought & frost tolerant. |
Acacia cultriformis |
Cut-leaf Wattle - shrub to 3 m - stiff triangular grey phyllodes - golden flrs in Sp - drought and frost resistant. |
Acacia dealbata |
Silver Wattle - tree to 12m - grey feathery foliage - pale yellow flrs in Wi and Sp - very frost hardy. |
Acacia deanei |
Deane's Wattle - Bushy shrub or small tree - light green bipinnate foliage - creamy yellow globular flrs may be produced throughout the year - tolerant of -7deg C frost - accepts dry conditions. To 7m |
Acacia decora |
Very hardy rounded shrub to 1.5 m tall - small oval grey leaves - golden yellow ball shaped flrs occur in Sp - frost & drought resistant. |
Acacia decurrens |
Green Wattle - Fast growing tree/shrub to 12m - dense crown of dark green feathery leaves - profuse golden yellow blossom during mid - Wi - frost resistant. |
Acacia denticulosa |
Sandpaper Wattle - Rare & ornamental species from nthn WA - unusual large rough green phyllodes - dense golden rod flrs in Sp - requires good drainage - tolerant of drought & moderate frost. 3m |
Acacia disparrima |
Hickory Wattle - fast growing tree to 9 m tall - long curved grey green phyllodes - spikes of lemon yellow flrs are produced in Su & Au - prefers sandy moist soils. |
Acacia elata |
Cedar Wattle - fast growing long lived tree to 12m - cedar like leaves - pale yellow flrs in Su - useful cabinet timber - light frosts only. |
Acacia falcata |
Hickory Wattle -
Hardy erect shrub - narrow blue green sickle shaped phyllodes to 15cm long - cream ball shaped flrs occur in early Wi - frost tolerant. 4m |
Acacia farinosa |
Mealy Wattle - Dense shrub from SA & western Vic. - linear green leaves - globular golden flr heads in Sp - curly pods - frost tolerance unknown. 1.5m |
Acacia filicifolia |
Fern leaf Wattle - Fast growing tree to 12m - dark green ferny foliage - food source for possums on the New England Tableland - golden yellow flrs in Wi & Sp - frost resistant. |
Acacia fimbriata |
Fringed Wattle - fast growing & spreading shrub to 6 m high - dense narrow foliage - yellow flrs in Sp - lives up to 20 yrs - frost hardy. |
Acacia fimbriata dwarf |
Rounded bushy shrub to 1.5 m tall - fine lime green foliage - lemon yellow scented flrs cover the plant in early Sp - moderate frosts only. |
Acacia floribunda |
Gossamer Wattle - An ornamental dense spreading shrub to 4 m tall - long bright green phyllodes - scented pale yellow flr spikes occur in Sp - tolerant of some shade & is frost resistant. |
Acacia glaucocarpa |
Ornamental shrub to small tree growing 3-6 m tall - bluish bipinnate leaves - bears globular bright yellow flower heads and bluish pods in Au - moderate frost only. |
Acacia granitica |
Spreading shrub growing 1 m tall by 3 m across - long narrow phyllodes - short dense yellow flr spikes in late Wi to Sp - frost resistant. |
Acacia harpophylla |
Brigalow - Hardy farm tree reaching 20m suited to windbreaks - dense bluish grey foliage - bright yellow racemes of flrs - frost and drought resistant - suitable for poorly drained soils.
(Descriptive label only) |
Acacia heterochroa |
Ornamental shrub from the south coast of WA - angular glaucous phyllodes - yellow globular flrs on stalks from Au till Su - frost tolerance unknown. 0.3 - 2m |
Acacia howittii |
Sticky Wattle - small tree reaching 4 to 8m - glossy slightly weeping green foliage - yellow scented ball flrs in Sp - tolerates lime, salt and light frost. |
Acacia howittii Green Wave |
Ground covering mound.This vigorous wattle forms a thick gound cover which will hang over a wall - small bright green leaves - yellow ball flrs in Sp - light frosts only. |
Acacia howittii Honey Bun |
Compact shrub to 1.5 m tall x 1.5 m wide - neat emerald green pendulous foliage - small pale yellow ball shaped flrs in Sp - makes a good hedge - tolerant of light frost. |
Acacia howittii prostrate |
Ground cover for rock walls and banks - small bright green oval leaves on arching branches - lemon yellow scented ball flrs during Sp - light frosts only. |
Acacia implexa |
Sally Wattle - upright small tree to 12 m tall - long green sickle shaped phyllodes - pale yellow globular flrs during Su - tolerant of some shade & frost. |
Acacia irrorata |
Green Wattle - Fast growing small tree to 12 m - dark green bipinnate leaves with a rough stem - pale yellow globular flrs in Su - frost tolerant. |
Acacia iteaphylla |
Flinders Range Wattle - ornamental shrub reaching 5m - pendulous branches of blue green foliage - pale yellow flrs in Wi and Sp - frost resistant. |
Acacia lasiocarpa |
Panjang Wattle - Ornamental groundcover - lime green foliage - dense golden yellow globular flrs from Au till Sp - tolerant of drought & light frosts. 0.5 x 1m |
Acacia leiocalyx |
Black Wattle - Fast growing shrub - long grey green phyllodes - lemon yellow cylindrical flr spikes in Wi & Sp - frost tolerant. 6m |
Acacia lineata |
Streaked Wattle - Hardy ornamental wattle - small tightly clustered green leaves - showy yellow globular flrs in Wi & Sp - tolerant of frost & drought. 2 x 3m |
Acacia macradenia |
Zig Zag Wattle - attractive shrub or small tree reaching 5m - unusual branching in zig-zag formation - long yellow flr spikes in Wi - light frosts only. |
Acacia maidenii |
Maiden's Wattle - small tree for moist areas with a dense crown - long narrow green
phyllodes - pale yellow flr spikes in Au - relatively long lived - frost hardy. |
Acacia maxwellii |
Hardy prostrate wattle - green straplike foliage - creamy yellow flrs in Sp - tolerates dryness & light frost. |
Acacia melanoxylon |
Blackwood - long lived tree reaching 20 m - long olive green leaves - pale yellow flrs in Wi & Sp - cabinet timber - frost resistant. |
Acacia montana |
Rounded shrub to 1.5 m - straight green phyllodes - yellow ball flrs in Sp followed by white hairy pods - frost tolerant. |
Acacia neriifolia |
Attractive small tree to 10 m tall with silvery trunk while young - drooping branches of long grey/green leaves used for stock fodder - bright yellow flrs in Sp - tolerant of frost. (Descriptive label only) |
Acacia paradoxa |
Hedge Wattle - ornamental prickly shrub to 3 m tall - dense green foliage - globular
golden yellow flrs - withstands short periods of inundation, drought, alkaline soils and frost. |
Acacia pendula |
Myall - A hardy slow growing shade tree to 18 m - grey weeping foliage - cream flrs in Wi - tolerant of poorly drained soils - long lived - frost and drought resistant. |
Acacia podalyriifolia |
Queensland Silver Wattle - spreading shrub to 5 m - furry silver/grey broad leaves - large yellow ball flrs in Wi - tolerates clay - lives 15 years. |
Acacia polybotrya |
Western Silver Wattle - small tree to 6 m with a weeping habit - feathery bluish green leaves - sprays of showy yellow flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Acacia pravissima |
Oven's Wattle - Large shrub to 5m - pendulous branches with triangular grey phyllodes - yellow ball flrs in Sp - clay and frost tolerant |
Acacia pravissima Bushwalk Baby |
A small low growing shrub of up to 1.5 m across which will gracefully spill out of a tub or hanging basket - small wedge shaped grey leaves - the yellow flrs are produced in early Sp - tolerates frost & dry conditions. |
Acacia pravissima dwarf |
Compact shrub growing 1 m x 2 m - grey triangular leaves - golden spherical flrs in Sp - tolerant of frost down to -7 deg C. |
Acacia pubifolia |
Wyberba wattle - rare shrub or small tree to 4m - felted grey green phyllodes - showy yellow flr spikes in Sp - frost resistant.
(Descriptive label only) |
Acacia pycnostachya |
Bolivia Wattle - Rare in the wild, this erect tree grows to 12 m tall - long entire grey green phyllodes - produces bright yellow flr spikes from Wi till Sp - frost resistant. |
Acacia retinodes blue leaf |
A large shrub to 6 m tall - long narrow blue green phyllodes - sprays of pale
yellow globular flrs in Wi & Sp - frost tolerant. |
Acacia rubida |
Red-stemmed Wattle - shrub or small tree to 4m - attractive reddish stems - red ferny juvenile foliage changing to long grey-green phyllodes - pale yellow flrs in Sp - frost hardy. |
Acacia salicina |
Cooba - A long lived wattle to 12 m tall - pendulous green willow like foliage - pale yellow ball flrs in Su - suckers & is excellent in windbreaks - tolerant of drought, frost & heavy saline soils. |
Acacia sclerophylla |
Shrub to - lacy glaucous pinnate leaves - showy golden
yellow ball flrs in Sp - tolerant of wet & dry soils - frost
resistant. |
Acacia serpentinicola |
Ornamental spreading shrub - grey terete adult
phyllodes - golden ball shaped flrs in Sp - frost
resistant & tolerant of heavy clay. 0.5m |
Acacia sp. aff. leucolobia Warra |
Shrub originating near Glen Innes growing 3 m tall - bluish green phyllodes - yellow globular flrs in Sp - tolerant of frost. |
Acacia spectabilis |
Mudgee Wattle - shrub to 4 m - lacy glaucous pinnate leaves - showy golden yellow ball flrs in Sp - tolerant of wet & dry soils - frost resistant. |
Acacia Twilight Glow (syn. A. howittii x leprosa) |
Hardy small tree 5m x 3m - rich green foliage - ball shaped apricot coloured flrs in Wi & Sp - tolerant of frost |
Acacia ulicifolia
Acacia ulicifolia
Acacia ulicifolia |
Prickly Moses - Slow growing shrub for bird habitat - prickly spine like foliage - cream globular flrs in Wi & Sp - tolerant of most soil types & of frost. 1m |
Acacia vestita |
Hairy Wattle - Attractive weeping shrub to 4m - truncated furry grey leaves - bright yellow ball flrs in Sp - suited to exposed and rocky sites - frost resistant. |
Acacia victoriae |
Prickly or Elegant Wattle - an evergreen shrub to 4 m grown for firewood & the seeds
for bush tucker - pale yellow flrs in Su - tolerant of salt, alkaline & cracking clay soils - light frosts only. (Descriptive label only) |
Acacia viscidula |
Sticky Wattle - bushy erect shrub to 3 m high - sticky narrow green phyllodes - masses of yellow
ball flrs in Sp - moderate frost tolerance. |
Acacia wardellii
Acacia wardellii |
Rare shrub or small tree with silvery grey bark -broad sickle shaped leaves - yellow globular flrs occur in wi - medium frost resistance. 5m |
Acer palmatum |
Japanese Maple - deciduous bushy tree to 4 m - small 7-pointed leaves turn brilliant tones in Au - moist sheltered conditions - frost resistant. |
Acmena smithii |
Bushy tree to 12 m - ovate leaves with purplish new growth - tiny white flrs in Su followed by edible pink fruit - frost tender |
Acmena smithii dwarf |
Shrub to 2 m tall, good for hedges - green foliage with bronze new growth - fluffy cream blossom during Sp followed by edible pink & purple berries - enjoys fertile moist soils - light frost only. |
Adenanthos cuneatus |
A spreading shrub to 2 m tall - attractive pewter coloured lobed leaves with bronze new growth - dull red terminal flrs occur throughout the year - requires well drained soil & is tolerant of moderate frost. |
Adenanthos cunninghamii |
Prostrate Woolly Bush - low spreading shrub with soft grey green foliage - small red flrs in Sp - light frosts only - reasonably hardy in a well drained soil. |
Adenanthos detmoldii |
3m tall shrub for part shade - hairy grey green divided foliage - yellow tubular flrs with an orange throat are borne in leaf axils - frost resistant. |
Adenanthos dobsonii |
A spreading bushy plant to 0.5 m across - small silky grey/green leaves - pink & cream tubular flrs in Sp & Su - tolerant of some shade & moderate frost. |
Adenanthos sericeus |
Albany Woollybush - an upright shrub growing to 3 m tall - the soft grey green foliage is a feature - small red partially hidden grevillea like flrs in Sp & Su - tolerates dryness, lime & moderate frost. |
Adenanthos sericeus compact |
Dwarf Woolly Bush - a bushy plant to 1 m x 1 m useful for borders - the
soft grey green foliage makes a good foliage contrast - small dainty red tubular flrs in Sp - moderate frost tolerance. |
Agonis flexuosa |
Willow myrtle - spreading tree to 14 m - weeping branches of linear leaves - small white flr clusters in Sp - moderate frost only |
Agonis flexuosa nana |
Bushy shrub growing eventually to 2.5 m tall - attractive foliage with pink new growth - small white flrs appear in Sp - tolerant of some shade - light frost only - excellent screening plant. |
Agonis flexuosa Weeping Wonder |
Shrub to 1.5m - attractive weeping foliage - small white flrs in Su - hardy in most soil types - light frosts only. |
Agonis juniperina |
Native Cedar - upright almost columnar shrub to 5 m - small dark green leaves - small wh. flrs much of the year particularly in Au - useful cut flr - frost resistant & fast growing. |
Ajuga australis |
Herbaceous low growing plant - rosettes of dark hairy leaves - erect spikes of purple flrs in Sp & Su - frost resistant. |
Albizia julibrissin |
Pink Silk Tree - deciduous umbrella shaped tree to 10m - fern like leaves - clusters of fluffy pink flrs from Sp to Su - frost resistant. |
Albizia lophantha |
Cape Wattle - fast growing tree to 8m - dark green ferny foliage - yellowish green brushes in Wi - purplish trunk - short lived - frost tender when young. |
Alectryon oleifolius |
Boonaree - large shrub or small tree to 9 m tall - drooping branches of stiff linear grey green leaves - small cream flrs; black seeds with fleshy red aril - commonly grows on sandy soils associated with limestone - frost tolerant. (i) (Descriptive label only) |
Alectryon subdentatus |
Bushy small tree to 10 m tall - the glossy oval green
leaves have toothed margins & purplish red new growth - insignificant red flrs
are produced in Su - tolerant of drought - light frosts only. |
Allocasuarina inophloia |
Hairy Oak - tree to 7m - attractive brown fibrous bark - slightly pendulous branches - frost resistant. |
Allocasuarina littoralis |
Rounded small tree to 10 m tall - dark green needle like leaves - small reddish flrs are followed by oval woody fruit - hardy in most soils - frost tolerant. |
Allocasuarina luehmannii |
Bull Oak - small hardy slow growing tree to 10 m tall - coarse needle like foliage - useful
for heavy poorly drained soils - frost resistant. |
Allocasuarina rigida |
Mountain She-oak - dwarf oak growing only 3 m tall - segmented needle like leaves -
male & female flrs occur on separate plants in Wi - small woody cones - grows well in exposed windy situations - frost
resistant. |
Allocasuarina rupicola |
Sender shrub to 4 m tall - needle like leaves - tiny reddish brown catkins are followed by small woody cones - frost tolerant. |
Allocasuarina torulosa |
Forest She Oak - height 20 m, usually less - one of the most attractive casuarinas with fine reddish needles, corky bark & large ornamental pods - tolerant of clay soils - usually frost resistant - useful timber, particularly for fencing. |
Alphitonia excelsa |
Red Ash - small tree to 7m - large olive green leaves with pale underside - profuse clusters of creamy flrs in Au followed by black berries - moderate frosts only. |
Alyogyne hakeifolia |
An open easy to grow shrub to 3 m - succulent lime green divided leaves - showy 8 cm long pink hibiscus flrs in Sp & Su - light frosts only. |
Alyogyne hakeifolia Elle Maree |
An open easy to grow shrub to 2 m - succulent lime green divided leaves - large creamy yellow hibiscus like flrs with a maroon centre in Sp & Su - dry sunny position - frost tender. |
Alyogyne hakeifolia Melissa Anne |
An open fast growing shrub to 2 m - succulent lime green divided leaves - showy 8 cm long pink hibiscus like flrs during the warmer months - dry sunny position - frost tender. |
Alyogyne hakeifolia purple |
Upright shrub to 2 m - succulent lime green foliage - large purple hibiscus flrs in Sp - frost tender. |
Alyogyne heugelii |
Shrub to 2m - soft pelargonium like foliage - single purple Hibiscus flrs in Su - moderately frost
resistant. |
Alyogyne heugelii West Coast Gem |
Shrub to 2m - soft pelargonium like foliage - single purple Hibiscus flrs in Su - moderately frost resistant. |
Alyogyne huegelii x hakeifolia Natalie Anne |
Fast growing shrub - narrow divided dark green leaves - purple tulip shaped flrs from Sp till Au - prefers full sun & good drainage - light frost only. 2m x 2m |
Ammobium alatum |
Everlasting Daisy - An upright straw daisy best treated as an annual - soft grey green foliage - tall stems of white straw daisies with yellow centres in Su - tolerant of moderate frost. 1.0m x 0.75m |
Angophora bakeri |
an attractive tree with rough bark growing to a height of 10 m tall-narrow green leaves
- conspicuous terminal clusters of white flrs in Su - tolerant of most soils and moderate frost. |
Angophora costata |
Smooth-barked Apple - growing to a height of 20 m, this ornamental tree is remarkable for its smooth salmon coloured trunk - bright green opposite eucalypt like leaves - showy cream blossom in Sp - tolerant of moderate frost and clay soils. |
Angophora floribunda |
Rough barked Apple - hardy shade tree to 20m - abundant white flrs in Sp - tolerant of frost and clay soils. (Descriptive label only) |
Angophora leiocarpa |
Smooth-barked Apple - growing to a height of 20m, this ornamental tree is remarkable for its smooth salmon coloured trunk - bright green opposite eucalypt like leaves - showy cream blossom in Sp - tolerant of frost and clay soils. |
Angophora subvelutina |
Broad-leaved Apple - Spreading tree - rough persistent bark - broad green
heart shaped leaves - dense terminal clusters of cream
flrs in Su - tolerant of heavy soils & frost. 20m |
Anigozanthus flavidus Red |
Kangaroo Paw - Vigorous clumping plant to 1m x 1m - green straplike leaves - red flrs in Su - most hardy and frost resistant of the Kangaroo Paws. |
Anigozanthus viridis Green Machine |
A hardy vigorous Kangaroo paw reaching 1 m tall - grey green upright foliage - the large green Kanaroo paws make a good cut flr in Sp - light frost o |
Anthocercis littorea |
Fast growing upright shrub - succulent bright green
foliage - unusual long-petalled yellow flrs during Sp -
light frost only. 2.5m Descriptive label only |
Aphanopetalum resinosum |
Twining shrub for a moist shady spot - glossy lanceolate serrated leaves - greenish yellow flrs in Sp - frost tender. |
Arthropodium milleflorum |
Pale Vanilla Lily Small tufted perennnial - grass like foliage - white to mauve flowers with a slight
vanilla perfume are produced on slender stems in Sp - requires good drainage - tolerant of shade & frost. 0.5m Descriptive label only |
Astartea fascicularis |
Small spreading shrub to 1.5 m high - heath like leaves in clusters around the stems -
small white flrs most of the year - tolerant of moderate frost. |
Astartea fascicularis prostrate |
Small spreading shrub to 50 cm high - heath like leaves in clusters around the stems - small white flrs most of the year - frost resistant. |
Astartea heteranthera |
Shrub to 1.5m - fine dark green foliage - masses of small wh. flrs in Su - tolerant or heavy clay soils - frost resistant. |
Astartea Winter Pink |
Shrub to 1m - tiny needle like green leaves - pink starry flowers in Sp - usually frost resistant . |
Asterolasia asteriscophora |
Lemon Star-bush-ornamental upright shrub to 1.5 m tall - hairy grey green
foliage - lemon yellow starry flrs in Sp - tolerant of frost and dappled shade. |
Asterolasia asteriscophora Torrington |
Fast growing compact shrub to 1.5 m tall - soft dull green foliage - lemon yellow starry flrs in Sp - tolerant of frost & light shade. |
Asterolasia beckersii |
Dungowan Star Bush: A very rare plant from Dungowan Dam reaching 2.0 m in height - soft
grey green oval leaves - white starry flrs in Sp & Su - tolerant of frost - prefers well drained soil. |
Asterolasia beckersii x asteriscophora |
Vigorous upright shrub - felted grey green leaves -
yellow star-like flrs produced in Sp - tolerant of a
range of soil types as long as well-drained - moderately
frost hardy. |
Asterolasia buxifolia |
An extremely rare shrub - attractive foliage with oval green leaves and hairy stems - yellow 5-petalled flrs in Sp - requires well drained moist soil & is tolerant of moderate frost.2 m |
Asterolasia sp. Tinderry |
shrub to 50 cm tall - attractive grey foliage - bright yellow phebalium like flowers in Sp - requires good drainage - frost tolerant. |
Atalaya hemiglauca |
Whitewood - hardy short trunked tree growing 8 m tall - light grey flaky bark & grey
green pinnate leaves - terminal panicles of cream flrs from Su till Au - frost hardy. |
Atriplex cinerea |
Grey Saltbush - spreading shrub to 1 m tall growing on the margins of salt lakes - silver grey foliage - cream female flrs & reddish male flrs on separate plants - tolerates wind, salt & waterlogging.
(Descriptive label only) |
Atriplex nummularia |
Old Man Saltbush - Erect shrub reaching 3 m tall by 2 m wide - large round silver leaves - forms a good hardy hedge for arid areas - high value stock fodder - frost & drought tolerant. Descriptive label only) |
Atriplex nummularia Silver Holly |
Eyecatching foliage shrub - silvery grey holly-shaped leaves - prefers full sun & well drained soil - tolerates drought, flooding & frost. 3m x 2m |
Austromyrtus Blushing Beauty |
A hardy form of A. inophloia reaching 1.5 m in height - features dark burgundy new foliage much of the year - small white flrs in Su & small black fruit - light frost only. |
Austromyrtus Copper Tops |
A hardy spreading shrub reaching 0.5 m high with a spread of 1 m - arching branches of green foliage & coppery new growth - small star like white flrs in Sp & Su followed by edible grey berries - tolerates light frosts. |
Austromyrtus dulcis |
Midyim. Low spreading shrub 50 cm high x 80 cm wide - dainty foliage developing a reddish shade in colder climates - wh. tea tree like flrs followed by sweet edible wh. speckled berries - water essential - moderately frost resistant. |
Azalea pink/red |
Spreading shrub - dark pink/red flrs in Sp. - Descriptive
label only |
Azalea soft pink |
Spreading shrub - soft pink flrs with a dark centre
Descriptive label only |
Babingtonia crassa |
A rare shrub to 2 m tall from near Wollomombi Falls - small green aromatic elliptic leaves - clusters of white flrs in Su - frost resistant. |
Backhousia citriodora |
Lemon Myrtle - a tree to 15 m tall - strongly lemon scented foliage - profuse white flrs in Su - tolerates some shade - frost tender. |
Backhousia myrtifolia |
Cinnamon Myrtle - Bushy plant useful for hedging - broad green cinnamon scented leaves - cream flr clusters occur in Sp - tolerates semi shade and light frost - used as a flavouring in desserts & in herbal teas. 5m |
Baeckea astarteoides |
Heath Myrtle - dainty but hardy plant to 60 cm tall - tiny heath like leaves along the stems - pink flrs during late Sp which may be used as a cut flr - frost resistant. |
Baeckea camphorosmae |
A neat spreading plant to 50 cm high by 1 m across - heathlike aromatic foliage - masses of pink flrs in Su - demands excellent drainage - frost |
Baeckea omissa |
Upright plant to 2 m tall - super fine foliage, weeping slightly - small white flrs with pink buds occur from Sp till Su - frost tolerant. |
Baeckea sp. Clarence River |
A hardy open shrub reaching 2 m in height - fine dark green leaves on pendulous branches - showy with tiny white flrs during Sp - tolerant of frost & poor drainage. |
Baeckea sp. Mount Tozer |
A dense sprawling shrub to 1 m high by 2 m across which may be clipped to form a hedge - shiny dark green round leaves - showy white flrs along the stems in Su - tolerant of moderate frost. |
Baeckea stenophylla |
Weeping shrub to 1m - green conifer- like foliage - tiny wh. flrs in Su. tolerates water logging - frost resistant. (Descriptive label only) |
Baeckea Sweet Midget |
m A selected form of Baeckea virgata which grows into a dense cushion like shrub - tiny linear green leaves - sprays of small wh. flrs cover the bush in Su - hardy to drought & light frost. 1 m x m |
Baeckea virgata Dwarf |
Dense rounded cushion like shrub to 0.3 m high x 0.5 m wide - attractive fine light green foliage - masses of tiny white flrs in Sp - medium frost only. |
Baeckea virgata La Petite |
Dainty shrub to 1 m - dark green narrow leaves - profuse tiny white flrs during the Summer months - tolerates some shade - frost resistant. |
Baeckea virgata White Cascade |
Bushy shrub to 1 m high - pendulous fine green foliage - small white flrs in Sp & Su - tolerant of frost. |
Baloskion tetraphyllum (syn. Restio tetraphyllus) |
A moisture loving
rhizomatous plant - erect green plumelike stems to 1 m - insignificant flrs but excellent foliage for arrangements - frost
resistant. |
Banksia aemula |
Wallum Banksia - Robust shrub with a corky bark - large tough leaves with serrated edges - pale yellow flr spikes in Au & Wi - prefers well-drained soils - tolerates moderate frost & salt winds. 8m |
Banksia ericifolia |
Heath Banksia - ornamental shrub to 4m - narrow dark green leaves - long bronze flr spikes in Wi - frost resistant. |
Banksia ericifolia Dwarf |
This vigorous shrub grows to 2m - dark green heath like foliage - large orange red flr spikes in Wi & Sp - frost resistant. |
Banksia ericifolia Harlequin |
Heath Banksia - ornamental shrub to 4m - narrow dark green leaves - long red & yellow flr spikes in Wi - frost resistant. |
Banksia ericifolia Red & Cream Flowered Form |
Bushy shrub to 2m - narrow green leaves, useful screening plant - large red & cream flr spikes from Au to Sp - bird attracting - frost resistant. |
Banksia Giant Candles |
Shrub to 4m - small dark green linear leaves - bright orange flrs to 50 cm long - usually frost resistant. |
Banksia integrifolia |
Hardy tree or shrub to 10m - large leaves, dark green above and silver below - yellow flr spikes Au and Wi - frost resistant. |
Banksia integrifolia Angourie |
Hardy cutting grown shrub to 5 m - large leaves, dark green above and silver below - large bright yellow terminal flr spikes Au and Wi - grows well in most soils & is frost resistant. |
Banksia integrifolia dwarf |
Spreading shrub to 1.5 m - large dark green leaves with silver undersides - large yellow flrs in Au and Wi - frost hardy. |
Banksia integrifolia Roller Coaster |
Dense ground cover to 80 cm tall with a 2 m diameter - dark green
foliage with silvery backing - yellow honey rich flr spikes during Au & Wi - frost tolerant. |
Banksia marginata |
Silver Banksia - tree to 10 m - oblong leaves, green above and silvery below - yellow flower spikes - enjoys moist but well drained conditions - frost resistant. |
Banksia marginata dwarf |
Hardy dwarf plant growing 0.8 m high x 1.5 m wide - yellow flr spikes from Wi to Sp - frost resistant. |
Banksia marginata mauve |
tall shrub or small tree to 5 m - narrow silver backed leaves - small mauve grey flr spikes in Au & Wi - frost resistant. |
Banksia marginata miniature |
Hardy dwarf plant growing 0.3 m high x 1.5 m wide - yellow flr spikes from Wi to Sp - frost resistant. |
Banksia oblongifolia |
An eastern species to 2 m tall with a lignotuber - long leathery toothed leaves - lemon cylindrical flr spikes with blue-green buds in Au & Wi - frost tolerant. |
Banksia occidentalis |
Red Swamp Banksia - one of the easiest banksias to grow, it forms a dense shrub to 3 m - narrow dark green serrated leaves - bears ruby red cylindrical flr spikes during Au - frost resistant. |
Banksia paludosa prostrate |
Spreading shrub to 50 cm high by 1.5 m wide - dark green leaves with silver reverse - small greenish to yellow brown flr spikes in Au & Wi - hardy in most soils & tolerant of frost. |
Banksia robur |
Hardy upright shrub to 2 m tall - broad leathery serrated green leaves to 30 cm long - prominant yellow green flr spikes from Su to Wi - moderate frost tolerance. |
Banksia serrata |
An ornamental gnarled shrub or small tree up to 10 m tall - large saw-toothed leaves -
cylindrical grey green flower spikes in Au - tolerant of frost and salt spray. |
Banksia spinulosa |
Hairpin Banksia - bushy shrub to 2 m - very narrow serrated leaves - orange & black flrs in Wi - requires acidic soil - frost resistant. |
Banksia spinulosa dwarf red |
Spreading shrub reaching 1 m - narrow serrated green leaves - red & black flr spikes in Au & Wi - frost resistant. |
Banksia spinulosa Honeypots |
A dwarf banksia growing 0.5 m tall by 1.2 m wide - serrated green leaves - large orange nectar rich flrs Au till Sp - tolerant of frost & part shade. |
Banksia spinulosa pink |
rounded compact shrub to 1.5 m tall - green toothed leaves with soft new growth - spikes of honey rich flrs with pink styles occur in Au & Wi - frost resistant. |
Bauera Candy Stripe |
Compact shrub to 1 m - small dark green leaves - dainty pink & wh. bells during Sp - frost resistant. |
Bauera microphylla |
A dense groundcover growing to 50 cm tall & 1 m wide - tiny leaves arranged in whorls along the stems - prolific small pale pink flrs in Sp - requires ample moisture in a well drained soil - tolerant of frost & shade. |
Bauera rubioides deep pink |
Dog Rose - A dense groundcover growing to 1.5 m tall & 2 m wide - tiny leaves arranged in whorls along the stems - prolific small hot pink flrs in Sp & Su - requires ample moisture in a well drained soil - tolerant of frost & shade. |
Bauera rubioides Pale Pink |
Dog Rose - a particularly bushy spreading form of Dog Rose reaching only 50 cm high - fine foliage - masses of dainty pink bells in Sp - moist acid soil - sun or semi-shade - frost resistant. |
Bauera rubioides Tassie Princess (syn. Bauera Trial Harbour) |
Compact shrub to 1m tall - dark green foliage - the deep pink bell flrs are large for a dog rose & occur in Wi & Sp - moist well drained position - frost resistant. |
Bauera rubioides white |
Fast growing shrub to 2 m - wh flrs much of the year - dark green foliage - enjoys moist, well drained and acidic soil - frost resistant. |
Bauera Ruby Glow |
Dense shrub to 1 m - whorls of small leaves along the stem - reddish pink bell flrs from Wi-Sp - moist well drained position - frost resistant. |
Bauera sessiliflora |
Showy Bauera - fast growing dense shrub to 2 m - upright stems of neat dark green leaves - deep pink flrs along the stems in Sp - moist well drained soil - frost resistant. |
Beaufortia sparsa |
Gravel Bottlebrush - shrub to 3 m - small stem clasping leaves - very showy scarlet flrs in Su & Au - moderately frost resistant.. |
Beyeria viscosa |
Sticky Wallaby Bush - Upright shrub - long bluish green leaves - small pale yellow flrs in Su with female and male flrs on separate plants - tolerant of frosty & dry conditions. 3m
Descriptive label only
Billardiera bignoniacea |
Orange Bell Climber - Delicate creeper - reddish wiry stems with green elliptical leaves - attractive part orange part green bell
flrs in Sp & Su - suited to a shaded position with a cool
root run. (Descriptive label only) |
Billardiera candida |
Hardy twining plant growing to 1 m tall - fine green foliage - dainty pale blue to white starry flrs occur in Sp & Su - frost tolerant. (descriptive label only) |
Billardiera ringens |
Chapman River Climber Light weight climber - dark green leathery leaves - dense clusters of tubular orange/red flrs from Sp till Su - appreciates plenty of moisture. Climber to 2m
Descriptive label
only |
Billardiera scandens |
Apple Berry - a light weight twiner or ground cover - elliptical hairy green leaves with wavy edges - greenish cream tubular flrs ooccur thoughout the year - frost tolerant. |
Bolusanthus speciosus |
Tree wisteria - a small elegant upright tree with rough bark - green pinnate deciduous leaves - racemes of fragrant mauve flrs in Sp - drought resistant - medium frosts only. |
Boronia aff. Umbellata |
Dainty shrub to 1 m tall - aromatic pinnate leaves - bright pink starry flrs - requires a well drained position with available moisture - frost resistant. |
Boronia anemoniifolia |
Dainty upright shrub to 70 cm high - trifoliate strongly aromatic leaves - pink buds opening to wh. flrs throughout the year - requires a moist well-drained soil - frost resistant |
Boronia Carousel |
One of the hardier Boronias - aromatic green pinnate leaves - dark pink flrs ageing to red in Sp used as a cut flower - frost tolerant. 2m x 1.5m |
Boronia clavata |
A 2 m bushy shrub used as a grafting rootstock - aromatic pinnate leaves - cup shaped lime green flrs in Sp - tolerant of a variety of soils & moderate frost. |
Boronia coerulescens |
Upright open plant to 1 m tall - leaves are so tiny the stems appear leafless - rosy purplish four petalled flrs are produced during the cooler months - frost and drought tolerant. |
Boronia crenulata |
A dainty suckering plant to 60 cm - small oval leaves - bright pink star flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Boronia denticulata |
Shrub to 2m - fine light green aromatic foliage - prolific waxy pink star flrs in Sp - easy to grow - frost resistant. |
Boronia heterophylla |
A bushy rounded shrub to 1.5m tall - aromatic green pinnate leaves - fragrant pink 4 - petalled flrs are produced in Sp - frost tolerant |
Boronia heterophylla deep pink form |
A bushy rounded shrub to 1.5m tall - aromatic green pinnate leaves - fragrant
pink 4 - petalled flrs are produced in Sp - frost tolerant. |
Boronia heterophylla white |
A bushy rounded shrub - aromatic green pinnate leaves - white 4 - petalled flrs are produced in Sp - frost tolerant. To 1.5m |
Boronia heterophylla x megastigma |
Shrub growing to 80 cm tall - small aromatic green leaves - reddish purple flrs
in Sp used by florists - requires good drainage and protection from afternoon sun - frost tolerant. |
Boronia keysii |
Rare shrub growing to 1.5 m tall - aromatic lanceolate to pinnate leaves - deep pink star shaped flrs in Sp - enjoys a well drained moist situation - moderate frosts only. |
Boronia Lipstick |
A relatively hardy boronia to 1 m high - fine aromatic foliage - long lasting hot pink flrs in Sp - requires a partially shaded moist well drained position - frost tolerant. |
Boronia megastigma |
Brown Boronia - an open plant to 1.5 m tall - fine aromatic foliage - perfumed brown & yellow flrs in Wi & Sp - requires a moist friable well drained position - tolerates frost. |
Boronia megastigma Lutea |
Yellow Boronia - Dainty shrub to 1m - fine aromatic lime green foliage - sweetly scented yellow cup shaped flrs in Sp - moist, well drained soil - usually frost resistant. |
Boronia microphylla |
Erect shrub to 0.8 m - aromatic pinnate green leaves - pink starry flrs in Sp - frost resistant - moist sandy soils - frost resistant. |
Boronia muelleri compact |
Similar to but hardier than B. muelleri Sunset Serenade, this dainty plant grows to 1m - fern like foliage - pink bells in Sp - frost resistant. |
Boronia muelleri Sunset Serenade |
A dainty 1 m high shrub - fine aromatic green foliage - pink & white flrs in Wi & Sp - maintain a cool root run, particularly suited for tubs - usually frost resistant. |
Boronia pinnata South West Rocks |
A showy plant to 1.5 m - the green pinnate leaves are scented - pink star shaped flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Boronia polygalifola |
Dwarf Boronia - A ground hugging species common to eucalypt woodland - linear aromatic leaves - 4-petalled pink flrs occur in Sp & Su - prefers moist well-drained soil & is frost hardy.0.5m |
Boronia Telopea Valley Star |
Compact shrub growing to 2m - fern like foliage with dark growth tips - deep pink starry flrs in Sp - moist well drained soils in part shade - moderate frosts only. |
Brachychiton acerifolius |
Illawarra Flame Tree - rainforest tree to 20 m - large lime green lobed leaves which are deciduous during flowering - spectacular show of red bell -shaped flrs during late Sp to Su - requires plenty of water & is frost tender. |
Brachychiton australis |
Broad leaved Bottle Tree - faster growing than the narrow leaved variety, this tree will reach 12m - large maple like leaves deciduous while flowering - creamy bell shaped flrs in early Su - light frosts only. (Descriptive label only) |
Brachychiton bidwillii |
Little Kurrajong - Open deciduous shrub - large felted 5-lobed leaves
which are dropped shortly before flowering - clusters
of bell-shaped salmon pink flrs occur in Sp - frost
tender. 2m Descriptive label only |
Brachychiton gregorii |
Desert Kurrajong - A slow growing bushy tree for shade, shelter & fodder in dry areas - rough red/brown bark - tolerates drought, saline soils & moderate frost. 8m |
Brachychiton populneus |
Kurrajong - small bushy tree to 12m - useful fodder and shade tree for dry areas - suitable windbreak around cultivation - creamy bells in Sp followed by large boat shaped pods in Su - frost tender when young but generally very hardy. |
Brachychiton rupestris |
Narrow Leaf Bottle Tree - adaptable tree growing to 20m - swollen bottle like trunk - insignificant flowers followed by small interesting boat like pods - useful indoor plant- frost resistant. |
Brachyscome Amethyst |
Small rounded perennial, ideal for borders and pots –
green divided leaves – brilliant magenta daisies are
produced most of the year – light frosts only. Groundcover |
Brachyscome angustifolia Fresco Candy |
Colourful mounding groundcover for a cottage garden - deep green lobed leaves - large candy pink flrs in Sp, Su & Au - frost tolerance unknown. 25cm x 60cm |
Brachyscome Mauve Mystery |
Small rounded native plant - lush green finely divided leaves - mauve daisies, sometimes white or mauve & white occur throughout the year - tolerant of light frost. 30cm |
Brachyscome microcarpa |
Dwarf perennial herb - lobed green leaves - amethyst daisies with yellow centres occur from Wi till Su - prefers dappled shade. To 15cm x 80cm |
Brachyscome multifida |
Neat suckering groundcover - purple daisies most of the year - good pot plant - tolerates light frosts. |
Brachyscome multifida alba |
Neat suckering groundcover - white daisies most of the year - good pot plant - tolerates light frosts. |
Brachyscome multifida Break of Day |
A neat hardy plant for the rockery or border spreading to 40 cm wide - bright blue daisies most of the year - medium frost only. |
Brachyscome multifida Compact |
Small spreading rockery plant - fine compact green foliage mauve daisy flrs throughout the year - tolerates light frost. |
Brachyscome multifida Pink |
Neat prostrate suckering plant to 40cm diam. - soft green foliage - pink daisy flrs most of the year- tolerates light frosts. |
Brachyscome Pilliga Posy |
A small suckering native daisy to 15 cm high - forms a rosette of attractive lobed wedge shaped green leaves - bears bright pink daisies with yellow centres most of the year - frost resistant. |
Brachyscome rigidula Alpine form |
Clump forming perennial - dissected green leaves - bluish purple daisies in Sp & Su - grows well in heavy clay - requires regular pruning - frost resistant. 30cm x 50cm |
Brachyscome spathulata |
Perennial daisy - forms a basal rosette of lush green toothed leaves - large mauve daisies throughout the year - grows in heavy clay soils at altitude - frost resistant. |
Brachyscome Valencia |
Larger and less compact than B. multifida - longer stemmed mauve daisy flrs - tolerates light frost. |
Bulbine bulbosa |
a dainty lily growing to 40 cm tall for a rockery or mass planting - succulent hollow green leaves -
attractive bright yellow spikes of fragrant flrs occur during the warmer months - the corm & roots are highly regarded
bush tucker - prefers a moist position - tolerant of frost. |
Bursaria spinosa |
Blackthorn - tall upright hardy shrub reaching 4 m tall - prickly stems with small green shiny leaves - large spikes of small wh. scented flrs in Su followed by attractive clusters of reddish brown seed pods - a host plant for parasitic wasps & some butterflies - frost tolerant. (Descriptive label only) |
Bush Lemon |
Hardy bushy tree to 4 m tall - bright green citrus scented foliage - pale pink flrs in Sp - round dimpled lemons during Su - tolerant of frost & dry periods. |
Cadellia pentastylis |
Ooline - shrub or small tree to 6m - round glossy leaves with red growth tips - white flrs followed by showy red calyces in Su - frost and drought resistant.
(Descriptive label only) |
Calandrinia balonensis |
Parakeelya - herbaceous plant with basal rosette of fleshy green leaves - produces throughout the year showy purplish pink flrs with a yellow centre on slender stems - frost tender. |
Callistemon Allyn Candy |
A selected form of C. salignus - dense foliage
with bright pink new growth - light frost only. |
Callistemon Burgundy |
Bushy selected seedling of C. "Reeves Pink" growing to 2 m - dark green leaves - deep burgundy red brushes with gold anthers in Sp & Su - frost resistant. |
Callistemon Cameo Pink |
Probably a form of C. salignus growing 4 m high - pink growth tips - tiny flr spikes of a deep rose pink with yellow anthers - frost hardiness unknown, possibly frost tender when young. |
Callistemon Candy Pink |
Fast growing shrub to 1.5 m - narrow foliage - bright pink brushes 3x a year - frost resistant. |
Callistemon Captain Cook |
Compact shrub to 2m - soft bright green foliage - red brushes in Sp, Su & Au - light frosts only. |
Callistemon Cherry Time |
This cross between C. subulatus & C. citrinus forms a weeping shrub to 1.8 m tall - glossy green leaves with bronze new growth - cherry red brushes from Sp to Su - frost tolerant. |
Callistemon citrinus |
Compact shrub to 3 m - stiff dark green foliage - large crimson brushes in Sp & Au - usually
frost resistant. |
Callistemon citrinus Angela |
Shrub to 2 m selected from a natural stand of red citrinus - broad green leaves - stamens grade from pink inside to white outside, flrs in Sp & Au - frost resistant |
Callistemon citrinus Endeavour |
Shrub to 3m - stiff dark green foliage with pink new growth - large crimson brushes in Sp & Au - usually frost resistant. |
Callistemon citrinus Rowena |
A hardy rounded shrub to 1.5m high - bright green foliage - dense red brushes with a pink hue during Sp - tolerant of frost & clay soils. |
Callistemon citrinus White Anzac |
Attractive dense shrub to 1.5 m - oval green leaves - white bottlebrushes in Sp & Au - frost resistant. |
Callistemon Clearview White |
Vigorous upright shrub to 4 m - stiff broad green leaves - white brushes in Sp and Au - frost resistant. |
Callistemon Coochy Coochy |
Shrub reaching 3 m - narrow green leaves - red brushes with yellow anthers during Su - frost resistant. |
Callistemon Dawson River |
Large shrub to small tree with branches weeping to the ground - bright red brushes in Sp and Su - heavy soils - frost tender when young. |
Callistemon Eastland |
Spreading shrub to approx. 1.5 m tall - citrinus type green leaves - large mauve pink brushes in Sp & Su - frost resistant. |
Callistemon Eulahbar Beauty |
Hardy upright shrub to 2m - green lanceolate leaves - very large red bottlebrushes in Spring - frost resistant. |
Callistemon Eureka |
Upright shrub to 5m high - bright red new growth - brilliant hot pink/purple brushes in Sp - frost tender when young. |
Callistemon Father Christmas |
A form of C. pallidus, this hardy bottlebrush reaches 2 m - silky young foliage becoming smooth with age - creamy brushes with red anthers in Sp - frost resistant. |
Callistemon Firebrand |
Ground cover with a 2.5m spread - green oval but pointed leaves - large red bottlebrushes late Sp - Su - frost hardy. |
Callistemon flavovirens |
Spreading shrub - stiff leathery green leaves with hairy new growth - greenish yellow bottlebrushes are produced in late Sp till Su - frost resistant. 1.5m |
Callistemon flavovirens pink |
Spreading shrub - stiff leathery green leaves with hairy new growth - green & pink bottlebrushes are produced in Sp - frost resistant. 1.5m |
Callistemon formosus |
Kingaroy Bottlebrush - A very hardy shrub reaching 5 m high by 3 m wide - pendulous branches of narrow green leaves with purplish new growth - lemon yellow flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Callistemon Four Seasons |
A C. viminalis hybrid to 1.5 m tall - soft green foliage - large red flrs throughout the year - tolerant of moderate frost. |
Callistemon Gibraltar Pink |
This hardy but rare shrub reaches 3 m tall - green leaves with pinkish new growth - mushroom pink flrs during late Sp - particularly frost resistant. |
Callistemon Glasshouse Country |
Callistemon salignus is a parent of this strongly upright shrub - light green leaves - beautiful mid pink brushes in Spring - moderate frost tolerance. 3m x 1.5m |
Callistemon Great Balls of Fire |
This compact shrub creates an excellent hedge - lush
green foliage with brilliant pinkish red new growth -
occasional pale yellow flrs are produced during Sp & Su -
accepts dry periods but tolerates only moderate frost. To 1,75m |
Callistemon Great Lakes |
Hardy shrub to 3 m tall - pointed green leaves - showy plum red brushes in Sp - tolerant of frost & water logging. |
Callistemon Green Envy |
A dwarf compact form of Callistemon growing 0.5 m x 1 m - lush green foliage - bright red bottlebrushes in Sp - makes a showy border - tolerant of moderate frost. |
Callistemon Guyra Hybrid |
Fast growing shrub to 1.5m - narrow foliage - bright pink brushes in Su - usually frost resistant. |
Callistemon Hannah Ray |
Dense shrub to 5 m - soft weeping green foliage - magnificent display of large red brushes Au & Sp - frost tender when young. |
Callistemon Hannah's Child |
Hardy vigorous shrub growing 3 - 5 m tall - glossy green foliage - mass display of red bottlebrushes in Sp, with spot flrs throughout the year - frost tender when young. |
Callistemon Happy Valley |
Endemic to Stanthorpe, Qld, this erect shrub grows 4 m tall - dark green oval leaves - flr spikes have pink stamens & red anthers & occur in Sp - frost tolerant. |
Callistemon Harkness |
Large hardy shrub to 3 m tall - tough dark green foliage - bears huge red brushes in Sp, one of the first bottlebrushes to flr - hardy to frost & heavy soils. |
Callistemon Hen Camp Creek |
This hardy shrub grows to 4 m tall by 2 m wide - bluish green foliage - red brushes are produced in Sp & Au - frost tender while young. |
Callistemon Hinchinbrook |
Distinctive squat growing shrub to 1.5 m tall - attractive broad leaves with bronze new growth - clusters of red brushes with gold anthers appear in Sp - light frost only. |
Callistemon Injune |
Semi-weeping shrub to 3 m tall - narrow green leaves - flushes of pale pink brushes several times during the warmer months - hardy in heavy sometimes waterlogged soils - frost resistant. |
Callistemon Kings Park Special |
Bushy shrub to 5m - red bottlebrushes in Sp - heavy soils - drought tolerant - frost tender when young. |
Callistemon Lavender Showers |
Shrub to 2 m tall - green foliage - purplish pink brushes during Sp - frost
resistant. |
Callistemon linearis |
Very hardy open shrub to 3 m tall - narrow pointed linear leaves - 10 cm long red flr spikes in Sp & Su - frost resistant. |
Callistemon Little John |
Compact shrub to 1m - green grey foliage - bright red brushes throughout the year - good tub specimen - light frosts only. |
Callistemon macropunctatus |
Scarlet Bottlebrush - Hardy shrub - thick pointed green leaves - bright red brushes with yellow anthers late Sp till early Su - frost tolerant. 4m |
Callistemon Mary MacKillop |
Dense hardy shrub to 2.5 m tall - weeping branches of soft green foliage - cardinal red bottlebrushes from Sp till Au - moderate frost tolerance only. |
Callistemon Mauve Mist |
Dense shrub to 3m - stiff green foliage - mauve-pink bottlebrushes in late Sp to Su - frost resistant. |
Callistemon montanus |
Bushy shrub to 3 m - dark green leaves with pink new growth - red flrs in Sp - accepts a little shade & is frost tolerant. |
Callistemon Mount Drummer |
Originating in East Gippsland, this hardy shrub grows to 3 m - dark green citrinus like foliage - prolific purple brushes occur in Sp & Su - frost resistant. |
Callistemon Mr Foster |
Upright compact shrub to 3 m tall - broad green leaves - superb red bottlebrushes to 20 cm long throughout the year - frost resistant |
Callistemon pachyphyllus red |
Useful bottlebrush growing to only 1.5 m tall - narrow green foliage - short red flower spikes during Sp - tolerates poor drainage & frost. |
Callistemon pachyphyllus var. viridis |
Useful bottlebrush growing to only 1.5 m tall - narrow green foliage - short green flower spikes during Sp - tolerates poor drainage & frost. |
Callistemon Packer's Selection |
A compact shrub to 1.5 m - arching branches of narrow leaves - abundant small deep red flrs during Sp - tolerates frost & wet conditions. |
Callistemon pallidus |
Lemon Bottlebrush - Upright shrub to 3 m - silky young growth leading to smooth pointed foliage - yellow bottlebrushes in Sp and Su - full or filtered sun - frost resistant. |
Callistemon pallidus Candle Glow |
A ground covering bottlebrush reaching 60 cm high x 2.5 m across - dull green foliage with soft silvery new growth - lemon yellow flrs in Sp & Au - frost resistant. |
Callistemon pallidus lilac form |
Upright shrub to 3 m - silky young growth leading to smooth pointed foliage - lilac bottlebrushes in Sp and Su - full or filtered sun - frost resistant. |
Callistemon paludosus |
Pale pink form - shrub to 2m - linear leaves - small pale pink bottle brushes in Su - frost resistant. |
Callistemon pearsonii Rainbow Falls |
Bushy shrub to 2 m - small stiff leaves with bronze new tips - red bottlebrush flrs with yellow anthers in Sp - frost resistant. |
Callistemon Perth Pink |
Upright shrub to 3 m tall - green foliage with pink new growth - bright pink brushes in Sp - frost tolerant. |
Callistemon Phil May |
Almost prostrate bottlebrush reaching a height of 60 cm by 1.5 m wide - linear leaves with pink new growth - short red brushes with yellow anthers appear in Sp - frost resistant. |
Callistemon phoeniceus Pink Ice |
Stiff upright bush to 3 m - tough pointed grey green leaves contrasting with the large delicate 2 tone pink brushes in Sp - frost and drought resistant. |
Callistemon phoeniceus red |
Fiery Bottlebrush – open shrub to 2 m tall – the grey leaves are stiff & narrow – large brilliant red bottlebrushes in Sp & Au – tolerant of drought & frost. |
Callistemon pinifolius |
hardy open shrub to 3m - dark green pine needle like leaves - green brushes in Sp - frost tolerant - cool districts only. |
Callistemon pinifolius red |
Hardy open shrub to 3 m - dark green pine needle like leaves - green brushes in Sp - frost resistant - cool districts only. |
Callistemon Pink Alma |
Compact shrub growing 1.5 m x 1.5 m - oval green leaves with pink new growth - good display of mid pink brushes in Sp & again in Au - frost tolerant. |
Callistemon Pink Champagne |
Upright shrub to 3 m tall x 2 m wide - attractive grey green foliage - pink brushes in flushes throughout the year - frost resistant. |
Callistemon pityoides |
Alpine Bottlebrush - compact shrub to 1m - small pointed leaves - small dense pale yellow brushes in Sp and Su - tolerates frost and snow. |
Callistemon pityoides pink form |
Alpine Bottlebrush - shrub growing to 1.5 m tall - very small green leaves - short pink brushes with yellow anthers occur in Sp - tolerant of frost & wet conditions. |
Callistemon polandii dwarf |
Spreading shrub to 1m tall - broad green leaves - deep red bottlebrushes with yellow anthers in Su - moderate frost only. |
Callistemon Prestige Pink |
A tidy rounded shrub growing to 2 m tall - green foliage with reddish new growth - hot pink fading to soft pink brushes in Sp - frost resistant. |
Callistemon pungens |
Hardy shrub to 3 m - broad dark green leaves with silvery new growth - 6cm long purple brushes in Sp - frost resistant. |
Callistemon Purple Splendour |
Hardy shrub to 2 m - stiff dark green leaves - large showy purple bottlebrushes in Sp - frost resistant. |
Callistemon purpurascens |
Critically endangered shrub from the Blue Mountains -
green pointed leaves - large purple flrs fading to dull
red - tolerant of frost. 3.5m |
Callistemon purpurascens |
Critically endangered shrub from the Blue Mountains -
green pointed leaves - large purple flrs fading to dull
red - tolerant of frost. 3.5m |
Callistemon Red Clusters |
Shrub to 3 m tall - lanceolate citrinus like leaves - bears clusters of red bottle brushes near the ends of the branches in Sp & Su - frost resistant. |
Callistemon Reeves Pink |
Shrub to 3 m - stiff broad dark green leaves - clear pink brushes in Su - frost resistant. |
Callistemon Reliance |
An upright shrub to 2 m tall - long linear dark green leaves - red bottlebrushes in Sp & Au - frost tolerance unknown. |
Callistemon rigidus |
3 m tall open shrub - tough grey pointed leaves - beautiful white buds followed by red brushes in Sp - drought & frost resistant - tolerant of poor drainage. |
Callistemon Rocky Rambler |
(syn. C. pearsonii) - open lowgrowing bottlebrush to 30 cm high - small narrow semi-prickly leaves - showy bright red brushes with yellow anthers during Sp - frost resistant. |
Callistemon rugulosus (syn. C. macropunctatus) |
Hardy shrub to 4 m tall - stiff dark green pointed leaves - red brushes with yellow anthers are produced in Su - tolerant of frost & salt. |
Callistemon Running River |
(syn. C. Ewan Rd) - a compact erect shrub to 2.5 m tall - stiff grey green foliage - small red brushes with gold anthers in Sp - light frosts only. |
Callistemon salignus Great Balls of Fire |
This compact shrub forms an excellent hedging plant
reaching a height of 1,.75 m - lush green foliage with brilliant pinkish red new growth - pale yellow
flrs during Sp & Su - appreciates plenty of water and only moderate frost. |
Callistemon serpentinus |
Woods Reef - Bushy shrub to 3 m tall - narrow green leaves - creamy brushes occur in late Sp & Su - frost & drought resistant. |
Callistemon Severn River |
now known as a form of C. viminalis, this 4 m Tall weeping shrub originated near Stanthorpe - green foliage with soft bronze new growth - red brushes with yellow anthers during Sp - frost tolerant. |
Callistemon sieberi |
Dense bushy shrub to 4 m - narrow grey green linear leaves - small pale pink brushes fading to cream in Sp - tolerant of frost & water logging. |
Callistemon sieberi Avenue Gully |
Ornamental bushy shrub - narrow silver grey leaves - small bright pink bottlebrushes in late Sp - frost resistant. 2.5m |
Callistemon sieberi Millie Marsden |
This 3 m tall shrub originated in the Stanthorpe district - the grey/green foliage is particularly fine & weeping - small pale pink brushes during Sp - tolerant of heavy frost & poorly drained soil. |
Callistemon sieberi Mount Mistake |
This hardy shrub grows to about 1.2 m - pendulous grey green foliage - mid pink flowers with yellow anthers appear repeatedly during the warmer months - frost resistant. |
Callistemon sieberi pink |
Bushy shrub to 2 m - linear grey /green leaves - profuse small pink brushes during Sp - tolerant of frost & water logging. |
Callistemon sieberi purple |
Bushy shrub to 2 m - linear dark green leaves - profuse small purple brushes during Sp - tolerant of frost & water logging. |
Callistemon sp. Bolivia Pink |
Rare shrub from near Bolivia Hill growing to 3m tall - oval green leaves - bright pink brushes in summer - frost resistant. |
Callistemon sp. Boonoo Boonoo Red |
Bushy shrub to 2 m tall - small tough grey green leaves - short dense red flr spikes in Su - frost resistant. |
Callistemon sp. Gibraltar Pink |
This hardy but rare shrub reaches 3 m tall - green leaves with pinkish new growth - mushroom pink flrs during late Sp - particularly frost resistant. |
Callistemon sp. Horse Paddock |
Compact shrub growing 2 m high - broad green leaves with showy red new growth - bright red brushes occur in Sp - requires minimal pruning - tolerant of moderate frost. |
Callistemon sp. Torrington (syn. C. sp. Big Red) |
3m tall woody shrub - tough leathery green leaves - dark red flrs in early summer - frost resistant |
Callistemon subulatus |
Compact hardy shrub reaching 1.5 m - slightly pendulous branches of narrow green leaves - masses of red flr spikes with yellow anthers in Su - frost resistant. |
Callistemon Sugar Creek Road |
Hardy shrub to 3 m tall - narrow green leaves - long bright pink scented bottlebrush flowers occur in Spring - frost tolerance unknown. |
Callistemon Taree Pink |
Grows into a dense 3 m tall shrub - green foliage with colourful pink new growth - clusters of bright pink bottlebrushes in Sp - tolerant of frost. |
Callistemon Tom's Pink |
Shrub to 2 m - attractive lime green foliage - open bright pink brushes in Sp - moderate frost only. |
Callistemon viminalis |
Weeping Bottlebrush - Ornamental tree/shrub to 10 m - pendulous green foliage - red bottlebrushes in Sp - tolerant of heavy soils and frosts. |
Callistemon viminalis Pindi Pindi |
Hardy shrub to 5m - weeping blue/green foliage with pink new growth - bright red brushes in Sp - frost tender when young. |
Callistemon viminalis Pink |
Hardy shrub to 3 m tall - soft slightly weeping green foliage - dark pink brushes in Sp - tolerant of moderate frost. |
Callistemon viminalis Prolific |
Small tree growing to 6m high by 4m wide - pendulous branch tips - red brushes in Sp, Su and Au - frost resistant. |
Callistemon viminalis Rose Opal |
A dense shrub reaching 2 m - narrow green foliage which will form a hedge if pruned in Nov. & Feb. - flr clusters produced in Sp change from deep red to rose colour as the flr matures - frost tender when young. |
Callistemon viminalis Wildfire |
Shrub to 2m - soft green weeping foliage - spectacular display of orange/red flrs in Sp - moderate frosts only. |
Callistemon violaceus |
Dense rounded shrub to 3m - dark green elliptical leaves with burgundy growth tips - purple brushes in Sp & Au - frost resistant. |
Callistemon Watermelon |
Erect hardy plant - weeping branches of narrow leaves - open watermelon coloured brushes are produced in flushes throughout the year - frost resistant. 3m |
Callistemon Western Glory |
Shrub to 4m - stiff green foliage - very large mauve red brushes - frost resistant. |
Callistemon Wilderness White |
Shrub to 3m - attractive grey green foliage - white brushes in Sp - frost resistant. |
Callistemon Wildfire of Newcastle - (syn. C. Kotara Rose) |
This shrub will grow 2 - 4 m tall - gently weeping branches of stiff narrow green leaves - profuse red bottlebrushes in Sp & Su - frost resistant. |
Callistimon salignus |
Small tree to 8m - green foliage with pink growth tips - cream brushes in Sp - moderate frosts only. |
Callitris endlicheri |
Black cypress pine - Native conifer with a rough dark bark - bright green foliage - small woody cones are produced on the female trees - frequently occurs on rocky ridges in poor soils - tolerant of drought & frost. 15m Descriptive
label only |
Callitris macleayana |
Stringybark Pine - dense columnar tree reaching 15 m - dark green foliage turning reddish in Wi - 3 cm cones - frost & shade tolerant. |
Callitris monticola |
Dwarf Cypress Pine - a hardy compact plant suitable for formal gardens , this native pine reaches a height of 3m by 1m diameter - green foliage and small rounded cones - frost hardy. |
Callitris oblonga |
Pygmy Cypress Pine - Bushy shrub with Christmas tree shape - pale green foliage - small grey pine cones - prefers moist sandy soil - frost tolerant. 4-5m Descriptive label only |
Calostemma luteum |
Native daffodil - a hardy native lily with strap like foliage - heads of yellow trumpet-like flrs in Su - frost and drought resistant. Descriptive label only |
Calostemma purpureum |
Garland lily - eventually forming a very large bulb, this hardy plant has strap like leaves - wine red flr heads on 40 cm high stems in Su - tolerant of water logging, drought and frost. |
Calothamnus pinifolius |
Upright shrub to 2m - terete prickly green leaves - crimson one-seded bottle brush flrs occur in Sp - light frost only. |
Calothamnus quadrifidus dwarf |
Spreading shrub to 1m - dark green pine like foliage - bright red one sided bottle brush flowers in Sp - frost resistant. |
Calothamnus quadrifidus Grey Form |
Net Bush - shrub to 3 m - upright branch spikes of downy grey foliage - brilliant red one-sided bottlebrush flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Calothamnus quadrifidus prostrate |
Spreading shrub to 1.5 m tall x 2 m wide - green pine like foliage - red one sided bottlebrush flrs in Sp - moderately frost hardy. |
Calothamnus quadrifidus Starlight |
Spreading shrub to 1.5 m tall - soft pine needle like foliage - creamy yellow one sided bottlebrushes in Sp - frost resistant. |
Calothamnus quadrifidus yellow |
Spreading shrub to 1.5m tall - soft pine needle like foliage - creamy yellow one sided bottlebrushes in Sp - frost resistant. |
Calothamnus villosus |
Silky Net Bush - shrub to 2 m - attractive dark green terete leaves - red one sided bottlebrush flrs in Sp & Su - frost resistant. |
Calotis dentex |
White Burr Daisy - Fast growing upright perennial - hairy green leaves with toothed margins - white to pale mauve flrs with a yellow centre occur throughout the year - tolerant of moderate frost. 80cm |
Calotis lapaceus |
Perennial forb with a thick tap root - tiny divided green leaves - produces masses of small yellow daisies thoughout the year - tolerant of drought & frost. 0.5m
(descriptive label only) |
Calytrix fraseri |
Rounded shrub to 1 m high - small linear green leaves - reddish purple starry flrs in Sp & Su - good drainage essential - frost tolerant. |
Calytrix tetragona prostrate pink |
A compact shrub reaching approx. 0.30 m high x 1 m wide - bright green narrow heath like leaves - masses of pink starry flrs in Sp - well drained soil required - frost resistant. |
Calytrix tetragona Rich Pink |
a spreading compact shrub reaching 1 m high x 1.5 m wide - narrow heath like leaves - masses of very ornamental pink starry flrs in Sp - well drained soil required - frost resistant. |
Calytrix tetragona white |
A spreading open shrub to 1 m - long branches of aromatic heathlike leaves - white starry flrs in Sp followed by attractive reddish calices - frost resistant. |
Capparis mitchellii |
Native Orange - Rounded tree - spiny juvenile leaves followed by ovate
leaves - large showy white flrs & edible fruit - tolerant
of drought & moderate frost. 4m Descriptive label only |
Cassia brewsteri |
Shrub or small bushy tree to 12 m high - attractive fern like foliage - pendulous spikes of yellow-orange to red flrs in Sp - drought tolerant but frost tender - useful street tree. |
Cassinia Blondie |
Bushy shrub growing 2 m high - dark green linear leaves, grey underneath - compact yellow flr. heads - frost tolerant. |
Cassinia straminea |
Bushy shrub - dark green linear leaves, grey
underneath - compact yellow flr. heads - frost tolerant.
Descriptive label only |
Castanea sativa |
Spanish Chestnut - handsome symmetrical tree growing to 15m - deciduous serrated leaves - seedling which bears edible nuts in Au after approx. 4 years - prefers deep fertile soils and is frost hardy - cabinet timber. |
Casuarina Cousin It |
Unusual ground cover - useful for growing over a wall -
fine dark green foliage - tolerant of moderate frost.
Width 3m |
Casuarina cristata |
Belah - hardy farm tree to 12 m - long dark green needle like foliage & attractive seed pods - tolerant of hot, dry & saline conditions - frost resistant. |
Casuarina cunninghamiana |
River Oak - fast growing tree to 20 m - dark green needle like foliage - tolerates poorly drained & saline soils - frost resistant. |
Casuarina distyla |
She Oak - A shrub to 5m - dense pine like foliage - large decorative pods - frost and drought resistant. - suitable screen or windbreak species. |
Casuarina glauca |
Swamp Oak - Fast growing adaptable bushy tree - slightly pendulous branches of needle like foliage - useful for windbreaks
tolerant of frost, mild salinity & waterlogged soils. |
Casuarina glauca fine leaf form (syn. C. sp. prostrate) |
A vigorous ground cover to 3 m across - useful for growing
over a wall - fine dark green foliage- frost resistant.
(Descriptive label only) |
Casuarina inophloia |
Woolly Oak - tree to 5 m tall - pine like needles & an unusual reddish fibrous bark - small bright red flrs followed by woody fruit - frost & drought resistant. |
Casuarina sp. Prostrate |
A vigorous ground cover to 3 m across - useful for growing over a wall - fine dark green foliage- frost resistant.
(Descriptive label only) |
Casuarina torulosa |
Forest She Oak - Height 20m -One of the most attractive Casuarinas with fine reddish needles, corky bark & large ornamental pods, tolerant of clay soils, good timber, usually frost resistant. |
Ceanothus Blue Cushion |
Attractive ground cover reaching 40cm high with a 1.5m diameter - dark green mint like leaves - shrub is covered in deep blue flrs in Sp and Su - frost resistant. |
Ceanothus Blue Pacific |
Fast growing bushy shrub to 2 m - glossy green mint like leaves - clusters of blue flrs in Sp - frost resistant.. |
Ceanothus Gloire de Versailles |
Ornamental shrub to 2 m tall - green semi deciduous foliage - clusters of pale blue flrs in Su followed by attractive reddish seed heads - tolerant of frost & alkaline soils. |
Ceanothus Marie Simon |
Rounded shrub to 1.5 m tall - oval semi deciduous green leaves - beautiful soft pink clusters of flrs in Sp and Su followed by burgundy coloured seed heads - frost resistant. |
Ceanothus prostratus |
Spreading shrub growing to 15cm high by 2-3m wide - bright green oval leaves - bright blue flrs - frost resistant. (Descriptive label only) |
Ceanothus Snow Flurry |
Shrub with a height of 2 m - shiny bright green foliage - white flr clusters in Sp - frost resistant. (Descriptive label only) |
Ceratopetalum Alburys Red |
Christmas Bush - erect shrub to 4 m - glossy green trifoliate leaves with pink new growth - the terminal sprays of white starry flrs in Sp are followed by a show of deep red calyces at Christmas time - light frost only. |
Ceratopetalum gummiferum Magenta Star |
N.S.W. Christmas Bush - upright shrub to 5m - green trifoliate leaves with brilliant red new growth - small white flrs in Sp, the bracts of which turn red at Christmas time - moderate frosts only. |
Ceratopetalum gummiferum variegata |
Variegated N.S.W. Christmas Bush - large shrub to small tree - attractive variegated foliage with reddish new growth - small wh. flrs followed by showy red bracts at Christmas time - light frosts only. |
Ceratopetalum Johanna's Christmas |
Compact form of NSW Christmas bush reaching only 1.2 m tall -
divided green leaves - white starry flrs in Sp followed by showy red bracts at Christmas time - light frost only. |
Cercis siliquastrum |
Judas Tree - slow growing deciduous spreading tree to 6m - rounded bauhinia like leaves - bright pink pea flrs along the branches in Sp - tolerant of lime , drought and frost. |
Chamaecytisus palmensis |
Lucerne Tree - Evergreen legumenous shrub or small tree growing to 5m - long drooping leafy branches - profuse white pea flrs in Sp - drought resistant fodder tree - frost tender when young. (Descriptive label only) |
Chamelaucium axillare |
Esperance Wax - a hardy plant growing 2m tall - fine foliage - showy flrs which are white and age red in Sp - moderate frosts only. |
Chamelaucium Lady Stephanie |
Neat shrub to 2m - pine like foliage - white to pale pink flrs in Sp, useful for cut flr growers - well drained soil - light frosts only. |
Chamelaucium Moulin Rouge |
Rounded shrub - green pine needle like leaves - pink buds aging to dark pink & lilac Geraldton wax flrs occur in Sp lasting weeks as a cutflower - tolerant of moderate frost. 2m x 1.5m |
Chamelaucium uncinatum |
Pink Geraldton Wax - Fast growing open shrub to 3m - fine feathery foliage - pink flrs in Sp - moderate frosts only. |
Chamelaucium uncinatum alba |
Neat shrub - lime green pine like foliage - white waxy 5 petalled flrs in Sp which last well when picked - drought tolerant once established - light frosts only. 2m |
Chamelaucium uncinatum Burgundy Blush |
Geraldton Wax - shrub to 3 m - fine green foliage - burgundy flrs with white centres in Sp - moderate frosts only. |
Chamelaucium uncinatum CWA Pink |
Pink Geraldton Wax - fast growing open shrub to 3 m - fine feathery foliage - pink flrs in Sp - moderate frosts only. |
Chamelaucium uncinatum Early Pink |
Shrub to 3m - soft needle like foliage - large pale pink flrs May to June - frost and lime tolerant. |
Chamelaucium uncinatum Moulin Rouge |
Fast growing upright shrub - soft needle like green leaves - a mix of deep pink & pale pink Geraldton wax flrs are produced in Sp - tolerant of drought & moderate frost. 2m x 2m |
Chamelaucium uncinatum Purple Pride |
Geraldton Wax - shrub to 3m - fine green foliage - purple flrs with white centres in Sp - moderate frosts only. |
Chamelaucium Wanneroo |
Neat shrub to 2 m - pine like foliage - white aging to pink flrs in Sp, - attractive cut flower - well drained soil - moderate frosts only. |
Chamelaucium x Verticordia Paddy's Pink |
Bushy shrub growing 1.5 m x 1.5 m - fine grey green verticordia like foliage - pink flrs shaped like cupped Chamelaucium blooms in Sp - suitable for cut flr production - tolerant of moderate frost. |
Cheiranthera borealis |
Finger Flower - sprawling perennial herb to 30 cm growing in sandy well drained soil - small linear green leaves - beautiful deep purple flrs with prominant yellow finger like anthers - frost resistant |
Chorizema cordatum |
Heart leaf flame pea - a showy plant growing to 1 m - heart shaped green leaves with toothed margins - brightly coloured pink, orange & yellow pea flrs during Sp - half shade or full sun - light frosts only - tolerates lime. |
Chorizema varium |
Flame Pea - Decorative sprawling shrub - toothed heart shaped
leaves - brilliant pink, orange and gold pea flrs in Wi &
Sp - needs good drainage & makes eye catching pot
plant - light frost only. 0.3 m x 1 m |
Chrysocephalum apiculatum |
Yellow Buttons - prostrate suckering herb 15 cm high x 1 m wide - soft silvery grey foliage - clusters of small yellow flrs occur in Sp & Su - frost & drought tolerant. |
Chrysocephalum apiculatum Cate's Orange |
Upright perennial forb growing to 0.3 m tall - soft grey green foliage - terminal orange billy buttons occur throughout the year - tolerant of dry periods & frost. |
Chrysocephalum baxteri |
A native perennial daisy - narrow green leaves with
grey reverse - short stemmed white everlasting flrs
with yellow centres in Sp and Su - frost resistant. 0.3m |
Cistus Brilliancy |
Brilliant Rock Rose - hardy shrub to 1.5 m - wavy furry green leaves - masses of large pink flrs in Sp - frost hardy. |
Cistus salviifolius |
Reaching only 60 cm tall, this dwarf shrub has grey green leaves & large wh. flrs in Su. |
Cistus Silver Pink |
Rock Rose - bushy rounded shrub to 1 m - soft grey green foliage - pink flrs similar to a single rose in Sp - frost resistant. |
Cistus Snowmound |
Compact shrub to 0.5 m x 1 m - lush green foliage - large wh. flrs with yellow centres
cover the bush in Su - prefers full sun & is drought & frost resistant. |
Clematis Garden Surprise |
A cross between c. gentianoides & c. aristata - a ground cover or creeper to 2m high - lime green divided leaves - large creamy white flrs in Sp - frost tolerance unknown. |
Clematis microphylla |
Old Man's Beard - uninvasive climber - green trifoliolate leaves - massed cream starry flrs in Sp followed by seed with white fluffy plumes forming a beard - tolerant of frost & poorly drained soils. |
Clematis Southern Stars |
A mounding ground cover to 0.5 m x 1.5 m or light weight creeper - lime green divided
leaves - large creamy white flrs during Sp & Su - frost tolerant. |
Coleonema album |
White Diosma - rounded shrub to - 1.5 m - fine aromatic foliage - white starry flrs in profusion in Sp - frost resistant. |
Coleonema compactum - Dwarf Pink Diosma |
Dainty rounded shrub to 0.7 m - fine aromatic foliage - a profusion of small pink flrs during Sp - frost resistant. |
Coleonema pulchrum aurea |
Golden Diosma - small compact shrub to 75cm - aromatic golden foliage - pink flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Coleonema pulchrum Rubrum |
Red Diosma - rounded shrub reaching 1.5m - fine aromatic foliage - dark pink starry flrs over a long period - frost resistant. |
Commersonia amystia (syn. Rulingia sp. Howell) |
Fast growing spreading shrub to 1m high with a width of 2 m - soft grey green foliage - pink buds & white flrs in Spring followed by interesting seed pods - frost & drought tolerant. |
Commersonia magniflora |
Shrub for a dry well ventilated spot - soft furry grey green foliage - tiny lantern like buds open to pretty pink flrs during the cooler months - moderate frosts only. 1.5m 1.5m |
Commersonia pulchella |
Dainty native shrub growing 0.5 m high - small crinkly grey/green leaves - pale pink flrs throughout the year - light frost only. (Descriptive label only) |
Commersonia rosea |
0.3m x 0.6m – very rare sprawling plant from the Hunter Valley – leaves & branches covered with hairs - showy pink flrs during the warmer months & bristle covered globe shaped seed capsules – frost tolerance unknown. |
Conostylis aculeata |
A clumping plant for the rockery reaching 30cm across - serrated strap like foliage - woolly yellow flr heads - frost resistant. |
Conostylis candicans |
Grey Cottonheads - tufted plant to 30 cm high - hairy straplike grey leaves -
showy yellow flrs in clusters on slender stems to 40cm long - frost resistant. |
Conostylis misera |
Grass Conostylis - tufted perennial spreading by rhizomes to form a clump 40 cm
across - green grass like foliage - pale yellow starry flrs appear within the foliage in Sp - frost
tolerance unknown. |
Convolvulus angustissimus Pink Sapphire |
A vigorous ground hugging plant growing to 10 cm high x
1.5 m across - fresh green oval leaves - produces round pink flrs during Sp & Su - creates a living
mulch suppressing weeds - moderate frost only. |
Convolvulus sabatius |
Vigorous groundcover suited to baskets - oval grey green leaves - blue saucer-like flrs throughout Su - frost resistant. |
Cordyline stricta |
Slender Palm Lily - shrub to 5 m in the ground or 2 - 3 m in a pot - strappy glossy green leaves to
50 cm long - produces panicles of mauve flrs and black berries in Su - tolerant of drought & shade - frost tender.
(descriptive label only) |
Coronidium elatum |
White Paper Daisy - upright perennial to 1 m tall - woolly branches of soft grey green leaves - white everlasting daisies with yellow centres occur in Sp & Su - tolerant of moderate frost. |
Coronidium scorpioides |
Button Everlasting - perennial herbaceous plant to 40 cm tall - woolly
green foliage - round golden yellow flr heads during the warmer months - frost tolerant. |
Correa alba |
White correa - shrub to 1m - soft round grey leaves from which tea may be made - white star like flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Correa alba Pink Form |
Shrub to 30cm - oval felted green leaves - pale pink starlike flrs fading to white - frost resistant. |
Correa alba prostrate |
Low growing spreading shrub - unusual furry dull green leaves - wh. starry flrs in Wi - cool, moist root run - frost resistant. |
Correa alba Western Pink Star |
Shrub - oval felted green leaves - pale pink starlike flrs
fading to white - frost resistant.
0.3m x 1m |
Correa backhouseana var orbicularis) |
This hardy compact shrub grows to 1m tall - small dark green leaves - massed tubular red flowers with yellow/green tips occur much of the year - tolerant of frost. |
Correa backhousiana |
Shrub suitable f or semi-shade - round deep green
leaves with a pale underside - greenish to pale yellow
tubular flrs in Wi & Sp - tolerant of frost & coastal
conditions. 1.5m x 1.5 m |
Correa baeuerlenii |
Chef's Hat Correa - rounded plant reaching 1.5 m - dark glossy green leaves - green flrs shaped like chef's hat in Wi - tolerant of shade and frost. |
Correa calycina |
This hardy screening plant reaches 3 m in height - soft oval lime green leaves - bird attracting green bell shaped flrs in Wi and Sp - tolerates lime, frost and some shade. |
Correa cappuccino |
Upright shrub to 1m tall - oval grey green leaves - beige-coloured bells in Su & Au - frost tolerant. |
Correa Cardinal Bells |
Compact shrub to 1 m high - bright green foliage - masses of large orange/red bells in
Au - frost tolerant. |
Correa Carpet Bells |
A correa with a prostrate habit growing to 0.2 m tall x 1 m wide - neat oval green leaves - bright pink bells in Au & Wi - frost tolerant. |
Correa Catie Bec PBR |
Rounded shrub - soft round aromatic leaves - pink flrs
with very reflexed petals occur in Au & Wi - frost
tolerant |
Correa Coconut Ice |
Open shrub to 1 m - soft dark green round leaves - pink & white bell shaped flrs in Au & Wi - frost tolerant. |
Correa Country Belle |
(syn. C. New Year) - upright shrub to 1.5 m tall - dark green felted oval leaves -
this shrub is showy with green tipped red bells during the Au months - tolerant of frost. |
Correa decumbens |
Low spreading shrub reaching 30 cm high x 2 m wide - dark green oval leaves - erect tubular red flrs with yellow tips most of the year - sun or part shade - frost resistant. |
Correa decumbens upright |
Open shrub to 1 m - soft narrow oval green leaves - tubular pink & yellow flrs in Autumn - frost resistant |
Correa Dusky Bells |
Hardy spreading shrub to 1 m - dense green foliage - dark pink bell like flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Correa Eucla Gold |
Erect moderately bushy shrub to 1.2 m x 0.8 m – ovate grey green furry leaves – creamy yellow tubular flrs from Au till Wi – tolerant of frost & drought. |
Correa Federation Belle |
Shrub reaching 1.5 m tall - round furry aromatic leaves - fat showy bright pink bells with lemon yellow tips from January till June - frost resistant. |
Correa Firebird |
Rounded shrub to 1m - oval felted green leaves - pinkish red bells from Au to Sp - moist well drained soil - frost resistant. |
Correa Flared Bell |
This compact spreading shrub grows to 1m tall - green furry heart shaped leaves - the
unusual red flowers have a split corolla with apple green tips - tolerant of frost. |
Correa glabra Barossa Gold |
An evergreen shrub growing 1.2 m high - soft golden foliage with contrasting
dusky carmine flowers from mid Wi to late Sp - tolerant of coastal conditions, extended dry periods and most frosts. |
Correa glabra Ian Fardon |
Spreading easy care shrub growing 1.5 m x 2.5 m - aromatic ovate green leaves - narrow red & green bell flowers occur Su till Wi - tolerant of drought & frost. |
Correa glabra Long John |
Shrub for a well-drained spot with morning sun - heart-shaped furry leaves - long tubular green flrs in Au & Wi - frost tolerant. 1m x 1.5m |
Correa glabra Mount Barker Beauty |
Vigorous bushy shrub to 1 m by 1 m - dark green glossy aromatic foliage - red & green bells many months of the year peaking Au/Wi - frost resistant - may be grown as a hedge. |
Correa glabra red |
Shrub to 1.5m high - bright green shiny oval leaves - red bells with green tips in Wi - frost resistant. |
Correa glabra yellow |
Ornamental shrub reaching 2 m - glossy lime green oval leaves - yellow tubular flrs in Wi - part shade preferred - frost resistant. |
Correa Grandfather's Choice |
Vigorous shrub to approx. 1 m tall - attractive soft rounded grey/green leaves - yellow bell shaped flowers - frost resistant. |
Correa Granny's Grave |
Ground covering shrub - layered branches of grey green leaves - tubular lime green flrs with tan tips occur Au to Wi - frost hardy.
0.2m x 0.6m |
Correa Green Dream |
A rounded shrub growing 1m high - soft green heart shaped leaves - lime green bell shaped flrs in Au & Wi - frost resistant. |
Correa Gwen |
A small hardy rounded shrub - small oval grey/green leaves - pink & white bell shaped flrs in Au & Wi - frost resistant. |
Correa Inglewood Gold |
A form of C. glabra, this open shrub grows to 1.5 m - soft oval greyish leaves - golden bells in Wi - frost resistant - some shade. |
Correa Isabell - PBR |
- spreading shrub to 75 cm tall - grey green leaves - soft pink bell shaped flrs during Au & Wi nter-tolerant of frost. |
Correa Ivory Beacon |
Bushy shrub - small oval light green leaves - white bell-shaped flrs in Au - may be used as a low hedge - frost tolerant. 1.5m x 1.5m |
Correa Jester |
shrub to 80 cm tall - soft green aromatic foliage - large red & yellow bells in Au & Wi - frost tolerant. |
Correa Kiss-Me-Kate |
Attractive spreading correa to 0.5 m high - round olive green leaves - masses of red bells during Su & Au - frost tolerant. |
Correa lawrenciana rosea |
Tree Correa - an upright shrub reaching 4m - large furry dull green leaves - reddish bells in Wi - moist shady position - frost & snow resistant.
Descriptive label only |
Correa mannii |
Neat shrub to 1 m - small dark green heart shaped leaves - salmon red bell like flowers from Au-Sp - frost tolerant. |
Correa Marianne |
Upright spreading plant to 1.5 m tall with an open habit - attractive small green leaves - occurring most of the year, the tubular flrs are rose pink at the top & creamy yellow at the base - frost, drought & shade tolerant. |
Correa Marian's Marvel |
Hardy shrub to 2m - small oval leaves - bell shaped pink flrs with green tips from Au to Sp - frost tolerant. |
Correa Pink Delight |
Spreading shrub to 0.4 m tall x 2 m across - green aromatic leaves - large pink bells with cream reflexed petals occur in Au & Wi - frost hardy. |
Correa Pink Frost |
C. pulchella x C. aemula - this hybrid correa only grows to 0.5 m tall - heart shaped green papery leaves - the purplish pink bell shaped flrs are attractive to honeyeaters - tolerant of frost & part shade. |
Correa Pink Panther |
Bushy adaptable shrub to 0.6 m high x 1 m wide - green shiny leaves - deep pink tubular flrs with green tips occur from Su till Au - frost & drought hardy. |
Correa pulchella Candy Pink |
Neat compact shrub to 1 m - oval green leaves - open pink bells - frost resistant. |
Correa pulchella Catie Bec PBR |
Rounded shrub - soft round aromatic leaves - pink flrs
with very reflexed petals occur in Au & Wi - frost
toleratnt |
Correa pulchella Cherree |
Shrub to 1 m - dark green oval leaves - pale pink tubular flrs with cream tips in Au & Sp - tolerant of most well drained soils - frost resistant. |
Correa pulchella deep pink |
Rounded shrub - soft round aromatic leaves - pink flrs with very reflexed petals occur in Au & Wi - frost resistant. 1m |
Correa pulchella minor orange |
Spreading shrub growing to approx. 1.0 m tall - small green leaves - the bright orange bell flrs are small & numerous - prefers a cool root run & is frost resistant. |
Correa pulchella minor pink |
Spreading shrub growing to approx. 0.5 m tall - small green leaves - the pink bell flrs are small & numerous - prefers a cool root run & is frost resistant. |
Correa pulchella pale pink |
Showy shrub to 1 m - dark green oval leaves - pink tubular flrs in Au & Sp - tolerant of most well drained soils - frost resistant. |
Correa pulchella pink |
Spreading shrub growing to approx. 0.5 m tall - small green leaves - the pink bell flrs are small & numerous - prefers a cool root run & is frost resistant. |
Correa pulchella Pink Mist |
A compact rounded shub growing to 1m high - neat oval green leaves - shell pink tubular bells in Au & Wi - hardy in a variety of soils - frost resistant. |
Correa pulchella White Tips |
Shrub to 1 m - dark green oval leaves - pale pink tubular flrs with cream tips in Au & Sp - tolerant of most well drained soils - frost resistant. |
Correa Redex (reflexa x decumbens) |
Hardy compact shrub - small dark green leaves -
massed tubular red flowers with yellow/green tips
occur much of the year - tolerant of frost. 1m |
Correa reflexa Anglesea |
An adaptable open plant to 1 m - small narrow leaves - long tubular red bells with yellow tips occur from Aut to Wi - tolerant of frost & shade. |
Correa reflexa Clearview Giant |
Attractive rounded shrub to 1m - heart shaped furry leaves - large showy red bells with green tips - frost resistant. |
Correa reflexa cream |
Bushy shrub reaching 1m - neat grey green foliage - cream bells in Wi - frost resistant. |
Correa reflexa Glenelg |
Dense spreading shrub to 30 cm high x 1.5 m wide - green cordate leaves - bright red bells with greenish yellow tips appear in Au & Wi - frost resistant. |
Correa reflexa Grampians |
Open rounded plant growing 1 m tall - small dark green hairy leaves - large fat orange/red bell flrs with pale green lobes during Au - frost resistant. |
Correa reflexa Kangaroo Island |
Neat compact shrub reaching 1 m high - glossy dark green rounded leaves with prominent oil glands - large red bells in Wi - frost resistant. |
Correa reflexa large flowered form |
A hardy attractive shrub growing to 1 m - succulent looking lemon scented foliage; turns a reddish colour in Wi - small unusual orange flrs during Sp - moderate frosts only. |
Correa reflexa Nowra |
Open shrub to 1 m tall - heart shaped felted leaves - green tipped red bells in Au - frost tolerant. |
Correa reflexa nummulariifolia mini |
Spreading shrub to 40cm high x 1m wide - small neat oval leaves are a feature - cream bell-shaped flrs in Wi & Sp - requires good drainage - frost tolerant - sun or part shade. |
Correa reflexa Prostrate |
Dainty groundcover - small dull green furry leaves - green tipped red bells in Wi - frost resistant. |
Correa reflexa prostrate green |
Low shrub to 30cm - felted oval leaves - lime green bells in Wi - frost resistant. |
Correa reflexa Red Empress |
Upright open plant to 0.8m tall - furry heart-shaped leaves - showy rich red bells with yellow tips occur in Au - tolerant of frost & part shade. |
Correa reflexa Split Bell |
Open shrub to 1.0 m tall - mid-green furry heart-shaped leaves - very large red
bells split along the side occur in Au - frost and drought resistant |
Correa reflexa squat |
bushy correa reaching 40cm high - furry heart shaped leaves - bright red tubular flrs tipped with green appear in Wi - frost resistant. |
Correa reflexa Torrington |
Open shrub reaching 1 high - furry heart shaped leaves - red tubular flrs tipped with green appear in Au & Wi - frost resistant. |
Correa reflexa var. angustifola |
Grampians Correa - open rounded plant growing 1 m tall - small dark green hairy leaves - large fat red bell flrs with pale green lobes during Au - frost resistant. |
Correa schlechtendalii |
Neat rounded shrub to 2 m high - oval grey leaves - red tubular bells with green tips - half shade preferred - frost resistant. |
Correa Wins Wonder |
Dense spreading shrub growing 1m x 1.5m - attractive variegated foliage - rose pink tubular flowers in Autumn - enjoys morning sun - frost hardy |
Correa Winter Pink |
Shrub to 80 cm high - small pointed green leaves - masses of bright pink tubular flrs in
Au - tolerant of frost. |
Corymbia calophylla |
Marri - Large spreading tree from the Perth region - glossy green leaves - bunches of white honey-scented blossom in Su & Au followed by large urn shaped
gumnuts known as "honkeynuts" - tolerant of moderate frost. Descriptive label only |
Corymbia citriodora |
Lemon Scented Gum - ornamental stately tree reaching 30 m tall - long strongly scented drooping leaves - smooth white trunk - masses of white blossom in Su - frost tender when young. |
Corymbia eximia |
Yellow Bloodwood - gnarled tree to 20 m tall with yellow brown tessellated bark - thick
grey green leaves - panicles of cream flrs in Sp leading to urn shaped pods - medium frosts only. |
Corymbia eximia nana |
Dwarf Yellow Bloodwood - small bushy tree to 10 m tall with yellow brown tessellated bark - long thick grey green leaves - large panicles of cream flrs in Sp leading to urn shaped pods - moderate frost tolerance. |
Corymbia ficifolia |
Scarlet Flowering Gum -A spectacular spreading shady tree - broad dark green leaves & masses of brilliant red, orange or pink flrs in Su - light frosts only. |
Corymbia intermedia |
Pink Bloodwood - tree reaching 30 m - dark green foliage & light brown tessellated trunk - masses of showy cream flrs in Su followed by urn shaped gumnuts - moderate frost only. |
Corymbia maculata |
Spotted Gum - Height to 30 m - a beautiful straight growing tree with a dappled pale bark & wh. flrs in Wi & Sp - good timber - tolerant of clay soils & medium frosts. |
Corymbia ptychocarpa |
Open often crooked tree endemic to nth Western Australia - leathery green leaves growing up to 30cm long - large usually pink but may be cream or yellow flrs in Su & Au & ribbed gumnuts - frost tender. 10m |
Corymbia tessellaris |
Carbeen - Hardy handsome tree - smooth cream bark on upper
trunk above dark tessellated bark at base - tolerant of
clay and saline soils - frost resistant. 15m |
Corymbia tessellaris |
Carbeen - hardy handsome tree growing to 15 m - smooth cream bark on upper trunk
above dark tessellated bark at base - tolerant of clay and saline soils - frost resistant. |
Corymbia torelliana |
Fast growing tree to 30 m - smooth green trunk - large furry rounded leaves - masses of white flrs in Su - clay tolerant - frost tender. |
Coymbia intermedia |
Pink Bloodwood - tree reaching 30 m - dark green foliage & light
brown tessellated trunk - masses of showy cream flrs in Su followed by urn shaped gumnuts - moderate frost only. |
Crowea Bindelong Compact |
Useful rockery or container plant only reaching 50cm high - small oval aromatic leaves - masses of deep pink starry flrs over a long period - tolerant of part shade and frost. |
Crowea Celebration |
Spreading shrub to 0.5 m - aromatic foliage - pink flrs much of the year - tolerant of frost. |
Crowea Ecstasy Compact |
A small shrub naturally bushier than C. Poorinda Ecstasy - aromatic lime green foliage - pink starry flrs much of the year - moist well drained position - frost resistant. |
Crowea exalata |
Small shrub to 1 m - narrow aromatic green foliage - bright pink flrs from Su to Au - prefers a well drained soil - frost resistant. |
Crowea exalata X saligna |
Hardy shrub to 1m - aromatic foliage - pink star like flrs in Su and Au - frost resistant. |
Crowea exalata dwarf |
Dainty compact shrub to 0.5 m - narrow aromatic green foliage - starry bright pink flrs in Sp & Su - frost resistant. |
Crowea exalata low |
Small shrub to 0.5 m with faster growth than many croweas - lime green aromatic foliage - abundant pale pink starry flrs throughout the year - frost resistant. |
Crowea exalata Pink Heart |
Rounded shrub to 60 cm tall - aromatic green leaves - waxy pale pink starry flrs much of the year - frost tolerant. |
Crowea exalata prostrate |
Dainty ground cover to 0.5 m for banks or pot culture - lime green aromatic leaves - bright pink waxy flrs throughout the year - frost resistant. |
Crowea exalata purple compact |
A dwarf crowea growing to 0.5 m - fine aromatic foliage - masses of very dark pink flowers most of the year - frost resistant. |
Crowea exalata white |
Ornamental and dainty shrub - aromatic lime green leaves - white star-like flrs in Su and Au which last well when picked - cool root run - frost resistant. 1m |
Crowea exalata White Star |
very ornamental and dainty shrub to 1.5m - Small aromatic lime green leaves - white star-like flrs in Su and Au which last well when picked - part shade - frost resistant. |
Crowea Festival |
Compact shrub to 1m - narrow aromatic foliage - bright pink star like flowers - frost resistant. |
Crowea Poorinda Ecstasy |
Compact shrub to 1m - lime green aromatic foliage - bright pink star shaped flrs all year round - sun or part shade - frost resistant. |
Crowea saligna large flowered form |
A slow growing shrub to 75 cm tall - aromatic fresh green foliage - very showy waxy pink flrs from Sp till Su - tolerant of frost & semi shade. |
Crowea Southern Stars |
Dwarf crowea to 1 m - very fine bronze tipped foliage - dark pink starry flrs much of the year - moist well drained soil - frost resistant. |
Cryptandra scortechinii |
A dense shapely shrub to 1 m for rockery or container culture - small pointed leaves - round woolly flr heads in Wi & Sp, ideal for picking & drying - frost resistant. |
Cullen tenax |
Emu Foot - Groundcover native pea - trailing stems of "emu foot" shaped leaves - small spikes of purple pea flrs occur much of the year - tolerant of heavy soils & moderate frost - good habitat plant. Descriptive label only 30cm x 1m |
Cymbopogon ambiguus - Native
Cymbopogon ambiguus |
Native Lemon Grass - Tussocky grass growing 1m tall - bluish green leaf blades with a strong lemon fragrance - attractive silky
flr heads on tall stems occur throughout the year - used as bush tucker and for medicinal purposes - frost & drought hardy. Descriptive label only |
Cymbopogon obtectus |
Silkyheads - Grass reaching 1 m tall - aromatic foliage - ornamental silky cream flr heads in Su - frost tolerant. (descriptive label only) |
Cymbopogon refractus |
Barbed Wire Grass - a hardy grass forming erect clumps to 1.5 m tall - aromatic bluish green foliage turning brown later in the season - distinctive arching seed heads looking like barbed wire - frost resistant.
(Descriptive label only) |
Dampiera coronata Pink Whispers |
Wedge-leaved Dampiera - Spreading shrub - wedge-shaped light green leaves - ornamental pink flrs in Wi & Sp - light frost only. 50cm x 1.5 Descriptive label only |
Dampiera diversifolia |
Dainty prostrate trailing plant - intense blue flrs Sp & Su - light frosts only - baskets or tubs. Prostrate Descriptive label only |
Dampiera fascicularis |
Forms a small mound to 0.5 m high - green suckering stems - blue flrs appear in Wi & Sp - ideal for a rockery - frost tolerant. |
Dampiera linearis |
Dwarf suckering shrub to 30 cm tall - soft dark green leaves - masses of dark bluish purple flrs in Wi & Sp - frost resistant. |
Dampiera linearis Violet Princess |
A compact suckering groundcover to 1 m across - small green leaves on upright stems to 30 cm high - purple flrs occur in Sp & Su on horizontally spreading stems - frost tolerant. |
Dampiera purpurea |
Shrub to 1m - unusual furry bronze foliage - prolific rich purple flrs in Sp - usually frost resistant. |
Dampiera purpurea Gibraltar |
Shrub - unusual furry bronze foliage - prolific rich
purple flrs in Sp - usually frost resistant. |
Dampiera rosmarinifolia |
Sprawling prostrate suckering plant suitable for rockeries - small rosemary like leaves - pale blue flrs in Sp - tolerates dryness, lime and frost. |
Dampiera rosmarinifolia pink form |
Sprawling prostrate suckering plant suitable for rockeries - small rosemary like leaves - pale pink flrs in Sp - tolerates dryness, lime and frost.0.2m x 0.6m |
Dampiera trigona |
A dainty tufted perennial reaching 50 cm in height - small bright green linear leaves - showy purple flrs with yellow centres in Sp - tolerant of frost & part shade. |
Dampiera trigona pink |
Small shrub growing 30 x 50 cm - thin green leaves - dainty pink flrs in Wi & Sp - tolerant of frost & coastal conditions. |
Darwinia rhadinophylla |
Spreading shrub to 1m high - attractive fine grey green foliage - small raspberry like flrs in Su and Au - moist well drained soil - frost resistant. |
Darwinia citriodora |
A hardy attractive shrub growing to 1 m - succulent looking lemon scented foliage; turns a reddish colour in Wi - small unusual orange flrs during Sp -moderate frosts only. |
Darwinia citriodora Breeze - Seaspray Darwinia |
A hardy mounding shrub to 10 cm with width of 90 cm - silvery green aromatic foliage - unusual orange flrs from Wi till Su - moderate frost resistance only. |
Darwinia citriodora large flowered form |
Spreading shrub to 30 cm high x 1.5 m wide - oval grey aromatic leaves - orange flrs during Sp - moderate frost only. |
Darwinia citriodora Prostrate |
Ground cover for sun or part shade - lime green lemon scented foliage - unusual orange flrs Sp & Su - moderate frosts ear - frost resistant . |
Darwinia neildiana |
Fringed Bell - a semi prostrate shrub to 0.5 m - linear green leaves - red & green flrs in Sp & Su - moderate frost tolerance. |
Darwinia oederoides |
Spreading shrub growing 0.3 m x 0.6 m - tiny linear grey green leaves - red, yellow & green flrs are produced from Sp to Su - prefers moist sandy soil - frost tolerant. |
Darwinia procera |
Hardy for a Darwinia, this shrub reaches 2 m high x 1 m wide - attractive light green leaves, triangular in section - wh. flr clusters aging to red in Sp & Su - frost resistant. |
Darwinia purpurea |
Rose Darwinia - a showy rockery plant reaching 0.7 m tall x 1.0 m wide - attractive fine greyish foliage - crimson berry like flr heads during Sp & Su - prefers well drained moist soil - frost tolerance unknown. |
Darwinia taxifolia |
A reasonably hardy spreading species growing to 1 m tall - small grey green leaves with triangular section - clusters of wh. flrs aging to red occur in Sp & Su - pot culture or rockery plant - frost resistant. |
Derwentia arenaria |
An upright hardy perennial growing from 30 cm to 1 m in height - green linear leaves - sprays of violet blue flrs over many months - tolerant of some shade & frost. |
Dianella brevipedunculata |
Flax Lily - for use beside a pond or in a rockery - strap like leaves - blue flrs with prominent yellow anthers on tall spikes; develops blue globular fruits in Su - frost resistant. |
Dianella caerulea |
A dwarf form to 0.5 m of this widespread & variable native lily - stiff green strap like leaves - blue starry flrs in Sp followed by blue berries - frost resistant. |
Dianella congesta |
Low mat forming flax lily to 20 cm tall - smooth pale green leaves - short stems of blue flrs - frost tolerance unknown. |
Dianella ensifolia Border Silver |
A vigorous lily growing 0.5 m high - the leaf blades are broad & boldly striped - spikes of pale blue flrs in Sp & Su followed by attractive deep blue berries - tolerant of moderate frost. |
Dianella longifolia |
Smooth Flax Lily - tufted perennial to 80 cm tall - linear green leaves - pale blue flrs
with yellow anthers in Sp leading to drk blue berries - frost tolerant |
Dianella revoluta |
A hardy native lily growing to 80 cm tall - green flax like leaves - bright blue star like flrs with yellow anthers occur in Sp & then develop blue edible berries - frost resistant. |
Dianella tasmanica |
Flax Lily - for use beside a pond or in a rockery - strap like leaves - bright blue flrs with prominent yellow anthers on tall spikes; develops blue globular fruits in Su - frost resistant. |
Dianella Uralla |
Mini Flax Lily - Hardy dwarf lily suitable for edging - bluish green strap like leaves - sprays of dark blue flrs with prominent yellow anthers & bright blue edible berries - frost resistant. 0.2 m x 0.3m |
Diaspasis fiifolia |
Grasslike clumping plant to 30 cm tall for the rockery - linear green leaves - showy bright pink flrs in Su - prefers a moist well-drained sandy soil - tolerant of frost & shade. |
Dietes bicolor |
Fortnight Lily - vigorous lily with sword-like deep green leaves to 1m tall - yellow flrs with
a brown center appear in Sp - tolerant of drought & frost. |
Diplarrena moraea |
Butterfly Flag-A native lily reaching a height of 1.2 m - erect narrow strap like leaves - white iris-like flrs with yellow centres occur from Sp to Su - frost resistant. Descriptive label only |
Diplolaena angustifolia |
Yanchep Rose - Shrub requiring excellent drainage - narrow linear green leaves - flrs consist of pendant bundles of orange stamens occurring in Wi & Sp - tolerant of frost.1m Descriptive label only |
Diplolaena dampieri |
Unusual upright plant growing 1.3 m high - hairy green foliage with pink tips - pendant orange brush like flrs surrounded by green bracts in Sp - part shade - frost resistant. |
Diplopeltis Mallee Breeze |
Shrub to L m high -grery green foliage - masses of dainty pink flrs occur
over a long period - good for pot culture - drought tolerant but frost tender. |
Diselma archeri |
Native conifer to 3 m high x 1.5 m wide - deep green foliage - small male and female cones - formal plantings or tub specimen - requires plenty of moisture - grows in sun or shade - tolerates frost. |
Disphyma crassifolium ssp. Clavellatum |
Rounded Noon-flower - edible groundcover - succulent cylindrical green
leaves - bright pink fringed flrs with a wh. centre occur Sp till Su - drought & salt resistant - frost tolerance unknown. |
Dodonaea boroniifolia |
Dodonaea boroniifolia - appealing hardy shrub reaching 2m high - fine pinnate foliage - insignificant flowers leading to showy red seed pods in Su - frost resistant. |
Dodonaea hirsuta - Hop Bush |
Upright shrub to 1.5 m tall - small dark green triangular leaves - tiny flrs in Wi & Sp develop into ornamental deep red hops - frost resistant. |
Dodonaea viscosa |
Sticky Hop Bush - Hardy shrub native to every state in Aust. - long green shiny leaves - insignificant flrs in Sp & Su lead to colourful reddish brown seed pods - frost & drought resistant. 2m |
Dodonaea viscosa ssp. Cuneata |
Hop Bush - shrub to 2m - small wedge shaped leaves - colourful bronze hops - frost and drought resistant. |
Dodonaea viscosa var. purpurea |
Purple Hop Bush - upright shrub to 3m - attractive slightly sticky purple foliage suitable for floral work - hop-like reddish brown seed pods - tolerates lime, dryness and frost. |
Doryanthus palmeri |
Spear Lily - Spectacular native lily - leaves can grow up to 3m x 20cm - in Spring, the flowering scape grows up to 5m long & droops with the weight of the 10cm long red flrs at the end - attracts insects & birds - tolerant of light frost. 3m x 3m |
Einadia nutans |
Nodding Saltbush - Spreading perennial growing to 0.5 m x 1.0 m - light weight trailing stems of small green arrow head shaped leaves - tiny bright red berries occur in Sp & Su - fruit & foliage are edible - tolerant of drought & frost. |
Elaeagnus x ebbingei |
ough shrub used for hedges - large oval green leaves with a pale underside - beautifully scented small cream flrs in Wi & Sp - hardy to frost & will grow in shade under eucalypts. 5 m x 5 m Descriptive label only |
Enchylaena tomentosa - Ruby Saltbush |
Small shrub growing to 50 cm high by 1 m wide - blue green hairy foliage - edible fruit which are yellow at first & mature to dark red - bush tucker plant - frost & drought tolerant.
(Descriptive label only) |
Epacris longiflora |
Native Fuchia - straggly heathlike plant to 1 m tall by 1 m across - small pointed ovate leaves - outstanding long bell shaped red flrs with white tips occur throughout the year - moderate frosts only. |
Eremophila alternifolia dark pink |
Narrow-leaved Poverty Bush - upright shrub reaching 2 - 3 m tall - narrow dark green linear leaves - ornamental reddish pink tubular flrs in Wi & Sp - tolerant of frost & drought. |
Eremophila alternifolia var. latifolia |
Upright shrub to 2.5 m - attractive green foliage - pale yellow spotted tubular flrs in Sp - tolerates drought, lime & frost. |
Eremophila Amber Carpet |
Prostrate shrub to 1 m wide - green fleshy leaves - orange yellow tubular flrs in Sp - frost & drought tolerant. |
Eremophila Augusta Storm |
Low growing emu bush - greyish green furry foliage - purple tubular flrs during Sp & Au - tolerant of drought & light frost - prefers sandy soil. 0.5m x 1.2m |
Eremophila bignoniiflora |
Hardy vigorous shrub favoured for medicinal purposes - long bright green leaves - pink trumpet shaped flrs much of the year - suited to heavy soils, tolerant of water logging & frost. 3m |
Eremophila bignoniiflora x polyclada |
Hardy shrub for a dry spot reaching 4m high - long narrow leaves - prolific large mauve tubular flrs much of the year - tolerant of frost and heavy soils. |
Eremophila bignoniiflora x alternifolia Passionate Lady |
Upright shrub – long narrow green leaves – brilliant magenta tubular flrs from Au till Su – tolerant of frost & drought. 4m x 3m |
Eremophila biserrata |
Dense completely prostrate self-layering groundcover to 2 m diameter - green toothed leaves - green tubular flrs with prominent red stamens in Sp - frost resistant |
Eremophila caerulea ssp Merrallii |
Shrub to 0.5 m - tiny felted grey leaves - blue flrs. |
Eremophila calorhabdos |
An upright shrub reaching 2 m - oval green leaves on tall stems - pink tubular flrs during much of the year - frost resistant. |
Eremophila calorhabdos grey form |
Upright shrub to 2 m tall - oval grey green leaves on tall stems - pink tubular flrs throughout the year - frost resistant. |
Eremophila chamaephila |
Shrub to 30 cm high - small dark green linear leaves - blue flrs. |
Eremophila christophorii |
An upright sshrub to 2.5 m - bright green leaves - small pale pink flrs throughout the warmer months - drought resistant - light frosts only. |
Eremophila complanata |
An erect shrub growing up to 2 m tall - linear sticky dark green leaves - pink flrs occur from Wi till Sp - hardy in a range of soil types & tolerant of frost & drought. |
Eremophila debilis (syn. Myoporum debile) |
Prostrate ground cover - green foliage turning purplish in Wi - mauve flrs in Sp, Au and Su followed by cream and purple berries - tolerates dryness and some frost. |
Eremophila decipiens |
Shrub reaching 1 m - narrow olive green leaves - red tubular flrs most of the year - frost, lime & drought resistant. |
Eremophila decipiens subsp. Linearifolia |
Shrub with narrow green leaves - yellow buds & red tubular flrs most of the year - frost, lime & drought resistant. 1m |
Eremophila densifolia |
Vigorous groundcover 0.2 m high to 1.5 m wide - hairy green foliage - small purple flrs occur from Wi to Sp - frost & drought tolerant. |
Eremophila densifolia subsp. erecta |
Upright shrub - dense, green to reddish brown, linear leaves - purple tubular flrs during the warmer months - tolerant of frost, drought & clay soils. 1.5m |
Eremophila denticulata |
Fast growing adaptable species to 1.5 m high - bright green minutely toothed lanceolate leaves - yellow buds followed by tubular red flrs much of the year - moderate frosts only. |
Eremophila denticulata x calorhabdos |
Bushy shrub which may be hedged - green serrrated leaves on upright stems - deep pink tubular flrs in Sp & Su - moderate frost only. 1.5m x 1.5m |
Eremophila deserti |
Turkey Bush - upright shrub growing 3 m tall x 2 m wide - narrow olive green leaves - throughout the year small nodding cream flrs are produced leading to yellow to purplish edible fruit - tolerant of drought & frost. |
Eremophila dicroantha |
A 2 m x 2 m open shrub - slender arching branches of small warty leaves - tubular blue flrs are borne along the branches from Sp to Su - frost & drought resistant. |
Eremophila divaricata |
Tangled spreading shrub growing to 1.5 m tall - small green leaves - tubular lilac flrs Sp to Au - frost resistant. |
Eremophila drummondii |
Compact shrub to 1.5 m tall - dark green linear leaves on erect branches - masses of violet trumpet shaped flrs from Wi to Sp - drought & frost tolerant. |
Eremophila drummondii dwarf |
Spreading shrub - narrow grey grreen leaves - purple flrs in Sp & Su - tolerant of drought & frost. 1.0m |
Eremophila drummondii white |
Compact shrub - dark green linear leaves on erect branches - white trumpet shaped flrs from Wi to Sp - drought & frost tolerant. 1.5m |
Eremophila drummondii x nivea |
Compact shrub to 1.5 m tall - dark green linear leaves on erect branches - masses of violet trumpet shaped flrs from Wi to Sp - drought & frost tolerant. |
Eremophila Fairy Floss |
A compact shrub growing to 2.2 m tall by 2 m wide - bright green foliage - yellow buds & pink flrs characterised by fine hairs protruding from the tube occur in Sp & Su - frost & drought tolerant. |
Eremophila glabra Belalla Gold |
Ground cover 0.5m x 2m – small green leaves – bright yellow tubular flrs from Sp to Au – tolerant of frost & drought |
Eremophila glabra burgundy prostrate |
A neat groundcover with olive green oval leaves - dark red tubular flrs for most of the year - frost & drought resistant. |
Eremophila glabra grey |
Shrub to 1 m - soft grey foliage - large red tubular flrs in Sp - frost & drought resistant. |
Eremophila glabra Lime Gold |
Vigorous shrub for full sun - soft grey/green leaves - golden yellow flrs in Wi & Sp - hardy to drought & frost. 1.2m x 1.5m |
Eremophila glabra Minginew Gold |
A ground cover to 50cm tall - bright green foliage - yellow tubular flrs most of the year - tolerant of drought and frost. |
Eremophila glabra Norma Bosche |
Spreading shrub - soft green foliage - apricot coloured
buds & soft pink flrs in Wi & Sp - tolerant of moderate
frost. |
Eremophila glabra Orange |
Vigorous spreading shrub reaching 50cm high - lush green foliage - orange tubular flrs in Sp - frost resistant . |
Eremophila glabra pale pink |
Spreading shrub - soft green foliage - apricot coloured buds & soft pink flrs in Wi & Sp - tolerant of moderate frost. 1m |
Eremophila glabra pale pink |
Spreading shrub to 1 m tall - soft green foliage - apricot coloured buds & soft pink flrs in Wi & Sp - tolerant of moderate frost. |
Eremophila glabra red |
Spreading shrub to 70 cm - sticky green leaves - bright red tubular flrs much of the year - frost resistant. |
Eremophila glabra red prostrate |
A prostrate groundcover with a diameter of 1.5 m - dark green oval leaves - red tubular flrs for most of the year - frost & drought resistant. |
Eremophila glabra Roseworthy form |
A completely prostrate form with green foliage - red tubular flrs - frost resistant. |
Eremophila glabra Rottnest |
A showy shrub growing 0.5 m high x 1.5 m wide - green foliage - bright red tubular flrs from Wi till Sp - frost, drought and shade tolerant. |
Eremophila glabra Silver Ball |
Fast growing groundcover - soft silvery grey foliage
which can be clipped - yellow tubular flrs during the
warmer months - tolerant of drought & moderate
frost. 30cm x 1m |
Eremophila glabra Silver Ball |
Compact 30cm x 1m Fast growing groundcover - soft silvery grey foliage - yellow tubular flrs during the warmer months - tolerant of drought & moderate frost. |
Eremophila glabra Silver Spread |
Dense groundcover – soft linear grey/green leaves – greenish yellow flrs in Sp – moderate frosts only. 0.50m x 1.2m |
Eremophila glabra subsp carnosa |
Vigorous spreading shrub - lush green leaves, slightly serrated - bright red tubular flrs much of the year - tolerant of frost & saline soils. 0.5m x 1.5m |
Eremophila glabra x maculata |
Fast growing shrub - soft grey foliage - bronze/yellow
tubular flrs in Sp - tolerant of light frost only. Groundcover |
Eremophila glabra yellow prostrate |
Spreading shrub reaching 30cm high by 1m wide - fresh lime green leaves - yellow tubular flrs - frost resistant. |
Eremophila hillii small leaf |
Dwarf shrub reaching 0.5 m high - attractive furry silver indented leaves - orange/red tubular flrs from Wi to Su - drought & frost resistant. |
Eremophila Kalbarri Carpet |
A prostrate form of E. glabra - soft silver grey foliage - yellow tubular flrs much of the year - frost & drought resistant. 1m spread |
Eremophila lehmanniana |
An adaptable hardy shrub to 2 m tall - the leaves are small & bright green - small lilac flrs occur in Sp - tolerant of frost, drought & heavy clay. |
Eremophila lehmanniana white |
An adaptable hardy shrub - the leaves are small &
bright green - small wh. flrs occur along the stems in Sp
- tolerant of frost, drought & heavy clay. |
Eremophila longifolia |
sSm tall - dusky green pendulous foliage - pinkish red tubular flrs
in Sp & Su - tolerates heavy alkaline soils - drought and frost hardy. |
Eremophila macdonnellii |
Spreading shrub to 1m - soft green foliage - brilliant glossy purple flrs in Sp and Su - tolerates drought, lime and frost. |
Eremophila macdonnellii prostrate |
Low growing ground cover - fine soft green foliage - glossy deep purple flrs in Sp & Su - tolerates drought, lime and frost. |
Eremophila mackinlayi |
Upright shrub - soft silver foliage - outstanding mauve terminal flrs from Wi till Su - tolerant of moderate frost & is drought hardy but doesn't appreciate humidity. 1.5m |
Eremophila maculata - various colours |
Spreading shrub reaching 1 m in height - green leaves - showy tubular flowers in Su - frost & drought resistant. |
Eremophila maculata apricot |
Hardy plant to 1.5 m - pale green foliage - yellow buds followed by apricot tubular flrs - frost & drought resistant. |
Eremophila maculata aurea |
Spreading shrub to 1.5 m high by 2 m wide - narrow dark green leaves - clear yellow tubular flrs over a long period - frost resistant. |
Eremophila maculata Bluey |
Rounded shrub to 1 m - oval olive green leaves - tubular blue flrs - tolerant of heavy soils, drought and frost. |
Eremophila maculata brick |
Handsome bushy plant to 1.5 m tall - lush bright green foliage - orange/red tubular flrs - frost resistant. |
Eremophila maculata cerise |
Shrub to 1 m - spotted cerise tubular flrs much of the year - tolerates drought, lime and frosts. |
Eremophila maculata compact |
A bushy hardy spreading shrub - fleshy green leaves - bright red tubular flrs - frost and drought resistant. 0.6m |
Eremophila maculata crimson dwarf |
A bushy hardy spreading shrub - fleshy green leaves - bright red tubular flrs - frost and drought resistant. |
Eremophila maculata hybrid silver |
Vigorous plant to 1.5 m tall x 2 m across - lush green foliage - yellow
buds & silvery white tubular flrs with purple spots occur in Sp & Su - frost & drought resistant. |
Eremophila maculata Magic Blush |
Vigorous plant to 1.5 m - dark green foliage with reddish stems - hot pink tubular flrs much of the year - frost & drought resistant. |
Eremophila maculata mauve |
Shrub to 1 m - orange buds followed by spotted mauve tubular flrs much of the year - tolerates drought, lime and frosts. |
Eremophila maculata orange |
Hardy plant to 1 m - pale green foliage - yellow buds followed by yellow & orange tubular flrs - frost & drought resistant. |
Eremophila maculata Pink Passion |
A compact shrub to 1 m tall suitable for hedging - lush green foliage - prolific bright pink flrs for most of the year - tolerant of extended dry periods & frost. |
Eremophila maculata purple |
Rounded shrub to 1m - oval olive green leaves - tubular purple flrs - tolerant of heavy soils, drought and frost. |
Eremophila maculata red |
Hardy shrub reaching 1.5 m high - red tubular flrs much of the year - tolerant of drought, frost & heavy soils. |
Eremophila maculata spreading red form |
Hardy shrub reaching 50cm high - red tubular flrs much of the year - tolerant of drought and frost. |
Eremophila maculata var. brevifolia |
Spreading shrub reaching 1 m in height - small round green leaves - showy dark pink tubular flowers in Su - frost & drought resistant. |
Eremophila maculata Wendy |
A hardy shrub to 2 m which responds well to pruning - soft dark green leaves - pinkish red tubular flrs with spotted throats are borne throughout most of the year - frost & drought resistant. |
Eremophila Magenta Miss |
Bushy shrub which may be hedged - green serrrated
leaves on upright stems - deep pink tubular flrs in Sp &
Su - moderate frost only.1.5m x 1.5m |
Eremophila malacoides |
Frontage Poverty Bush Spreading emu bush - rounded grey green furry leaves - lilac tubular flrs in Sp & sporadically - tolerant of heavy or saline soils - drought & frost hardy. 1m |
Eremophila Meringer Isaac |
Fast growing shrub - long narrow green leaves - large dark purple spotted flowers occur much of the year - frost and drought tolerant. 5m x 3m |
Eremophila microtheca |
Tar Bush - shrub to 1.5 m tall - very fine greyish foliage with tar like smell - mauve flrs in Sp & Su - frost & drought resistant. |
Eremophila Minnie Pink |
Hardy plant to 1.5 m - pale green foliage - yellow buds followed by pale pink tubular flrs - frost & drought resistant. |
Eremophila mitchellii |
This hardy suckering shrub will eventually grow 6 m tall - narrow green leaves - masses of cream trumpet shaped flrs in Sp & Su - requires minimal pruning - tolerant of heavy clay, drought & frost. |
Eremophila neglecta |
An upright shrub to 2.5 m tall - dark green leaves - orange/red flrs from Wi till Su with
darker sepals remaining on the shrub - particularly tolerant of drought - moderate frost tolerance. |
Eremophila nivea |
Erect open shrub to 1.5 m - woolly silver grey foliage - mauve flrs in Sp & Su - drought and frost resistant. |
Eremophila nivea grafted |
Erect open shrub to 1.5 m - woolly silver grey foliage - showy mauve flrs in Sp &
Su - drought and frost resistant. |
Eremophila nivea x drummondii |
An upright shrub reaching 2 m tall - dark grey green linear leaves - showy mauve flrs from Wi till Sp - tolerant of frost & drought. |
Eremophila oldfieldii |
Reliable shrub to 5m - long thin green leaves - orange red tubular flrs in Wi & Sp - tolerant of a variety of soil types & moderate frost. |
Eremophila oldfieldii x E.oppositifolia |
Piccaninny Dawn - Upright compact shrub to 3m - narrow dark grey leaves to 3m - showy rose pink tubular flrs in Wi & Sp - frost tolerant. |
Eremophila oppositifolia |
Grey upright shrub to 4 m x 3 m - long narrow Grey leaves - pale yellow flrs with a cream corolla occur in Wi & Sp - frost & drought tolerant. |
Eremophila oppositifolia cream |
Upright shrub to 4 m x 3 m - long narrow grey leaves - pale yellow flrs with a cream corolla occur in Wi & Sp - frost & drought tolerant. |
Eremophila oppositifolia purple |
Open upright shrub - soft narrow grey leaves -
tubular purple flrs with persistent calyces much
of the year - tolerant of frost & drought. |
Eremophila oppositifolia Rays Blue |
An outstanding upright shrub which can create an attractive screen - long narrow grey leaves - masses of showy dark purple flrs appear from Au till Sp - tolerant of moderate frost.
Kunzea pulchella 2m-3m An erect shrub - small grey green oval leaves - brilliant red brushes with gold tipped stamens during the warmer months - requires excellent drainage - survives moderate frosts. 3m x 2.5m |
Eremophila Passionate Lady |
Upright shrub - long narrow green leaves - brilliant
magenta tubular flrs from Au till Su - tolerant of frost &
drought. 4m x 3m |
Eremophila polyclada |
Dense matted shrub reaching 2 m tall - fleshy linear green leaves - profuse white tubular flrs from Sp through to Su - easy to grow & frost resistant. |
Eremophila pterocarpa |
Silver Poverty Bush - Shrub for dry situation - soft silvery grey foliage - dusky pink flrs in Sp - tolerant of most soil types - moderately frost hardy. 2m |
Eremophila racemosa bicolor |
Shrub growing to 1.5 m tall - light green rather succulent foliage - yellow & orange buds lead to pink & red flrs throughout the year - requires a well drained sunny position - frost & drought tolerant. |
Eremophila racemosa Peaches & Cream |
Shrub growing to 1.5 m tall - light green rather succulent foliage - yellow buds lead to white flrs in Wi & Sp - requires a well drained sunny position - frost & drought tolerant. |
Eremophila sargentii |
Shrub to 1.5 m - green foliage with very sticky new growth - blue tubular flrs in Sp - tolerates drought & most frosts. |
Eremophila splendens |
A fast growing though short lived shrub to 1.5 m high - furry grey green oval leaves - provides a spectacular display of orange red flrs in Sp & Su - tolerant of alkaline & clay soils - frost tolerant. |
Eremophila splendens x maculata Spitfire |
Showy shrub - round hairy green leaves - dark red
tubular flrs during the warmer months - pruning
essential - tolerates drought & light frosts. |
Eremophila subfloccosa ssp. Lanata |
Forms a spreading shrub – attractive felt like grey green leaves - red tubular flrs in Sp & Su – frost tolerant – plant in an open, well ventilated position. 1m x 2m |
Eremophila subfloccosa subsp. Subfloccosa |
Forms a spreading shrub – attractive felt like grey green leaves - greenish yellow tubular flrs in Sp & Su – frost tolerant – plant in an open, well ventilated position. 1m x 2m |
Eremophila subteretifolia prostrate |
Hardy groundcover which will trail over a bank - narrow linear leaves - orange red flrs from Sp till Su & sporadically - full sun or filtered shade - tolerates saline soils - frost hardy. 3m across |
Eremophila Summertime Blue |
Spreading shrub to 1.5m - narrow, shiny, green leaves - large showy mauve/blue flrs in Sp, Su and Au - tolerant of lime, frost and part shade. |
Eremophila Susan Jane |
Fast growing shrub - long narrow green leaves which give off a pleasant aroma just before rain - showy dark purple spotted flrs in Sp with occasional flrs during the year - frost & drought hardy. 2.5m |
Eremophila ternifolia |
Spreading shrub - small dense green leaves - purple flrs occur along the stems in Sp & Su - frost & drought hardy. 0.5m x 1.5m |
Eremophila veneta |
Metallic flowered eremophila Low growing hardy shrub - sticky green foliage which is aromatic - bluish green flrs in late Sp and early Su - grows in alkaline clay rich soils - tolerant of frost & dry spells. 1.5m |
Eremophila weldii |
Small Leaf Emu Bush - rounded bushy shrub growing 1 m x 1 m - tiny grey green leaves - small tubular lilac flrs in Su - tolerates heavy alkaline soil, frost & drought. |
Eremophila Wild Berry |
Hardy shrub reaching 1 m high - red/pink/yellow varying colour tubular flrs much of the year - tolerant of drought, frost & heavy soils. |
Eremophila Winter Gold |
Another hardy form of Eremophila maculata growing to 1 m tall - grey -green foliage - yellow tubular flrs red spotted inside during Wi - frost & drought tolerant. |
Eremophila Yanna Road |
Shrub reaching approx. 1m high - soft grey green foliage - yellow buds followed by bright pink flrs for much of the year - frost resistant. |
Eremophila youngii |
Pilbara Gold - An adaptable shrub for regions of low humidity - upright stems of soft grey foliage - yellow tubular flrs occur during Wi & Sp - grows in alkaline & clay soils - frost & drought tolerant. 2.5m x 1m |
Eremophila youngii |
An erect plant to 2 m tall & 1 m wide - upright stems of soft grey foliage - the reddish pink tubular flrs occur during Wi & Sp - frost & drought tolerant. |
Eremophila youngii Pilbara Gold |
An erect plant - upright stems of soft grey foliage -
yelllow tubular flrs occur during Wi & Sp - grows in
alkaline & clay soils - frost & drought tolerant. 2.5m x 1m |
Eremophila youngii Yellow Canary |
An erect plant - upright stems of soft grey foliage - yelllow tubular flrs occur during Wi & Sp - grows in alkaline & clay soils - frost & drought tolerant. 2.5m x 1m |
Erica darleyensis pink |
Dainty compact shrub - small narrow dark green leaves - tiny pink bell flrs over a long period - frost resistant. |
Erica darleyensis white |
Compact shrub to 0.5m - small dark green leaves - tiny white perfumed tubular flrs over a long period - frost resistant. |
Eriostemon nodiflorus |
Dainty shrub to 1m - narrow heathlike leaves - mauve flower clusters along the stems in Sp - requires well drained soil and semi-shade - frost resistant. |
Eriostemon Profusion |
Native Wax Flower - compact shrub to 1.2 m - aromatic green foliage - starry white flrs in Wi & Sp - frost resistant. |
Eriostemon Bournda Beauty |
Compact hardy shrub to 1 m - aromatic green foliage - pink buds opening to wh. star-shaped flrs during Wi & Sp - frost resistant. |
Eriostemon buxifolius |
Rounded shrub to 1.5 m high - rounded leathery green leaves - starry white flrs with pink buds in Sp - frost resistant. |
Eriostemon buxifolius Cascade of Stars |
Compact shrub to 0.3 m with a cascading habit - chunky green foliage - pink buds opening to white starry flrs during Sp - frost resistant. |
Eriostemon decumbens |
shrub to 60 cm for sun or part shade - small Dark green aromatic leaves - pink buds followed by wh. flrs in Wi and Sp - frost resistant. |
Eriostemon difformis Starsprite |
A hardy shrub to 0.5 m - very fine lime green foliage - wh. star flrs during Sp - tolerates frost, drought & shade. |
Eriostemon Flower Girl |
Hardy shrub to 1 m suitable for rockery or tub specimen - aromatic green leaves - pink buds opening to pale pink starry flrs in Wi & Sp - frost resistant. |
Eriostemon myoporoides |
Shrub to 1.5 m - small aromatic green leaves - pink buds and white starry flrs in Wi and Sp - tolerant of frost, lime and partial shade. |
Eriostemon myoporoides long leaf form |
Native Wax Flower - shrub to 1.5 m - small aromatic green leaves - pink buds and white starry flrs in Wi and Sp - tolerant of frost, lime and partial shade. |
Eriostemon myoporoides ssp.acutus |
Hardy shrub to 1.5 m tall - small green aromatic leaves - pink buds followed by starry wh. flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Eriostemon spicatus |
Dainty rockery plant to 60 cm for sun or part shade - small linear leaves - terminal sprays of pink flrs in Sp - requires excellent drainage - frost resistant. |
Eriostemon Stardust |
Hardy & vigorous shrub to 1.8 m - aromatic green leaves - good display of white star shaped flrs from Wi to Sp - frost resistant. |
Eriostemon verrucosus |
A small open shrub with arching branches - tiny green leaves along warty stems - pink buds opening to white flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Escallonia iveyi |
Vigorous and hardy shrub to 2m - large glossy green leaves - clusters of wh. flrs in Sp - frost hardy - useful for hedges. |
Eucalyptus acaciiformis |
Wattle leaved Peppermint - fast growing windbreak tree similar to the nicholii reaching 15m - fine dense bluish foliage resistant to insect attack - withstands frost and snow. |
Eucalyptus agglomerata |
Blue leaved Stringybark - Stringybark mainly restricted to NSW - bluish green canopy of leaves which are eaten by koalas - small wh. flrs in Au & Wi - tolerant of moderate frost. 40m
Descriptive label only |
Eucalyptus albens |
White Box - A hardy farm tree with grey leaves, whitish box bark & cream flrs in Au, durable fencing timber, tolerant of poorly drained, saline and calcareous soils. |
Eucalyptus albida |
A small mallee which develops a white trunk - ornamental silvery grey foliage suitable for floral work - drought resistant - frost tolerance unknown. (Descriptive label only) |
Eucalyptus alpina |
Grampians Gum - spreading shrub to 3 m tall - twisted branches & thick oblong leaves to 12 cm long - bears cream flrs from Su to Wi - tolerant of frost & most soil types. |
Eucalyptus amplifolia |
Cabbage Gum - handsome shade tree to 20 m - broad green leaves & smooth trunk - grows well on wet clay soils - frost hardy. (Descriptive label only) |
Eucalyptus anceps |
Kangaroo Island Mallee - small tree - golden buds produced in Wi are popular with florists - white flrs in Su - tolerant of drought and lime - light frosts only. |
Eucalyptus argophloia |
Chinchilla White Gum - Stately white trunked tree to 25m - smooth weeping branches - wh. flrs in Su - excellent timber - suited to poorly drained soils - ideal for avenues - frost resistant. |
Eucalyptus argophloia Dwarf |
Dwarf Chinchilla White Gum - This unusual weeping form grows only to 4m high. It features pendulous branches of fine grey/green foliage and a white trunk . It will weep completely from an early age but may be staked to obtain the desired height. This hardy gum is also drought and frost resistant and thrives on heavy soil . |
Eucalyptus Baby Blue |
Dwarf form of Euc. pulverulenta grown for the cut flower market - round silvery grey leaves - small wh. flrs - frost resistant. 3m |
Eucalyptus bakeri |
Baker's Mallee - a mallee growing to 15 m tall with pendulous branches - tolerant of drought, frost & poor drainage. (Descriptive label only) |
Eucalyptus bella (syn. E. papuana) |
Ghost Gum - blooodwood to 15 m tall - with stunning smooth white trunk - bluish green leaves - white strongly scented flrs in Su - tolerant of drought & moderate frost. |
Eucalyptus bicostata |
Eurabbie - attractive avenue or woodlot tree to 20 m - broad silvery juvenile leaves changing to very long dark green mature leaves - silver buds leading to white fls in Sp and Su - frost resistant. |
Eucalyptus biturbinata - Grey Gum |
Prized for its timber & grows to 20 m tall - smooth, straight, pink & grey trunk - wh. flrs in Su - enjoys good soil & moisture - light frost only |
Eucalyptus blakelyi |
Blakely's Red Gum - majestic tree to 16 m tall with a smooth mottled bark - green foliage - prefers deep loam soil - particularly frost tolerant. |
Eucalyptus boliviana |
Rare stringybark to 5 m tall & restricted to Bolivia Hill on the New England Tableland - large oval bluish green leathery leaves yellow flrs followed by tightly clustered sessile fruit - tolerant of frost.
(Descriptive label only) |
Eucalyptus botryoides |
Bangalay - hardy shade tree to 20m - rough fibrous bark - tolerant of heavy saline soils, frost and drought. |
Eucalyptus bridgesiana |
Apple Box - Attractive shade tree reaching 15 m - the broad silver juvenile leaves are suitable for cutting - pendulous long dark green adult leaves - frost resistant. |
Eucalyptus caesia Magna |
Silver Princess - ornamental open tree to 7m - pendulous white frosted branches - large bright pink flrs with silvery buds and nuts in Wi - drought hardy and mod. frost hardy. |
Eucalyptus caleyi |
Caley's Ironbark - eucalypt growing to 10 m tall - features grey/green pendulous foliage & black deeply furrowed bark - bunches of creamy blossom producing good quality honey - frost tolerant. |
Eucalyptus caliginosa |
Excellent shade tree spreading to 15 m - straight deeply fissured trunk with grey stringy bark - broad dark green leathery leaves - small white flrs in Sp - frost tolerant. |
Eucalyptus calycogona |
Square fruited mallee - Shrubby tree to 6m tall - grey green juvenile leaves & glossy green adult foliage - white, occasionally pink flrs are produced during the cooler months - the buds & fruit have a square cross-section - tolerant of lime, drought & moderate frost. |
Eucalyptus camaldulensis |
River Red Gum - magnificent spreading tree reaching 30 m - pendulous bluish foliage and smooth white grey trunk - hardy to frost and poorly drained soils. |
Eucalyptus camaldulensis Silverton |
Magnificent spreading tree reaching 20m - pendulous grey foliage and smooth white grey trunk - tolerant of frost & drought. |
Eucalyptus campanulata |
New England Blackbutt - leathery green leaves - small wh. flrs in Su - useful
timber - frost tolerant. To 20m |
Eucalyptus campaspe |
Silver topped Gimlet - compact tree to 6 m - waxy bloom on upper trunk branches and leaves - windbreaks and woodlots - suitable for clay soils in hot dry areas - tolerant of salty and alkaline soil - usually frost resistant. |
Eucalyptus camphora |
Mountain Swamp Gum - smooth barked gum with fibrous bark on lower trunk growing 7 m tall
- broad blue green leaves - flrs from Su till Au - tolerant of frost & exended periods of inundation |
Eucalyptus chloroclada - Baradine Red Gum |
A koala food tree growing to 15 m tall - usually several trunks with a rough stocking & smooth bark above - light green leaves and prolific white flrs in Sp. - found on sandy plains country. |
Eucalyptus cinerea |
Argyle Apple - Hardy fast growing tree to 12m - bushy crown of bluish foliage - reddish fibrous bark - cream flrs in Au and Wi - tolerates poor drainage - frost tolerant. |
Eucalyptus citriodora |
Lemon Scented Gum - ornamental stately tree reaching 30m tall - long strongly scented drooping leaves - smooth white trunk - masses of white blossom in Su - frost tender when young. |
Eucalyptus cladocalyx nana |
Hardy and bushy gum to 12m - attractive green foliage - white flrs in Su - tolerates alkaline and clay soils - frost resistant - susceptible to borers in some areas. |
Eucalyptus codonocarpa |
A rare mallee reaching 6 m in height - smooth grey & white bark on multiple trunks - glossy green leaves - small white flrs in autumn - frost resistant. |
Eucalyptus conica |
Fuzzy Box - very hardy shade tree to 15 m similar to a Yellow box - rough pale grey bark & narrow green leaves - useful for heavy clay & shallow soils - frost hardy |
Eucalyptus coolabah |
Hardy tree to 24 m - pendulous blue green foliage - small white flrs. in Su. - useful for saline
& poorly drained soils - frost resistant. Descriptive label only |
Eucalyptus cordata |
Heart leaved silver gum - ormamental tree for the tablelands reaching 10 m - whitish trunk & grey green heart shaped leaves - wh. flrs Wi to Sp - frost hardy - prefers a moist position. |
Eucalyptus crebra |
Narrow leaved Ironbark - useful tree to 20m - narrow green foliage - dark furrowed bark - woodlots and windbreaks - tolerates heavy soils - frost resistant. |
Eucalyptus crenulata |
Buxton Silver Gum - Ornamental fast growing tree to 8m - fine crenulated silver / pink foliage useful to florists - white flrs in Sp - tolerant of cold wet sites. |
Eucalyptus curtisii |
Plunkett Mallee - a small gum for the garden or street growing 6 m tall or often smaller - profuse pure wh. flrs in Sp - tolerant of frost. |
Eucalyptus dalrympleana |
Mountain Gum - ornamental white trunked tree to 30 m tall - broad silver juvenile leaves changing to
long dark green mature leaves - wh. flrs in Au - enjoys moist soils - frost resistant. |
Eucalyptus dalveenica |
Dalveen Blue Box - Rare tree endemic to the Stanthorpe Granite Belt - broad bluish green leaves with a sweet fruity aroma - small white flrs in Su - frost hardy. 8-15 m
Descriptive label
only |
Eucalyptus dealbata |
Tumbledown Gum - hardy twisted tree growing to 10m - spreading limbs of pendulous grey green foliage - smooth patchy trunk - white flrs in Sp - resistant to frost & drought and hardy on skeletal soils. |
Eucalyptus dolichorhyncha |
Fuchsia Gum - an open shrubby mallee to 4 m tall - the red fuchsia like buds prized by
florists are followed by a yellow flr in Su & Au - tolerant of drought & light frost. |
Eucalyptus dunnii |
Dunn's Gum - quick growing tree to 30 m - white trunk- white flrs in Au and Wi - tolerant of poor drainage - usually frost resistant - suitable for wood lots. |
Eucalyptus elata |
River Peppermint - A graceful tree reaching 20m - dense crown of grey green leaves - smooth greenish wh. trunk - round clusters of wh. flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Eucalyptus eremophila |
Tall Sand Mallee. Shrubby tree to 5 m tall - glossy green leaves - produces long finger-like reddish brown buds & greenish yellow flrs in Wi & Sp - tolerant of drought & moderate frost. |
Eucalyptus erythrocorys |
Red Cap Gum - tree to 6m - long green leathery leaves - green buds with red warty caps opening to yellow flowers in Au - smooth white trunk - drought and lime tolerant - frost tender when young. |
Eucalyptus erythronema |
Red flowered Mallee - a mallee from W. A. growing to 8 m tall - smooth powdery white bark - red flrs are produced from Wi till Su - moderate frost tolerance. |
Eucalyptus exserta |
Small red gum reaching 4 m tall - rough bark on trunk with smooth branches - white flrs in Su - drought & frost tolerant. |
Eucalyptus fibrosa |
Red Ironbark - |
Eucalyptus ficifolia |
Scarlet Flowering Gum - A spectacular spreading shady tree reaching 6m - broad dark green leaves & masses of brilliant red, orange or pink flrs in Su - light frosts only. |
Eucalyptus formanii |
Small dense tree with grey bark - attractive narrow grey leaves useful for floral work - cream flrs in Sp and Su - drought resistant. |
Eucalyptus forrestiana |
Fuchsia Gum - an open shrubby mallee to 4 m tall - the red fuchsia like buds prized by florists are followed by a yellow flr in Su & Au - tolerant of drought & light frost. |
Eucalyptus gardneri |
Blue Mallet - bushy tree reaching 6 - 9 m with a slightly buttressed trunk, flaky bark & smooth branches - blue green to purplish leaves - very long buds & pale yellow flrs from Au to Sp - moderate frost tolerance. |
Eucalyptus gillii |
Curly Mallee - Mallee with smooth wh. to grey bark, sometimes flaky - grey/green oval foliage - pale yellow blossom in Wi & Sp - good for cut foliage - tolerates drought & moderate frost. 6m |
Eucalyptus globulus subsp globulus |
Tasmanian Blue Gum - Smooth trunked forest tree, the floral emblem of Tasmania - metallic blue green juvenile leaves & long deep green mature leaves - silvery buds & white blossom in Sp - frost hardy up to 100m |
Eucalyptus globulus subsp. Bicostata |
Eurabbie - Attractive avenue or woodlot tree to 20m - broad silvery juvenile leaves changing to very long dark green mature leaves - silver buds leading to white fls in Sp and Su - frost resistant. |
Eucalyptus grandis |
Flooded Gum (Rose Gum) - fast growing tree to 30m - shaft like white trunk - useful timber - tolerant of poor drainage - light frosts only. |
Eucalyptus gregsoniana |
Wolgan Snow Gum - Mallee eucalypt with smooth white or grey bark - grey green leaves with parallel minor veins - clusters of white flrs occur in Spring - frost resistant. To 4m |
Eucalyptus gunnii |
Cider Gum - fast growing tree to 25 m - smooth green & white bark - round silver juvenile foliage changing to longer green leaves - timber or ornamental - tolerant of heavy wet soils - frost hardy. |
Eucalyptus hypochlamydea |
Buds & foliage used in floral work - grey juvenile leaves leading to green adult foliage & yellow buds. |
Eucalyptus incerata |
Mount Day Mallee - Mallee with smooth grey bark shedding to orange - glossy grey/green leaves - pendulous elongated buds & pale yellow flrs in Sp - tolerant to drought & frost. 5m |
Eucalyptus infera |
Durikai Mallee - slender mallee endemic to west of Warwick, Qld - smooth green & coppery bark shedding in ribbons - glossy green leaves & small wh. flrs in Sp - frost resistant.
(Descriptive label only) |
Eucalyptus kartzoffiana |
Araluen Gum - tree to 15 m tall - grey box like stocking, smooth bark above - ornamental bluish foliage - white flrs in Au - frost resistant. (descriptive label only) |
Eucalyptus kruseana |
Kruses Mallee - ornamental shrub to 2m - round silver leaves suitable for floral arrangements - silver buds and yellow flrs in Au - moderately frost resistant. |
Eucalyptus laevopinea |
Silver-top Stringybark - a good shade, windbreak & commercial timber tree growing to 20 m - wh. flrs in Wi - thrives in good moist soils at high elevation - frost resistant. |
Eucalyptus lansdowneana |
Crimson Mallee - small tree to 4 m - long, glossy & pendulous, yellow-green leaves - hot pink or sometimes mauve flrs in Su, cut flr variety - frost & drought resistant.
(Descriptive label only) |
Eucalyptus largiflorens |
Black Box - small to medium woodland tree - grey tessellated box bark - suited to heavy soils - resistant to frost & drought. |
Eucalyptus latens Moon Lagoon |
A mallee growing to 4 m tall - the ornamental small silver leaves give way to green mature leaves if left unpruned - attractive red buds & wh. flrs in Sp & Su - tolerant of drought & frost - cut foliage variety. |
Eucalyptus lesoueffii - Goldfield's Blackbutt |
Mallee or small tree to 12 m tall - smooth white to pinkish grey trunk with rough base - ornate prominently ribbed buds & cream flrs in Su - enjoys heavy alkaline soils - tolerant of drought & moderate frost - grown commercially for the cut flower market. |
Eucalyptus leucoxylon macrocarpa |
Ornamental tree - attractive trunk and large
reddish pink flrs in Sp - recommended for
windbreaks - frost resistant. |
Eucalyptus leucoxylon megalocarpa |
Ornamental tree - attractive trunk and large reddish
pink flrs in Sp - recommended for windbreaks - frost
resistant. 8m |
Eucalyptus leucoxylon rosea |
A small ornamental tree - red, pink or cream flrs in Wi
or Sp - frost hardy. |
Eucalyptus leucoxylon subsp. Megalocarpa |
Small gum growing 4 - 9 m tall - rough bark on trunk, smooth branches - red, pink or occasionally white flrs over a long period - tolerant of heavy alkaline soils - frost & drought resistant. |
Eucalyptus macrandra |
Useful windbreak tree to 7m - shiny olive green foliage - long bud caps reddish - tan followed by yellow flrs in Su & Au - bud used in floral work - tolerant of part shade, lime and salt and frost. |
Eucalyptus macrocarpa |
Huge red flrs with tough silver foliage - very straggly habit - drought hardy. |
Eucalyptus maculata |
Spotted Gum - Height 30m - A beautiful straight growing tree with a dappled pale bark & wh. flrs in Wi & Sp - good timber - tolerant of clay soils. |
Eucalyptus mannifera |
Red Spotted Gum - graceful open tree to 10m - dappled white trunk and branches - white blossum Wi to Sp - frost resistant. |
Eucalyptus melanophloia |
Silver leaved Ironbark - hardy spreading tree for rocky site growing to 10m - broad silver leaves - masses of creamy blossom in Sp - frost and drought resistant. |
Eucalyptus melliodora |
Yellow Box - A hardy all purpose tree to 16 m - rough bark - white flrs in Sp - Su - first class honey tree - useful timber - clay & salt tolerant - frost hardy. |
Eucalyptus melliodora rosea |
Pink-flowering Yellow Box - large well shaped tree to 18 m tall - the seed was collected from 2
pink flowering Yellow box & a reasonable proportion are expected to bear pink flowers - frost resistant. |
Eucalyptus michaeliana |
Hillgrove Gum - attractive tree to 12m - smooth patchy bark and irregular trunk - greyish green pendulous foliage resistant to Christmas beetle attack - frost resistant. |
Eucalyptus microcarpa |
Western Grey Box - hardy tree to 15 m tall - grey box bark with smooth upper branches -
narrow olive green leaves - cream flrs Su-Wi - tolerant of heavy alkaline soil, drought and frost. |
Eucalyptus microcorys |
Tallowwood - Bushy tree to 30m - its low branching habit and dense crown ensure the Tallowwood provides an excellent windbreak - ginger coloured bark & first class, durable timber - frost tender. |
Eucalyptus microtheca |
Coolibah - Hardy tree to 24 m - pendulous blue green foliage - small white flrs. in Su. - useful for saline & poorly drained soils - frost resistant. (descriptive label only) |
Eucalyptus moluccana |
Grey Box - stately farm tree reaching 20 m tall - dark green foliage & a grey tesselated box bark - useful hardwood timber - prefers heavy clay soils - drought & frost resistant. |
Eucalyptus Moon Lagoon |
A mallee - the ornamental small silver leaves give way
to green mature leaves if left unpruned - attractive red
buds & wh. flrs in Sp & Su - tolerant of drought & frost
- cut foliage variety. 4m |
Eucalyptus moorei nana |
Narrow Leaved Sally - small tree or mallee to 7m - smooth Wh. and grey trunk - narrow glossy green leaves - wh. flrs in Su - frost resistant. |
Eucalyptus nicholii |
Narrow leaved Peppermint - A decorative windbreak tree to 15 m - fine dense bluish foliage - dark fibrous bark - white flrs in Au - frost hardy . |
Eucalyptus nova-anglica |
Tree native to the New England Tableland growing to 25 m - rough bark & glaucous juvenile foliage changing to grey green with maturity - frost resistant. |
Eucalyptus ochrophloia |
Yapunyah - a hardy tree growing 12 m tall - the wide spreading crown of thick glossy green
leaves creates good shade - small white flrs in Wi & Sp - tolerant of heavy clay soils, drought & frost. |
Eucalyptus olida |
Strawberry Gum - Tree to 15 m endemic to the Tenterfield/Glen Innes district - the foliage contains an oil with a fruity aroma & is commercially harvested for the food industry - wh. flrs in Su - tolerant of frost. Desrciptive label only |
Eucalyptus orbifolia |
Round-leaved Mallee - Multi-stemmed mallee with minni ritchi bark - oval grey/green leaves - creamy yellow flrs in Wi & Sp - prefers low humidity & gravelly well-drained soils - tolerant of drought & frost. 8m |
Eucalyptus orgadophila |
Mountain Coolabah - hardy tree to 20 m - box bark & smooth branches, grey/green foliage - white flrs
in Sp - tolerant of drought, frost & poor drainage.
(Descriptive label only) |
Eucalyptus pachyphylla |
Red Bud Mallee - scrubby mallee to 5 m tall - broad grey green leaves - ornamental
rosella like red buds & creamy yellow flrs occur in Au & Wi followed by attractive ribbed capsules - light frost only.
(Descriptive label only) |
Eucalyptus parramattensis |
Parramatta Red Gum - tree to 12m - smooth dappled trunk - profuse white flrs in Su - frost resistant. |
Eucalyptus parvifolia |
Small - leaved Gum - Bushy tree to 8m - attractive blue green foliage - windbreaks & ornamental - frost hardy. |
Eucalyptus pauciflora |
Snow Gum - ornamental tree to 12m -smooth white trunk and glossy leaves - frost hardy. |
Eucalyptus perriniana |
Spinning Gum - A decorative tree reaching 12m - silvery white foliage used in floral arrangements - the juvenile leaves are round - profuse white flrs from Su to Au - frost and shade tolerant. |
Eucalyptus pilligaensis |
Narrow-leaved grey box - useful & hardy farm tree reaching 25 m - grey fibrous box bark - vigorous & fast growing on heavy black soils - frost & drought resistant. |
Eucalyptus pilularis |
Blackbutt - a tree to 50 m with a rough stocking of bark to halfway with the rest of the trunk smooth & white - glossy green leaves - wh flrs during the warmer months - koala food tree - economically one of Australia's most important hardwoods - light frost only. |
Eucalyptus platypus |
Round - leaved Moort - a marlock reaching 5m - bushy crown of thick leathery leaves to close to ground level - wh blossom Wi to Sp - drought and salt tolerant - moderately frost resistant. |
Eucalyptus pleurocarpa (syn. E. tetragona) |
Silver Marlock - Spreading mallee for arid regions - spectacular oval silvery grey leaves used in floral work - white flrs & silver fruit in Su - tolerant of light frost. 5m x 6m
Descriptive label only |
Eucalyptus pluricaulis |
Spreading shrub - smooth bark forming ribbons toward the base - produces yellow flrs during the cooler months - usually frost tolerant. 3m x 8m |
Eucalyptus polyanthemos |
Red Box - hardy bushy tree to 12 m - white flrs in Sp and Su, good honey tree - tolerant of drought and clay soils - usually frost resistant. |
Eucalyptus polycarpa |
Attractive bloodwood to 15 m - tessellated corky bark - cream flrs in Au followed by moderately large urn shaped pods - frost & drought resistant. |
Eucalyptus populnea |
Bimble Box - hardy farm tree to 12m - round shiny poplar like leaves - white blossum Su to Au - tolerant of drought, frost and heavy soils - useful honey and timber tree. |
Eucalyptus prava |
Orange Gum - Ornamental often multiple trunked gum to - patchy bark, pink or orange when new, aging to grey brown - broad bluish green leaves - attractive white flrs in Su - frost resistant. 6m |
Eucalyptus prava (syn. bancroftii) |
Orange Gum - ornamental often multiple trunked gum to 6m - patchy bark, pink or orange when new, aging to grey brown - broad green leaves - attractive white flrs in Su - frost resistant. |
Eucalyptus pterocarpa |
Golden Swirl - Mallet tree endemic to southwest W.A.- smooth light
grey to salmon grey bark - ornamental ribbed buds
turning yellow/orange close to flowering - white flrs in
Sp - buds & foliage are used in cut flr industry - frost
tolerance unknown. 10m Descriptive label only |
Eucalyptus ptychocarpa |
Swamp Bloodwood - sparse spreading ornamental tree to 15m - long leathery leaves - specular red, pink or white flrs and large ribbed pods - frost tender. |
Eucalyptus pulverulenta |
Small shrubby tree to 4 m with a ribbony white bark - round silver foliage suitable for floral work – cream gum blossom in Sp – may be pruned hard to encourage new growth - tolerates clay soils & is frost resistant. |
Eucalyptus punctata |
Grey Gum - Tall straight timber tree with a smooth grey/cream bark - lush green canopy - small wh. flrs during Su - important food source for koalas - light frost only. 35m |
Eucalyptus pyriformis |
Pear-fruited Mallee - Mallee with smooth sometimes glossy grey to pink bark - large thick grey green leaves - spectacular red or cream flrs during the cooler months - tolerant of drought & light frost. 6m |
Eucalyptus radiata |
Narrow-leaved Peppermint - A tree for cold wet areas - rough fibrous bark - dense canopy of dark green leaves - cream flrs in Sp & Su - leaves are crushed for essential oils - frost tolerant. 30m |
Eucalyptus resinifera |
Red Mahogany - a large tree reaching 45 m with a rough almost stringy bark - broad green
leaves - wh flrs during the warmer months - useful timber & koala food tree - light frost only. |
Eucalyptus robusta |
Swamp Mahogany - fast growing to a height of 24m - dense crown of leathery dark green leaves - fibrous bark - frost tender when young. |
Eucalyptus rubida |
Candlebark Gum - Beautiful specimen tree prized for its white trunk - broad blue/grey juvenile leaves give way to long green leaves with age - white fluffy flrs in Su - tolerant of heavy frost & snow. 30m |
Eucalyptus saligna |
Sydney Blue Gum - Fast growing tree to 30m - smooth, straight grey trunk - white flrs in Su and Au - withstands waterlogging - important hardwood - cold climate seed source used. |
Eucalyptus salmonophloia |
Salmon Gum - stately tree reaching 20 m - salmon bark contrasting with glossy green foliage - useful timber - tolerant of drought, lime, salt & moderate frost - prefers heavy soils. soils.(Descriptive label only) |
Eucalyptus salubris |
Gimlet - handsome twisted tree to 16m - smooth greenish brown trunk - pendulous shiny olive green leaves - best for heavy clay and alkaline soils - usually frost resistant. |
Eucalyptus scoparia |
Wallangarra White Gum - fast growing ornamental tree to 15m - smooth straight white trunk - willow like olive green foliage - frost and drought resistant. |
Eucalyptus siderophloia |
Northern Grey Ironbark - a fast growing tree to 45 m tall - dark green foliage and grey or black furrowed bark - showy white flrs in Wi & Sp - prefers wet fertile soils - attractive durable timber for flooring - light frosts only. |
Eucalyptus Sideroxlyon mallee form |
Pendulous grey-green foliage - cream blossom Sp & Au
- clay & frost tolerant - develops into a small multitrunked
tree. 10m |
Eucalyptus sideroxylon |
Mugga Ironbark - tree to 20m - pendulous grey - green foliage - pink blossom Sp & Au - clay & frost tolerant - useful timber. |
Eucalyptus sideroxylon |
Mugga Ironbark - Pendulous grey-green foliage - pink flowers Sp & Au - clay & frost tolerant - develops into a small multi-trunked tree. 10m |
Eucalyptus signata |
Scribbly Gum - an attractive coastal tree reaching 25 m tall - glossy green leaves and a smooth
white or yellowish trunk showing insect scribbles - koala food source - light frosts only. |
Eucalyptus socialis |
Red Mallee - mallee to about 5m - dull green leaves - pale yellow flowers in Sp - tolerates drought, lime and frost. |
Eucalyptus spathulata |
Swamp Mallet - small tree to 6m - very narrow leaves and smooth bark - attractive brown and green buds followed by white flr clusters in Wi - thrives in heavy soils and can withstand some waterlogging - frost and drought and resistant. |
Eucalyptus stellulata |
Black Sally - low bushy tree to 10 m - small grey green leaves & a greenish white smooth bark - invaluable shelter tree for cold exposed wet sites - frost resistant. |
Eucalyptus stoatei |
Small tree to 6m - yellow flrs in Wi , ornamental red buds & nuts - tolerates drought, lime and saline soils - light frosts only. |
Eucalyptus stricklandii |
Makes a good street tree - deep green leaves - large yellow flrs in Su - tolerant of a range of soils incl. saline & alkaline - drought & frost hardy. |
Eucalyptus tereticornis |
Forest Red Gum - a stately tree to 30 m with a smooth bluish trunk & wh. flrs in Wi & Sp - tolerant of frost & poorly drained, saline soils - durable timber - koala tree. |
Eucalyptus tessellaris |
Carbeen - hardy handsome tree growing to15m - smooth cream bark on upper trunk above dark tessellated bark at base - tolerant of clay and saline soils - frost resistant. |
Eucalyptus tetraptera |
Square-fruited Mallee - a low W.A. mallee to 3 m - large red rectangular buds open to pink flrs during Sp
& Su - prefers well drained sandy soils - frost tender when young - tolerates drought & lime. |
Eucalyptus torelliana |
Cadagi - fast growing tree to 30m - smooth green trunk - large furry rounded leaves - masses of white flrs in Su - clay tolerant - frost tender. |
Eucalyptus torquata |
Coral Gum - an ornamental eucalypt growing to 6 m tall with a rough bark - bushy crown of dull green leaves - attractive buds open to dark pink flrs much of the year - resistant to drought & moderate frost. |
Eucalyptus Torwood |
Hybrid Coral Gum - a bushy ornamental tree to 9 m tall with a smooth bark - grey green foliage and orange pink flrs in Sp - tolerant of heavy soils and moderate frost. |
Eucalyptus uncinata |
Hook - leaved Mallee - dense shrub to 2m - white flrs in Su - foliage suitable for floral work - light frost only. |
Eucalyptus viminalis |
Ribbon Gum - a fast growing tree to 20 m - smooth shaft like white trunk - pendulous branches - frost resistant. |
Eucalyptus viridis |
Green Mallee - dense tree to 6m - narrow dark green leaves - prefers heavy soils - moderate frosts. |
Eucalyptus websteriana |
Webster's Mallee - shrubby mallee with grey heart shaped leaves, reddish brown bark & lemon yellow flowers in Wi. Tolerates drought, lime & frost. Requires well drained soil. |
Eucalyptus woodwardii |
Tree to 12 m - grey foliage - powdery white buds and yellow flrs Wi to Sp - tolerant of drought, frost and calcareous soils. |
Eucalyptus youngiana |
Ooldea Mallee - open mallee to 8 m tall - huge red or yellow flrs followed by unusual red ridged pods - prefers well drained sandy soil - tolerates drought & lime - frost tender when young. |
Eucryphia lucida Ballerina |
Shrub or small tree to 7 m - dark green oblong leathery leaves - pale pink flrs to 3 cm across similar to single rose in Sp & Su - requires shade - mod. frosts only - famous for honey production. (descriptive label only) |
Eucryphia milliganii |
Dwarf Leatherwood - Tasmanian shrub to 2 m tall - dark green oval leaves with a pale underside - profuse fragrant pale pink flrs to 3 cm across are produced in Su - responds to mulching & regular watering during Su - frost resistant - prefers semi shade. (descriptive label only) . |
Euryops virgineus Golden Glow |
Fast growing bushy shrub - attractive fine green foliage -
bears masses of small yellow flrs in Wi & Sp - requires
full sun & is frost hardy. 1.2m x 1m |
Eustrephus latifolius - Wombat Berry |
A light weight climber for most soil types - green lanceolate leaves with parallel veining - delicate pink flrs in Su are followed by round bright orange berries - tolerant of frost & shade.
(Descriptive label only) |
Eutaxia cuneata |
A rounded open shrub to 1.5m tall - small linear green leaves - showy orange & red pea flowers in Sp - moderate frost only |
Eutaxia obovata |
Rounded shrub to 1 m high x 60 cm wide - green lanceolate leaves - yellow & red pea flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Evolvulus alsinoides |
Blue Buttons - Dainty miniature perennial - fine trailing grey green foliage - tiny sky blue flrs from Sp till Au - tolerant of shade & moderate frost. 30cm x 30cm |
Ficus rubiginosa |
Rusty Fig - Spreading shade tree similar to the Moreton Bay Fig - glossy dark green leaves - small orange figs - frost tender. 15m |
Flindersia australis |
Crows Ash - Handsome tree to 20m - large dark green pinnate leaves - white flrs in Sp followed by large claw like pods - frost tender. |
Fraxinus griffithii |
Flowering Ash - deciduous tree to 7m - large pannicles of flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Gahnia sieberiana |
Red Fruit Saw-sedge -
Large tussock forming perennial - green strap like leaves with a rough edge - panicles of black flr heads occur in Sp followed by heads of red brown seeds useful for dried arrangements - prefers a moist position - frost resistant.2m
Descriptive label only |
Gastrolobium Brown Butterfly |
Groundcover useful for retaining walls - unusual brown
leaves with a green edge - red pea flrs in Su - grows in
sun or part shade & tolerates light frost. 0.5m x 3m |
Gastrolobium celsianum |
Swan River Pea - A spreading plant with a tidy habit - long grey green leaves with pale underside - bright red pea flrs in late Wi to Sp - tolerant of semi-shade & moderate frost - makes a good understory shrub. 0.5m xm 2 |
Gastrolobium latifolium (syn. Brachysema latifolium) |
Dainty trailing groundcover to 1 m across - dark green round leaves, pale underneath - orange red pea flowers in Sp - tolerant of moderate frost - requires a well-drained position. |
Gastrolobium praemorsum |
Brown Butterfly - Groundcover useful for retaining walls - unusual brown leaves with a green edge - red pea flrs in Su - grows in sun or part shade & tolerates light frost. 0.5m x 3m |
Gazania Tresco |
Hardy ground cover with a 1 m diameter - the soft silver foliage is outstanding - large bright yellow flowers most of the time - drought & frost resistant. (descriptive label only) |
Geijera parviflora |
Wilga - Small bushy tree - rounded canopy of pendulous aromatic green leaves - panicles of very tiny white flrs appear in Wi & Sp - useful fodder tree - tolerates drought & light frost.
9m x 10m |
Gerevillea Golden Sparkle |
Bushy grevillea to 3 m high by 2 m wide - green leaves with a cream margin - orange red flrs throughout the year - hardy to drought & frost. |
Gingko biloba |
Maidenhair Tree - an adaptable deciduous conifer known to reach 40m - reddish bark - maidenhair fern shaped leaves turning golden in Au - frost resistant. |
Glochidion sumatranum |
Large-leaved Cheese Tree. Rainforest tree - large glossy leaves to 20cm long -
tiny greenish yellow flrs in Sp followed by pink
seedpods with the appearance of tiny cheeses - frost
& drought tender. 10m
Descriptive label only |
Goodenia albiflora |
Erect suckering plant growing 70 cm tall - bluish green toothed leaves - white flowers with brown
streaks are produced in Sp & Su - good drainage is essential - tolerant of moderate frost.
(Descriptive label only) |
Goodenia hederacea |
Small suckering plant with trailing stems - dark green leaves, silvery underneath - bright yellow flowers in Sp & Su - tolerant of frost & some shade. |
Goodenia hederacea ssp. alpestris |
Small suckering plant with trailing stems - dark green leaves, silvery underneath - bright yellow flowers in Sp & Su - tolerant of frost & some shade. |
Goodenia heteromera |
Clumping perennial forb to 20 cm high - green grasslike foliage, spreading by stolons -
yellow flrs on rising stems most of the year - tolerant of moderate frost. |
Goodenia humilis |
A dainty suckering perennial to about 10 cm high with a grass like appearance - spreading rosettes of upright narrow leaves - small yellow flrs are borne just above the foliage in Sp & Su - tolerates frost & part shade - enjoys a moist position. (descriptive label only) |
Goodenia macmillanii |
Suckering perennial which will reach 50 cm high & a spread of 1m - light green basal leaves - short sprays of pink flowers occur during Sp & Su - moderately frost resistant. (Descriptive label only) |
Goodenia ovata prostrate |
Prostrate variety - vigorous groundcover to 2 m wide - bright green fleshy leaves - yellow flrs in Sp & Su - tolerant of light frost - prefers some shade. |
Goodenia ovata Waa Gorge |
Fast growing spreading shrub - lime green ovate leaves with toothed margins - yellow flrs - tolerates moderate frost & shade. 0.5m |
Goodenia pinnatifida |
Cut-leaf Goodenia - small rosette forming perennial to 40 cm high - green lobed leaves joined at the base - yellow flrs appear on stems above the foliage from Wi till Su - frost resistant. |
Goodenia rotundifolia |
Prostrate herb perfect for hanging baskets - round green leaves with crenulated margins - yellow flrs are produced throughout the year - tolerant of semi shade and light frost. |
Goodenia rotundifolia Flinders Peak |
Dainty groundcover - rounded toothed leaves turning black in cool weather - bright yellow 5-petalled flrs much of the year - moderate frost only. Prostrate |
Goodenia varia |
Groundcover to 0.5 m high x 1.0 m wide - attractive toothed green leaves - bright yellow
flowers are produced most of the year - tolerant of some shade - frost tender. |
Graptophyllum excelsum |
Upright shrub to 3 m tall - attractive glossy green foliage - bright red tubular flrs in Su - prefers shade - frost tender. |
Graptophyllum ilicifolium |
Shrub to 4 m - glossy green holly like leaves - bright red tubular flrs in Sp - requires shade & an absence of frost. |
Gratiola peruviana |
Austral Brooklime - Small herb for a wet position - bright green stem clasping leaves - pale pink flrs in Sp - frost tolerance unknown.
Descriptive label only
Grevillea acanthifolia ssp. acanthifolia |
Spreading shrub to 1.0 m tall & 2 m across - prickly deeply divided green leaves - short bright pink toothbrush flrs occur throughout the year - tolerant of frost & wet soils. |
Grevillea acanthifolia subsp. Stenomera |
Spreading shrub to 1.0 m tall & 2 m across - prickly deeply divided green leaves - short bright pink toothbrush flrs occur in Sp - frost tolerant. |
Grevillea acerata |
An adaptable bushy species reaching 1 m tall - narrow linear leaves with coppery new growth - the small terminal umbel like flr heads are mushroom coloured - tolerant of semi-shade & frost. |
Grevillea acropogon |
Groundcover growing 30 cm high x 2.5 m across - attractive finely divided foliage - bright red spider flrs - frost tolerance unknown |
Grevillea alpina |
Ornamental shrub to 0.8 m - soft green foliage - showy red & yellow flrs much of the year - frost resistant. |
Grevillea alpina apricot |
Graceful weeping shrub growing to 1 m tall - furry rounded leaves - clusters of apricot flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea alpina Goldfields Form |
Ornamental shrub to 0.8m - weeping branches of soft green foliage - apricot yellow snail like flowers in Wi and Sp - frost tolerant. |
Grevillea alpina hybrid peach |
Shrub to 1 m tall - soft narrow green leaves - pink & yellow flrs in Sp - frost resistant |
Grevillea alpina hybrid red & white |
Ornamental shrub to 1.5 m tall - soft linear grey green foliage - red & wh. spider flrs most of the year - tolerant of frost & dappled shade. |
Grevillea alpina tall form |
Ornamental shrub to 1.5 m tall - soft linear grey green foliage - red & wh. spider flrs most of the year - tolerant of frost & dappled shade. |
Grevillea alpina Warby Range |
Hardier than most of the alpinas, this beautiful shrub will grow to 2m high - soft weeping foliage - brilliant red and yellow flrs in Wi & Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea alpina yellow |
Graceful weeping shrub growing to 1 m tall - soft rounded leaves - clusters of yellow flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea alpina yellow |
Showy shrub to 1.5 m tall - small linear green leaves - bright yellow flrs with a red & green style much of the year - frost resistant. |
Grevillea Amethyst |
Bushy shrub to 1.5 m - small linear pointed leaves - mauve flr clusters much of the year - frost resistant. |
Grevillea Apricot Charm |
Shrub to 2 m high - small green oval leaves - apricot flr clusters in Sp - frost resistant - tolerant of heavier soils. |
Grevillea Apricot Glow |
Fast growing dense shrub to 2m - bright green leaves - prolific apricot spider flrs in Wi and Sp - usually frost resistant. |
Grevillea aquifolium |
Holly Grevillea - Dense spreading shrub to 2 m - green holly like leaves - dark red flrs in Wi, Sp & Su - usually frost resistant - sun or part shade. |
Grevillea aquifolium Lake Wartook |
Very hardy dense spreading shrub to 0.5 m - green holly like leaves - dark red toothbrush flrs in Wi, Sp & Su - tolerates clay soils & is frost resistant. |
Grevillea aquifolium low |
Holly Grevillea - dense spreading shrub to 1 m - green holly like leaves - dark red flrs in Wi, Sp & Su - usually frost resistant - sun or part shade. |
Grevillea aquifolium Mt. Richmond |
A groundcover form to 2 m across - green leaves with scalloped margins - short toothbrush flrs aging from yellow to red appear from Wi till Su - frost resistant. |
Grevillea aquifolium prostrate |
Vigorous prostrate plant - small and attractive holly like leaves - dark red toothbrush flrs in Sp - frost and drought resistant. |
Grevillea arenaria |
Very hardy spreading shrub with a height of 2.5 m - dull grey/green oblong leaves - attractive dusky yellow flrs much of the year - frost resistant. |
Grevillea arenaria Silver Cascade |
Shrubby groundcover growing to 30 cm high - narrow grey leaves on cascading stems - greenish yellow flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea arenaria ssp. Canescens |
Dense hardy rounded shrub to 1 m tall - the small oval leaves are a grey green colour - small glowing orange red flrs occur during Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea arenaria yellow form |
Upright shrub to 2 m tall - velvety grey oval leaves - yellow flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea aspleniifolia |
Fern Leaf Grevillea - a hardy species reaching up to 5 m tall though usually less with pruning - long dark green leaves - purplish pink toothbrushes occur in Wi & Sp - frost tolerant. |
Grevillea Aussie Crawl |
Hardy prostrate groundcover similar to G. Poorinda Royal Mantle - burgundy toothbrush flrs in Sp & Au - frost resistant. |
Grevillea Austraflora Canterbury Gold |
Ground covering shrub to 1 m high x 2 m wide - small green pointed leaves - yellow spider flowers in Sp & Su - usually frost resistant. |
Grevillea Austraflora Copper Crest |
A hardy & vigorous groundcover capable of spreading 4 m wide - prickly indented leaves with bronze new growth - pink toothbrush flrs in Wi, Sp & Au - frost tolerant. |
Grevillea Austraflora Jubilee |
Compact rounded shrub to 1 m - narrow linear green leaves - unusual red, brown and yellow flr clusters during Wi to late Su - frost resistant. |
Grevillea Austraflora Tangerine |
Vigorous groundcover growing to 60 cm high by 150 cm wide - glossy green oval leaves - bright orange flowers in Sp - useful for planting on broad areas & slopes - tolerant of frost. |
Grevillea australis |
hardy compact groundcover with a diameter of 1.5 m - small dark green leaves with paler underside - small erect clusters of scented cream flrs in Sp & Su - tolerant of frost and snow (descriptive label only). |
Grevillea Baby Face |
Adwarf shrub similar to G. lanigera miniature reaching 40 cm tall & 50 cm across - soft green foliage - pink & wh. flrs from Au till Su - frost tolerant. |
Grevillea Bairnsdale |
A compact shrub growing 2 m tall - oval dark green leaves, silvery underneath - the terminal rusty red spider flrs appear in Sp & Su - frost resistant. |
Grevillea banyabba |
Open shrub to 1.5 m tall - slender branches of soft dull green leaves - relatively large terminal red, yellow & green flrs over a long period - tolerates part shade - frost resistant. |
Grevillea barklyana |
Fast growing shrub to 3 m - dark green oak shaped leaves with a pale underside - reddish pink toothbrush flrs in Sp - frost tolerant. |
Grevillea baueri |
Dense low shrub to groundcover - dark green oval leaves with bronze tones in Wi - red spider flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea baueri prostrate |
Flat dense groundcover; a smaller plant than G. baueri - dark green oval leaves with bronze tones in Wi - red spider flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea baueri ssp. asperula |
Hardy open dome shaped shrub to 1 m tall - deep green foliage - dark red spider flrs appear in Wi & Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea beadleana |
Beautiful spreading shrub reaching 1.5m high - large divided furry leaves, tan underneath - dark red toothbrush flrs in Sp and Su - frost resistant. |
Grevillea beadleana Torrington |
Beautiful spreading shrub reaching 1.5 m high - large divided furry leaves, tan underneath - dark red toothbrush flrs in Sp and Su - frost tolerant. |
Grevillea bedggoodiana |
Enfield Grevillea - ground cover grevillea growing 0.5 m tall by 2 m wide - small holly like leaves - bicoloured toothbrush flrs of pink & green occur in Sp - frost resistant |
Grevillea Bedspread |
PBR - a fast growing prostrate grevillea growing to 30 cm high x 2 m wide - attractive green foliage similar to G. Royal Mantle - burgundy toothbrush flrs from Su to Wi - frost hardy. |
Grevillea Big Red |
Shrub to 2 m similar to G. Poorinda Constance, however the orange / red flrs are more terminal - frost resistant. |
Grevillea bipinnatifida |
Grape Grevillea.This unusual grevillea forms a 1 m rounded shrub - the green crinkly dissected leaves are a feature - large showy red & orange flr clusters from Wi till Su - moderate frost only. |
Grevillea bipinnatifida Boystown - Grape Grevillea |
A parent of G. Robyn Gordon, this unusual grevillea forms a 1 m rounded shrub - the grey green crinkly dissected leaves are a feature - large showy red & orange flr clusters from Wi till Su - moderate frost only. |
Grevillea bipinnatifida prostrate |
Originating in low swampy country, this hardy plant will form a mat - green crinkly dissected leaves - dark red flr clusters from Wi till Su - frost resistant. 1m |
Grevillea Bon Accord |
Hardy shrub to 2 m tall - deeply divided green leaves - striking red flrs in Sp & Su - tolerant of
dry periods & moderate frost. |
Grevillea Bonnie Prince Charlie |
A spreading compact shrub which grows to 60 cm tall by 1 m across - small linear green leaves - showy bunches of waxy red & gold flrs in Sp, Su & Au - full sun or part shade - frost resistant. |
Grevillea Boongala Spinebill |
Dense spreading shrub to 1.5m tall attractive deeply divided green leaves - profuse red toothbrush flrs most of the year - usually frost resistant. |
Grevillea Border Red |
Hardy shrub to 1.5 m - olive green linear leaves - red spider flrs occur from Wi till Sp - suitable for hedging - frost tolerant. |
Grevillea brachystachya |
Spreading shrub to 1m high linear soft greyish foliage - apricot spider flrs in Wi - light frosts only. |
Grevillea bronwenae |
Erect shrub to 1.5 m tall - long hairy linear leaves - very showy red/orange flrs with blue styles occur from Au till Sp - tolerant of light frost only - best suited to pot culture. |
Grevillea Bronze Rambler |
Open vigorous groundcover to 30 cm high x 4 m wide - deeply divided leaves with reddish new growth - dark red toothbrush flrs most of the year - tolerates heavy clay - frost resistant. |
Grevillea Burgundy Beauty |
Fast growing screening shrub to 2 m tall by 3 m wide - light green fern like leaves - burgundy toothbrush flrs occur throughout the year - tolerates frost & wind. |
Grevillea buxifolia |
Herbaceous low growing plant - rosettes of dark hairy leaves - erect spikes of purple flrs in Sp & Su - frost resistant. |
Grevillea callichlaena |
Mt Benambra Grevillea - A critically endangered shrub from Victoria - oval green leaves -pendulous red spider flrs occur during the warmer months - frost resistant. 1.8m x 2.5m |
Grevillea Canberra Gem Dwarf |
Bushy rounded shrub to 1 m - prickly linear leaves - bright pink flr clusters in Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea Canterbury Gold |
Ground covering shrub to 1.5 m high x 2 m wide - small green pointed leaves - yellow spider flowers in Sp & Su - frost resistant. |
Grevillea capitellata Clarence River |
A dense & vigorous growndcovering plant for the rockery to 1 m tall - arching branches of long narrow green leaves - masses of deep red flrs partially hidden by the foliage in Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea Carol Ann |
(G. juniperina x G. Forest Rambler) decumbent hardy plant 2 m in width - dense non prickly foliage with an occasional upward growing branch - dark red spider flrs over a long period - frost & drought tolerant. |
Grevillea Carpet Queen |
Dainty prostrate plant - small pointed leaves similar to G. Poorinda Queen - apricot orange spider flrs in Wi, Sp & Su - frost resistant. |
Grevillea Charming Red |
Upright shrub to 2 m tall - attractive dark green oval leaves - red spider flrs in Wi & Sp -
frost resistant. |
Grevillea Cherry Ripe |
PBR - a compact dense shrub to 50 cm high x 50 cm wide - small soft grey/green leaves - clusters of bright red flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea christineae |
Rare shrub to 1 m tall from W.A. - wavy reddish stems and small green leaves - abundant small scented white spider flrs in Wi - tolerant of moderate frost & some shade. |
Grevillea chrysophaea |
Golden Grevillea - rounded shrub to 1 m high - soft oval green leaves - woolly yellow flrs during Wi & Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea chrysophea Heyfield |
Shrub to 1 m tall - soft oval green leaves - golden brown furry
buds are followed by yellow flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea Clearview David |
Dense shrub to 2 m - prickly needle shaped leaves - brilliant red spider flrs in Wi and Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea Clearview Robyn |
A hardy shrub to 2 - narrow grey leaves - pinkish red spider flrs in Wi - Sp - tolerates some shade - frost resistant. |
Grevillea Coastal Glow |
A fast growing shrub to 3 m tall - soft green foliage - red toothbrush flrs occur in Sp & Su - tolerant of heavier soils & frost. |
Grevillea confertifolia |
Spreading shrub - prickly green foliage - bright pink/purple spider flrs are borne in Wi - frost tolerant. 2.0m |
Grevillea confertifolia prostrate |
Spreading shrub to 15 cm tall - prickly green foliage - bright pink/purple spider flrs are borne in Wi - frost tolerant. |
Grevillea Copper Crest |
Vigorous ground cover - prickly oak like leaves with bronze tips - pink toothbrush flrs in Au, Wi and Sp - usually frost resistant. |
Grevillea Copper Rocket |
Vigorous shrub to 4 m - oak-shaped leaves - pink toothbrush flrs in Su and Au - frost hardy. |
Grevillea crassifolia |
An open twiggy shrub from south west corner of WA - small grey green leaves - small red flrs in Wi & Sp - tolerates light frost - reasonably hardy in neutral to acidic soils. 1m |
Grevillea Crimson Recliner |
A fast growing spreading shrub - long linear leaves - produces bright red toothbrush flrs throughout the year - tolerant of moderate frost. 1m x 3m |
Grevillea crithmifolia |
Hardy compact shrub to 2m high - soft light green divided leaves - dense white flr clusters in Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea crithmifolia pink |
Hardy spreading shrub to 1 m tall - greyish green divided leaves - reddish pink branchlets & massed delicate pink flrs in Wi & Sp - frost tolerant. |
Grevillea Crosbie Morrison |
Spreading shrub to 1.5 m - grey linear foliage - deep red waxy spider flrs in Wi & Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea Crushed Ice |
Shrub reaching 1 m tall x 2 m wide - variegated foliage - yellow spider flrs in Sp - frost tolerant. |
Grevillea curviloba (syn. biternata) |
Vigorous ground cover - fine prickly lime green leaves - small scented white flrs in Sp - usually frost resistant. |
Grevillea curviloba subsp. Curviloba |
A neat prostrate groundcover - attractive light green oak like leaves - scented white flrs in Sp - appreciates extra water - tolerant of frost. Width 2m |
Grevillea dallachiana |
Dense shrub to 1.5 m - fine soft linear foliage - attractive red, pink and yellow spider flrs in Wi and Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea depauperata prostrate |
A mounding ground cover reaching 1 m in diameter & 50 cm high - small oval leaves on dainty arching branches - clusters of orange/red flowers most of the year - moderate frost resistance. |
Grevillea diffusa subsp. Filipendula |
A dense & vigorous growndcovering plant for the rockery to 1 m tall - arching branches of long narrow green leaves - masses of pendulous clusters of red flrs partially hidden by the foliage in Sp - moderate frost only. |
Grevillea diminuta |
Spreading shrub to 1m - ornamental metallic coloured oval leaves - rusty red pendulous flr clusters in Sp - frost resistant - sun or part shade. |
Grevillea dimorpha |
Hardy plant reaching 1m - very narrow non-prickly leaves - masses of red spider flrs Wi and Sp - hardy in most soils - frost resistant. |
Grevillea Dorothy Gordon |
PBR - A beautiful shrub growing 3 m tall x 2 m wide – green oak like leaves with golden brown new growth – flushes of two tone pink & burgundy toothbrush flrs occur throughout the warmer months – tolerant of a variety of soil types & light frost. |
Grevillea Elegance |
Big bushy shrub to 4 m high - long linear & finely divided dark green leaves - large erect spikes of waxy pink flrs occur Wi - Su - tolerant of drought & medium frost. |
Grevillea Ellendale |
Fast growing spreading shrub reaching 1 m in height with a 2 m spread - soft finely divided leaves - pendulous clusters of showy red flrs in Au, Wi and Sp - light frost only. |
Grevillea Ember Glow PBR |
PBR - a bushy spreading shrub to 1 m high x 2 m wide - soft green foliage - bright reddish orange terminal flrs are visible most of the year - frost hardy. |
Grevillea Emma Charlotte (G. rosmarinifolia x G. lanigera) |
A semi pros. shrub to 50 cm high by 1 m wide - soft green foliage - profuse deep pink flrs from Wi till Su - tolerates frost & some shade. |
Grevillea endlicheriana |
Tall rounded shrub to 3 m - long narrow bluish green leaves - tall flowering canes bearing clusters of tiny wh. flrs in Wi - moderate frost tolerance. |
Grevillea Evelyn's Coronet |
Shrub growing to 2m - soft linear leaves - terminal clusters of mauve & pink flower heads for most of the year - frost resistant. |
Grevillea Fancy Nancy |
Hardy shrub to 1.5 m tall - soft linear green leaves - bright pink spider flrs during Sp - frost tolerant. |
Grevillea Fanfare |
Vigorous groundcover - oak shaped leaves with burgundy new growth - red toothbrush flrs in flushes throughout the year - frost resistant. |
Grevillea Feels Good |
Shrub to 0.5 m tall & 1.5 m wide - soft grey green foliage - dark pink & white flrs occur Wi till Sp - frost tolerant. |
Grevillea Firesprite |
Hybrid between G. venusta & G. longistyla growing to 3 m tall - bright green deeply lobed leaves - large flame red terminal brushes throughout the year - frost tender. |
Grevillea Fireworks PBR |
An upright shrub to 1 m tall x 75 cm wide - soft dark green foliage - brilliant display of terminal red & yellow spider flrs from Au till Sp - frost tolerant. |
Grevillea flexuosa |
A vigorous hardy open shrub to 3 m high - ornamental divided foliage - conspicuous creamy white flower heads in Sp - light frosts only. |
Grevillea Flora Gold (G. lanigera x floribunda) |
Compact shrub to 75 cm high - soft oval green leaves - prolific golden brown clusters of buds open to yellow flrs in Wi & Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea Flora Mason |
Fast growing shrub to 3 m - fine grey green foliage – pink & yellow spider flrs in Sp – tolerant of frost & alkaline soil. |
Grevillea floribunda |
Compact shrub - narrow olive green leaves - clusters of brown, orange & yellow flrs occur in Sp - tolerant of moderate frost. 1m |
Grevillea floribunda subsp. Tenella |
Robust open shrub for sandy or gravelly soils - linear olive green leaves - striking orange, green & brown flr clusters occur in Sp - tolerant of light frost. 2m |
Grevillea Forest Rambler |
Hardy and vigorous spreading shub growing to 2m tall - green oval leaves - pale pink spider flrs - frost hardy. |
Grevillea Frosty Pink |
Hardy spreading shrub - narrow grey green leaves - attractive scented pink spider flrs occur in Wi & Sp - tolerant of lime and light frost. 1.5m x 2m |
Grevillea Gaudichaudi |
Prostrate vigorous groundcover - oak like leaves with red new growth - burgundy toothbrush flrs Sp - Su - frost resistant. |
Grevillea Gaudi's Ghost |
A fast growing variegated seedling of G. gaudichaudii growing 3 m across - pale green
leaves with pink new growth - burgundy toothbrush flrs - frost resistant. |
Grevillea glabrata (syn. G. manglesii) |
Growing to 3 m tall, this vigorous bushy plant is ideal for screening - blue green trilobed leaves - fine lacy wh. flrs much of the year - tolerates frost & clay. |
Grevillea Goldrush |
Showy shrub to 1.5 m tall - small linear green leaves - bright yellow flrs with a red & green style much of the year - frost resistant |
Grevillea Granya Glory |
A cross between G. lanigera & G. polybractea reaching 1 m high - soft grey green linear foliage - bright red & white grape like clusters during Wi & Sp - fmoderate frosts only. |
Grevillea Grassfire |
Vigorous groundcover spreading to 3 m - attractive green pinnate leaves - prolific bright red toothbrush flrs in Sp - frost tolerance unknown. |
Grevillea Green Glow |
Fast growing ground cover - prickly lime green foliage - large deep red toothbrush flrs in Sp and Su - frost hardy. |
Grevillea Hills Jubilee |
Compact shrub - small narrow linear leaves - clusters of waxy pink & white flrs throughout the year - tolerant of heavy clay & frost. 1m x1m |
Grevillea Honey Jo |
Moderately compact shrub - linear green leaves - small pink perfumed spider flrs are produced from Sp till Au - drought & frost hardy. 2m x 1.5m |
Grevillea Honeyeater Heaven (syn. G. lanigera Special) |
Shrub to 1 m - soft green foliage - red and white flrs all year round - frost resistant |
Grevillea hookeriana |
Vigorous shrub to 3m - green fish bone shaped leaves - scarlet toothbrush flrs Sp and Su - usually frost resistant. |
Grevillea humilis Coastal Gem |
This dense prostrate form of G. australis grows to only 20 cm high with a diameter of 1 m - soft grey/green foliage - white spider flrs throughout the year - light frosts only. |
Grevillea humilis Green Point |
A compact form of this variable suckering shrub growing to 0.5 m tall - neat olive green foliage - clusters of wh. flrs - tolerant of frost & half shade - will grow in clay rich soils. |
Grevillea humilis maritma pink |
A hardy shrub growing to 50 cm in height - fine linear green leaves - pink spider flrs most of the year - tolerant of light frost & coastal conditions. |
Grevillea humilis Pink Gem |
A hardy shrub growing to 75 cm in height - linear green leaves - pink spider flrs most of the year - tolerant of light frost & coastal conditions. |
Grevillea humilis prostrate |
Grevillea humilis subsp. Maritima Coastal Gem |
A hardy shrub growing to 1 m in height - linear green leaves - pink spider flrs most of the year - tolerant of light frost & coastal conditions. |
Grevillea iaspicula |
Wee Jasper Spider - an upright shrub to 1.5 m tall - oval green leaves similar to G. baueri - terminal pink flrs in Sp & Su - frost resistant. |
Grevillea Iced Vovo |
Large vigorous screening shrub - long deeply lobed leaves with a pale underside - dark pink/purple flrs in Sp & Su - tolerant of moderate frost. 2.5m x 3m |
Grevillea involucrata |
An unusual prostrate shrub to 0.5 m high with a 2 m spread - tiny divided leaves on long slender reddish stems - the single pink flrs are born singly in the leaf axes - frost hardy. (descriptive label only) |
Grevillea Ivanhoe |
Shrub to 4m - ornamental indented foliage - red toothbrush flrs in Wi & Sp - usually frost resistant. |
Grevillea jenkinsii |
A tough grevillea growing to 1 m tall - woolly needle shaped leaves - red spider flrs from Wi - Sp - frost resistant. G. jephcottii - rounded shrub to 2m high - woolly foliage - greenish yellow flowers in leafy clusters during spring - frost resistant. |
Grevillea Jennifer Joy |
Growing to only 1 m tall & suited to sun or semi-shade, this grevillea can be used in the garden or for pot culture - narrow olive green leaves - mauve pink spider flrs during Sp & Su - frost resistant. |
Grevillea jephcottii |
Rounded shrub to 2m high - woolly foliage - greenish yellow flowers in leafy clusters during spring - frost resistant. |
Grevillea John Evans |
Hardy shrub to 1 m - narrow dark green leaves turning reddish in Wi - masses of red spider flrs in Wi & Sp - frost resistant - tolerant of heavy clay. |
Grevillea johnsonii |
2 m tall shrub - fine dark green foliage - waxy pink flrs in Wi & Sp - moderate frosts only. |
Grevillea Jubilee |
Compact rounded shrub to 1 m - narrow linear green leaves - unusual red, brown and yellow flr clusters during Wi to late Su - frost resistant. |
Grevillea juniperina ADI site |
Dense habitat shrub to 3 m tall - very prickly green linear leaves - buff greenish yellow spider flrs in Wi & Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea juniperina Booralong Creek |
Compact ground cover with a 1 m spread - small green leaves - yellow flrs during Sp & Su - frost resistant. |
Grevillea juniperina Molonglo |
Hardy groundcover - prickly dark green linear leaves - buff yellow spider flrs in Sp and Au - frost resistant. |
Grevillea juniperina Molonglo variegated |
Hardy groundcover - prickly variegated linear leaves - apricot spider flrs in Sp and Au - frost resistant. |
Grevillea juniperina orange |
Vigorous open groundcover - green prickly linear leaves - orange spider flrs in Wi & Sp - frost resistant. 0.5m x 1.5 m |
Grevillea juniperina Pink Lady |
Attractive ground cover - prickly linear leaves - pink coronet shaped flrs most of the time - frost resistant. |
Grevillea juniperina Red |
Low growing ground cover to 50cm high by 2m wide - prickly green foliage - blood red spider flrs in Wi and Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea juniperina Stripy |
A prostrate & less vigorous form of G. molongolo - variegated foliage - apricot coloured flrs in Wi & Sp followed by striped seed pods - frost tolerant. |
Grevillea juniperina subsp. Allojohnsonii |
Hardy shrub growing to 0.5 m x 1.0 m - small broad prickly
green leaves - orange/red spider flrs in Sp - frost resistant |
Grevillea juniperina Tingha |
Low growing ground cover to 30 cm high by 1 m wide - broad prickly bright green foliage - pale yellow spider flrs occur thoughout the year - frost resistant. |
Grevillea juniperina Torrington |
Low growing ground cover to 50 cm high by 1 m wide - broad prickly bright green foliage - orange/red spider flrs in Wi and Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea juniperina var. trinervis |
Groundcover to 2 m across - prickly green leaves - red spider flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea juniperina yellow |
Completely prostrate ground cover - dark green prickly needle like foliage - yellow spider flrs in Wi and Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea lanigera |
Dense shrub to 2m - soft grey green narrow leaves - small red flrs in Sp - frost hardy. |
Grevillea lanigera dwarf |
Hardy dwarf shrub - soft green linear leaves - pink & white flrs in Wi & Sp - tolerant of water-logged soils - frost resistant. 1.0m x 1.5cm |
Grevillea lanigera lutea |
A spreading shrub reaching 0.3 m high x 1.5 m wide - soft narrow leaves - greenish yellow flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea lanigera Miniature |
Dense groundcover - similar to G. lanigera Mt Tamboritha with finer foliage and greater frost tolerance - red flrs. |
Grevillea lanigera Mt Tamboritha |
Prostrate spreading plant - small soft narrow leaves - red and cream flrs in Sp - usually frost resistant. |
Grevillea lanigera Special |
Shrub to 1 m - soft green foliage - red and white flrs all year round - frost resistant. |
Grevillea lanigera tall |
Dense shrub to 1.5 m - soft grey green narrow leaves - pinkish red spider flrs in Sp - frost hardy. |
Grevillea laurifolia |
Vigorous prostrate ground cover attaining a 3 m diameter - large oval dark green leaves with pink growth tips - dark red toothbrush flrs from Sp to Su - requires a cold Wi for bud formation - frost resistant. |
Grevillea lavandulacea Billy Wing |
Shrub to 1 m tall - soft grey foliage with linear leaves -
waxy red spider flrs in Wi & Sp - frost & drought resistant. |
Grevillea lavandulacea Black Range |
An open shrub to 1 m tall - striking grey foliage - fiery red spider flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea lavandulacea Chetwynd |
A hardy medium sized shrub - small linear green leaves - red spider flrs occur from Wi to Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea lavandulacea Kyeema form |
Spreading shrub to 60 cm high - grey foliage - woolly white buds open to pink spider flrs in Wi & Sp - frost & drought tolerant. |
Grevillea lavandulacea Penola |
Showy shrub to 80 cm high by 1 m wide - felted silver grey linear leaves - bright red flrs in Wi & Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea lavandulacea Victor Harbor |
Rounded shrub to 1 m tall - small linear green leaves - good display of showy red & white flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea leiophylla |
A hardy long lived suckering plant growing to 1 m tall - linear green leaves - pale pink spider flrs throughout the year but especially Sp - tolerant of moderate frost & heavier soils. |
Grevillea Lemon Supreme |
a spreading shrub growing 2 m tall x 3 m wide - small divided green leaves - lemon
yellow spider flrs occur from Au through till Sp - tolerant of drought, alkaline soils & moderate frost. |
Grevillea Lilliane |
Spreading shrub to 1m - narrow linear leaves - pink and white flrs in Au and Wi - frost resistant - useful in hanging baskets. |
Grevillea Lindsay's Pink |
Vigorous shrub to 2 m tall - oval grey /green leaves similar to Grev. victoriae - pink flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea linearifolia Coastal Gem |
This dense prostrate form grows to only 20 cm high with a diameter of 1 m - soft grey/green foliage - white spider flrs throughout the year - light frosts only. |
Grevillea Little Thicket |
Low suckering shrub growing to 50 cm high - soft linear green leaves - pink & white flowers in Wi & Sp - frost tolerant. |
Grevillea longifolia |
Compact spreading shrub growing to 3 m - long toothed dark green leaves with red new growth - red toothbrushes in Wi & Sp - tolerant of frost & half shade. |
Grevillea longistyla |
This upright shrub reaches 3 m tall x 1.5 m diam. & is a parent of G. Elegance - long linear & finely divided green leaves - erect spikes of waxy red flrs occur Wi - Su - tolerant of drought & light frost. |
Grevillea Loopy Lou |
Compact fast growing shrub to 1 m x 2 m - green fern like foliage - large pink, orange & yellow flrs during the warmer months - tolerates light frost only. |
Grevillea Lyrebird |
An elegant bushy shrub - fern like foliage like a Lyrebird's tail – pinkish red toothbrush flrs in Sp - moderate frost tolerance. 1.5m x 1.5m |
Grevillea maccutcheonii |
Extremely rare shrub growing to 1.5 m tall by 2 m wide - uniquely shaped green leaves - a free flowering species with deep red spider flrs much of the year - frost & drought tolerant. |
Grevillea Magenta Madness |
Fast growing shrub - long linear green leaves - deep red toothbrush flrs in Sp with spot flrs during the warmer months - tolerates moderate frost. 3m x 3m |
Grevillea Mallee Lace |
Hardy spreading plant to 1.5 m high - fine lacy green foliage - masses of red spider flrs in Wi & Sp - frost & drought tolerant. |
Grevillea manglesioides |
Hardy dense shrub to 1.5 m tall - grey/green foliage - small cream flr clusters for much of the year - tolerates semi-shade & frost. |
Grevillea microstegia |
dense ground cover to 3m wide - dainty Ornamental deeply divided prickly leaves with pink new growth - bunches of red spider flrs in Sp - frost resistant - sun or semi-shade (descriptive lable only). |
Grevillea miqueliana |
Bushy shrub to 2 m requiring little pruning - entire oval felted greyish green leaves - pendent rusty red flr clusters in Sp & Wi - tolerant of frost & snow - shy to flr in warm districts. |
Grevillea Misty Pink |
A large fast growing shrub reaching 4 m in height - soft greyish divided leaves - spectacular terminal spikes of pink and white flrs all year round - frost tender. |
Grevillea mollis |
A naturally compact 2 m high spreading shrub - soft dull green foliage - small clusters of red flrs from Wi to Sp - grows in semi shaded moist soils better than most grevilleas - frost resistant. |
Grevillea montana |
An adaptable compact shrub to 1.5 m tall - soft narrow leaves - small delicate green & red flrs most of the year - tolerates some shade & is modertely frost tolerant |
Grevillea montis-cole |
Grevillea montis-cole - shrub to 1 m tall - deeply divided holly like leaves with orange & red new growth - short red toothbrushes in Wi & Sp - enjoys moist well drained soil - frost & shade tolerant. (descriptive label only) |
Grevillea Moonlight |
A vigorous screening shrub to 4 m tall - divided grey green leaves - large spikes of cream & lemon flrs throughout the year - useful cut flr variety - frost tender |
Grevillea Mountain Salmon |
Dense shrub - small grey green leaves - small sprays of pink flrs from Su till Wi - requires good ventilation and tolerates moderate frost. 1.5m x 1.5m |
Grevillea mucronulata |
A hardy spreading shrub to 1 m tall - small oval green leaves - pendant clusters of greenish yellow flrs with a pink style occur most of the year - frost resistant. |
Grevillea Nectar Delight |
Vigorous ground cover growing 30 cm high x 3 m wide - dense green oak shaped leaves with bronze new growth - reddish pink toothbrush flrs occur Sp to Au - frost resistant. |
Grevillea Ned Kelly |
Fast growing spreading shrub to 2 m - attractive deeply divided green foliage - large red and yellow flower spikes all year round - moderate frosts only. |
Grevillea New Blood |
A low growing ground cover to 25 cm high 1.5 m across - small oval green leaves - deep red flowers from Au to Sp - tolerant of frost. |
Grevillea nudiflora |
Dense spreading shrub to 1 m tall - long narrow green leaves on trailing stems - bright red & yellow flrs are borne on up to 2 m long leafless stems in Sp - tolerant of lime & moderate frost - useful as a spiller over banks & walls where the flower stems may be displayed. |
Grevillea obtusifolia |
Prostrate groundcover - small soft green leaves - clusters of red flrs Au to Sp - usually frost resistant. |
Grevillea obtusifolia Gin Gin Gem |
Vigorous groundcover reaching 25 cm high x 3 m wide - soft narrow green leaves - red spider flrs in Wi - frost and drought resistant. |
Grevillea obtusifolia upright |
Fast growing spreading shrub to 1.5m tall - mainly linear glossy green leaves - red spider flrs much of the year - hardy to frost & some heavy soils. |
Grevillea Old Gold |
Vigorous ground cover to 60cm high by 2m wide - attractive divided leaves with yellow new tips - soft gold flower clusters with pink styles in Sp and Au - frost resistant. |
Grevillea oleoides |
Shrub to 2m - elegant narrow lanceolate leaves to 10 cm long - clusters of red flowers in Wi - Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea olivacea yellow |
Shrub to 2 m - green lanceolate leaves with a silvery underside - yellow umbel-like flr clusters in Sp - tolerant of frost & alkaline soils. |
Grevillea olivaceae red |
Shrub to 2 m - green lanceolate leaves with a silvery underside - red umbel-like flr clusters in Sp - tolerant of frost & alkaline soils. |
Grevillea Olympic Flame |
A neat compact plant growing to 1 m - small linear leaves - massed display of pink, red & cream flrs from Wi to Sp - tolerant of frost & dry conditions. |
Grevillea Orange Marmelade |
Vigorous spreading shrub to 2.5 m tall - the long entire leaves create a dense attractive screen - unusual erect clusters of orange flowers during most of the year - frost tender. G. pinaster - shrub to 3 m - extremely fine leaves - red flr clusters in Sp & Su - drought & frost tolerant. |
Grevillea Orange Pop |
Grevillea alpina hybrid shrub to 0.5m - narrow linear green leaves - showy orange/yellow flrs in Wi & Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea oxyantha |
Compact shrub to 2 m tall - round grey leaves with pink new growth - pendulous rusty buds over a long period followed by flrs in Sp - frost resistant.2m |
Grevillea parvula (syn. G. victoriae var. tenuinervis) |
Graceful shrub to 2 m - attractive small cotoneaster like leaves - bright red spider flowers in Spring & Summer - frost resistant. |
Grevillea pinaster prostrate |
a reliable showy prostrate plant with 3 m diameter - lush green foliage - red spider flrs occur over many months - frost & drought tolerant. |
Grevillea Pink Lady |
Attractive ground cover - prickly linear leaves - pink coronet shaped flrs most of the time peaking in Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea Pink Nectar |
Rounded shrub growing to 1.5 m tall - soft grey/green foliage - pink to cream spider flrs during Wi & Sp - tolerant of partial shade & frost. |
Grevillea Pink Pearl (syn. G. Canberra Gem) |
Dense shrub to 2 m - prickly foliage - reddish pink flr clusters most of the year - frost hardy. |
Grevillea Pink Pixie |
A dwarf form of G. rosmarinifolia growing to 0.5 m tall - narrow linear leaves - clusters of pink flrs in Sp - drought & frost tolerant |
Grevillea Pink Surprise |
Vigorous shrub to 5 m tall - greyish green divided foliage - very large pink flrs on long stems throughout the year - frost tender. |
Grevillea Poorinda Blondie |
A shrub reaching 3 m - deeply serrated foliage with burgundy growth tips - apricot coloured toothbrush flrs during Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea Poorinda Constance |
Vigorous and hardy shrub to 2 m - dark green oval leaves - orange red spider flrs much of the year - frost resistant. |
Grevillea Poorinda Diadem |
Rounded shrub growing to 2.5 m tall - dark green oval leaves - large yellow / buff coloured spider flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea Poorinda Elegance |
Dense shrub to 2m - small dark green leaves - apricot and red spider flrs over a long period - tolerant of lime and frost. |
Grevillea Poorinda Enchantment |
Open shrub - long deeply lobed leaves - mauve/pink toothbrush flrs - tolerant of frost down to -6 C. 4m x 3m |
Grevillea Poorinda Firebird |
Spreading shrub reaching 1.5m high - attractive grey-green foliage - profuse bright red spider flrs in Wi and Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea Poorinda Hula |
Spreading shrub to 1.0 m tall - fine foliage similar to G. sericea - bright pink spider flrs throughout the year - moderate frost only. |
Grevillea Poorinda Illumina |
Neat spreading shrub to 1.5m high - cascading branches of soft linear greyish leaves - pink and cream flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea Poorinda Marion |
Shrub to 1 m - soft linear foliage - red & white flr clusters in Wi & Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea Poorinda Peter |
Shrub to 4 m - deeply divided leaves with reddish new growth - reddish purple toothbrush flrs in Sp & Su - frost resistant. |
Grevillea Poorinda Queen |
Shrub to 2 m - large apricot coloured spider flrs in Wi & Sp - small dark green leaves - frost tolerant. |
Grevillea Poorinda Rondeau |
Spreading shrub to 1.5 m high - narrow leaves, reddish in Wi - vivid red flrs in Wi & Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea Poorinda Royal Mantle |
Prostrate groundcover to be planted at 3 m centres - attractive oak - shaped leaves with bronze new growth - red toothbrush flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea Poorinda Ruby |
Bushy shrub to 1.5 m - linear green leaves - red spider flowers occur in Sp - tolerant of frost. |
Grevillea Poorinda Signet |
Suited to poor soils, this bushy shrub will reach 2 m - glossy pointed leaves - profuse pink & wh. flrs in Wi & Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea Poorinda Tranquility |
Shrub to 1 m - small soft linear grey green leaves - pale pink and cream flr clusters in Wi and Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea preissii Magic Lantern |
Rounded shrub to 1 m tall - soft finely divided grey foliage - showy pendulous flr clusters are displayed from Au to Sp - frost tender. |
Grevillea preissii Seaspray |
Spreading shrub growing 1 m x 2 m - soft grey foliage - small red flrs in Wi & Sp - tolerant of light frost and drought. |
Grevillea Pretty Pink |
Shrub reaching 2 m - linear green leaves - pink flrs in Sp - frost resistant |
Grevillea Primrose Carpet |
Ground cover - small green leaves - bright yellow spider flrs in Sp - frost resistant. 0.25m x 1m |
Grevillea pteridifolia |
A small tree reaching 5 to 15 m in height for warmer climates - attractive grey green deeply divided leaves - the large orange brushes are particularly nectar rich & attractive to lorikeets - frost sensitive. |
Grevillea quercifolia |
Oak Leaf Grevillea - low growing shrub reaching 50 cm high x 80 cm across - prickly Oak - shaped leaves - upright racemes of purplish pink flrs over a long period - prefers some shade - moderate frosts only. |
Grevillea Radiant Pink |
Shrub to 1.5 m high - small linear green leaves - reddish pink flrs from Wi to Sp - tolerant of frost & semi shade. |
Grevillea rara |
A groundcover when young developing upright branches to 2 m tall - divided green leaves - cream flr clusters similar to G. curviloba - tolerant of moderate frost & some shade. |
Grevillea Red Clusters |
Low growing spreading shrub - soft twisted bronze foliage - red spider flrs - usually frost resistant. |
Grevillea Red Hooks |
Vigorous shrub to 3 m - green fish bone shaped leaves - scarlet toothbrush flrs Sp and Su - medium frost resistance only. |
Grevillea Red Sunset |
Though similar in appearance to G. Winparra Gem this spreading shrub reaches only 1 m - red spider flrs in profusion in Wi & Sp - tolerates lime & frost. |
Grevillea Red Wings |
Low growing form of G. thelemaniana which may be used as a small hedge - divided green leaves - bright red spider flrs from Wi to Su - tolerant of light frosts. |
Grevillea repens |
Creeping Grevillea - prostrate ground cover with a 2 m radius - dark green holly like leaves with reddish new growth - burgundy toothbrush flrs in Su - semi shaded site preferred - frost resistant. |
Grevillea rhyolitica |
Ornamental shrub reaching 1.5 m - the green foliage is soft & slightly sticky - large clusters of pendant red flrs throughout the year - sun or semi-shade - moderate frost only. |
Grevillea ripicola yellow |
Bushy sprawling shrub to 2 m tall - deeply divided fresh green leaves - pendant yellow flrs in Sp - frost tolerant - good screening plant & relatively long lived. |
Grevillea rivularis |
Hardy vigorous spreading shrub growing to 2m high by 6m wide - attractive much divided leaves - mauve pink toothbrush flrs in Sp and Su - suitable for screening and windbreaks - frost resistant - descriptive label only. |
Grevillea robusta |
Silky Oak - a semi-deciduous tree to 25m - large golden orange flrs in early Su - frost tender when young. |
Grevillea Rock 'n' Rod |
A seedling of G. Poorinda Constance growing to 1.2 m x 1.2 m - a profusion of red flrs are produced Sp till Au - frost tolerant. |
Grevillea rosmarinfolia Rosy Posy |
Shrub to 1.5 m tall - linear green leaves - decorative clusters of
waxy pink & cream flrs occur from Wi till Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea rosmarinifolia |
Shrub to 2.5m - prickly dark green linear leaves - red flrs most of the year - drought and frost hardy. |
Grevillea rosmarinifolia Big Flowers |
Compact shrub to 1m - prickly linear foliage - large pendant red spider flrs - frost resistant. |
Grevillea rosmarinifolia Bathurst Type form |
A compact form to 1.5 m tall, now extinct in the wild - dull grey/green prickly foliage - red & cream flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea rosmarinifolia Little Desert |
A drought hardy shrub to 1 m tall - very narrow prickly green leaves - masses of dark pink flrs in Spring - frost tolerant. |
Grevillea rosmarinifolia Lutea |
Hardy shrub to 2.5 m - green prickly needle like foliage - greenish yellow flrs in Wi and Sp - frost resistant . |
Grevillea rosmarinifolia nana |
Compact spreading shrub or groundcover to 1.5 m high - fine needle like foliage - abundant red flrs in Wi - frost resistant. |
Grevillea rosmarinifolia Wyalong Wonder |
Grows to 1.5 m tall - small narrow leaves - pink & white flr clusters during Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea Rosy View |
Slow growing shrub to 1 m high - variegated almost cream linear leaves - red flrs in Sp - tolerant of frost. |
Grevillea Rosy's Tramp |
A particularly vigorous bushy shrub to 3 m tall - linear green leaves - pink spider flrs in Sp - frost resistant - creates a good fast screen. |
Grevillea Scarlet Sprite |
Dense shrub to 2 m - green prickly needle like foliage - prolific scarlet flrs in Wi and Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea scortechinii |
Attractive ground cover - bronze tipped holly like leaves - black flrs in Sp - endemic to Stanthorpe district - frost hardy.
(Descriptive label only) |
Grevillea Seaspray |
Spreading shrub 1m x 2m with soft grey foliage - small red
flowers in Wi & Sp - tolerant of light frost & alkaline soil |
Grevillea Semperflorens |
The first recorded grevillea hybrid, growing to 2m tall - soft fine foliage on
arching branches - yellow & pink flrs most of the year - tolerant of moderate frost. |
Grevillea sericea |
Upright shrub to 1.5m high - dark green linear leaves - pale pink spider flrs much of the year - frost resistant. |
Grevillea sericea Colloroy Plateau |
An erect shrub to 1.5 m - green oval pointed leaves - dark pink flowers much of the year - frost resistant. |
Grevillea sericea large mauve |
Upright shrub - dark green linear
leaves - mauve spider flrs much of the
year - frost resistant.1.5m |
Grevillea sericea mauve form |
Upright shrub to 1.5 m high - dark green linear leaves - pink/mauve spider flrs much of the year - frost resistant. |
Grevillea sericea x confertifolia |
Spreading though bushy shrub growing 50 cm high with a 1 m diameter - prickly linear leaves - bright pink spider flrs in Sp - frost tolerant. |
Grevillea Shades of Green |
A seedling of G. victoriae growing to 1.8 m x 1.8 m - the green foliage clips to make a good hedge about 1 - 1.5 m high - apricot spider flrs - frost resistant. |
Grevillea shiressii |
Bushy shrub to 3 m - attractive long green leaves with bronze new growth - unusual greenish blue flrs in Wi & Sp - tolerates shade - usually frost resistant. |
Grevillea Shirlie Howie (G. diffusa x G. sericea) |
Shrub reaching 1.5m high - dark green narrow leaves - deep pink spider flrs most of the year - reliable in humid climate - frost resistant. |
Grevillea Sid Cadwell |
A useful & fast growing low screening plant growing 1.5 m high x 2 m across - green lobed leaves - bright red toothbrushes are borne on horizontal branches - frost tolerant. |
Grevillea Sid Reynolds |
Fast growing shrub to 2m high x 3m wide - fine greyish foliage similar to G. Winparra Gold - red spider flrs in Sp - light frosts only. |
Grevillea Soft Rouge |
Bushy shrub to 1 m - soft green linear leaves - dusky red terminal flowers - tolerant of frost. |
Grevillea Softly Softly |
Attractive compact shrub to 40 cm tall x 60 cm wide - soft grey green foliage - pink and cream spider flrs in Wi & Sp - frost tolerant. |
Grevillea Soopa Doopa |
Grows to 1m x 1m - stiff divided leaves - large spikes of pink & orange flrs during the warmer months - useful as a low maintenance informal hedge - light frost only. |
Grevillea speciosa |
Red Spider Flower - erect plant to 3 m tall x 1m wide - ovate green leaves - bright red spider flrs much of the year - hardy in most soils - frost resistant. |
Grevillea Splendour |
Hardy shrub to 3 m - dark green pointed leaves - large ruby red flower clusters most of the year - frost resistant - useful for hedges - part shade. |
Grevillea stenomera |
Shrub to 1.5m - fine linear leaves - pendant clusters of red flrs in Wi & Sp - usually frost resistant. |
Grevillea stenomera pink |
Shrub to 1.5 m - fine linear leaves - pendant clusters of pink & yellow flrs in Wi & Sp - moderate frost only. |
Grevillea Strawberry Blonde (G. Sandra Gordon x G. caleyii) |
Vigorous bushy shrub to 2 m tall - attractive long deeply lobed leaves - apricot toothbrush flrs during Wi & Sp - tolerant of light frosts only. |
Grevillea striata |
Beefwood - a robust & long lived tree to 10 m tall - long leathery bluish green leaves - showy cylindrcal cream flowers occur late Sp till Su - withstands drought & frost. - reddish closely grained timber used for furniture making. |
Grevillea Sunrise |
Compact shrub reaching 0.75 m x 1.5 m - attractive greenish grey indented leaves - apricot spider flrs throughout the year but peaking in Au - frost resistant. |
Grevillea Superb |
Shrub to 1.5m similar to G. Ned Kelly - large oak shaped leaves - very large yellow and red flrs heads most of the year -light frosts only. |
Grevillea synapheae |
Hardy ground cover for embankments or retainer walls - divided leaves with bronze growth tips - masses of cream flr balls on stalks in Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea Telopea Valley Frond (G. asplenifolia x G. caleyi) |
Fast growing spreading shrub - soft fern - like foliage with pink new growth - red toothbrush flrs from Wi to Su - hardy to moderate frost. 3m |
Grevillea teretifolia pink |
Erect suckering shrub reaching 1.5 m tall - green prickly terete foliage - prolific perfumed pink flr clusters during Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea thelemanniana Spriggs Form |
Spreading shrub to 50 cm high x 1 m across - soft fine grey foliage - showy red terminal flr clusters in Au & Sp - moderate frosts only. |
Grevillea thelmanniana |
Grey Leaf Form - prostrate cascading plant reaching 1m diameter - soft grey foliage - gold tipped red toothbrush flrs in Sp & Su - light frosts only. |
Grevillea Towera |
Spreading shrub to 2 m tall x 4 m wide - deeply divided foliage with bronze new growth - pinkish mauve toothbrush flrs in Sp - frost hardy. |
Grevillea triloba |
Fast growing spreading shrub reaching 2m high by 4m wide - grey green three-lobed pointed leaves - perfumed feathery inflorescences in Wi and Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea victoriae Guthega |
Rounded shrub to 2 m similar to G. victoriae Murray Queen - shiny green oval leaves - rusty red flr clusters in Wi & Sp - originated in the Kosiosko National Park & is hardy to frost & snow. |
Grevillea victoriae Murray Queen |
Rounded shrub to 2 m - shiny green oval leaves - rusty red flr clusters in Wi & Sp - originated in the Kosiosko National Park & is hardy to frost & snow. |
Grevillea victoriae red |
Hardy and graceful shrub growing to 2 m - pendulous stems of green furry oval leaves - red spider flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea victoriae silver leaf form |
Shrub to 2 m - elongated grey foliage - red flr clusters in Sp - frost hardy. |
Grevillea victoriae subsp. Nivalis |
Upright shrub to 2 m tall - oval olive green leaves - yellow spider flrs in Wi & Sp - frost
resistant. |
Grevillea victoriae tenuinervis |
Graceful shrub to 2 m - attractive small cotoneaster like leaves - bright red flr clusters in Sp & Su - frost resistant. |
Grevillea victoriae yellow |
Open shrub to 2 m - attractive oval grey /green leaves - buff yellow flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea viridiflava |
Open shrub to 1.5 m tall - narrow green leaves - small white to creamy yellow flrs in sp - grows happily in semi-shade - frost resistant. |
Grevillea White Wings |
Vigorous and hardy shrub to 3 m - prickly lime green divided leaves - delicate perfumed white flrs in Sp - frost hardy. |
Grevillea wilkinsonii |
Hardy bushy shrub to 2 m tall - deep green leaves with toothed margins - eye-catching pinkish purple toothbrush flrs in Wi & Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea williamsonii |
Very rare spreading shrub to 1 m high - layered horizontal branching stems of grey green leaves - small toothbrush flrs emerge yellow & turn red - drought & frost resistant. |
Grevillea willisii |
Spreading shrub to 2.5m - attracive grey/green deeply toothed foliage with pink growth tips - yellow cream toothbrush flrs Wi to Sp - tolerates frost, snow & shade. |
Grevillea wilsonii |
Bushy shrub to 1.5 m high - dark green prickly finely divided leaves - showy bright red terminal flrs in Sp - tolerant of frost. |
Grevillea Winpara Gem |
Fast growing shrub - soft finely divided grey green foliage - red flrs fading to orange in Wi & Sp – moderate frosts only. 2m |
Grevillea Winpara Gold |
Fast growing shrub 2m - attractive grey green
foliage - decorative pink & yellow flr clusters in
Wi & Sp - frost tolerant. |
Grevillea Winter Delight (G. lanigera x lavandulacea) |
Hardy groundcover reaching 30 cm tall x 1.5 m across - soft grey linear leaves - showy red & cream flrs in Wi & Sp - frost resistant. |
Grevillea Winter Gold |
A shrub growing to 1.5 m x 1.5 m tall - bright green foliage - yellow spider flrs from Au till Sp - tolerant of frost & partial shade. |
Grevillea x gaudichaudii |
Prostrate vigorous groundcover - oaklike leaves with red new growth - burgundy toothbrush flrs Sp - Su - frost resistant. |
Hakea archaeoides |
Upright shrub - long dark green leaves - pendulous racemes of deep red flrs hang from the leaf axes in Sp & Su - tolerant of moderate frost. 5m x 3m |
Hakea bakeriana |
A 2 m high rounded shrub - light green needle like leaves - the old wood produces pink & cream grevillea like flrs during Wi & Sp after which large woody seed pods form - frost tolerant. |
Hakea Burrendong Beauty |
A low shrub with an untidy sprawling habit - the oval grey leaves are tough & prickly - very showy bright pink pincushion like flrs in early Sp - frost resistant. |
Hakea clavata |
Grows as an upright shrub to 1 m tall - the thick club-shaped leaves have a sharp point -
sweetly scented pale pink flrs during Wi & Sp - drought hardy - frost tender. (Descriptive label only) |
Hakea constablei |
A hardy and erect open shrub to 2.5m high - non prickly needle like foliage - masses of cream flr clusters in Su followed by large ornamental pods - frost resistant. (descriptive label only ) |
Hakea cygna |
Shrub to 2 m - pale green lanceolate leaves twisted at the base - the profuse axillary flrs are white & faintly scented - swan or duck shaped pods - frost & drought resistant. (descriptive label only ) |
Hakea decurrens Pink Lace |
Useful habitat shrub to 1.5 m tall - pendulous
prickly green foliage - perfumed pink flrs occur crowded along the stems in
Wi & Sp - suited to most soil types - hardy to frost & drought. |
Hakea eriantha |
A shrub usually growing to 3 m tall - glossy green lance like leaves - profuse white flrs in Sp followed by beaked woody fruit - tolerant of frost - a favourite with cockatoos. |
Hakea laevipes |
Upright shrub to 3 m tall with a lignotuber - tough green leaves with parallel veins - white spider flrs in the leaf axils occur in Su - frost tolerant. |
Hakea laurina |
Pincushion Hakea - shrub to 6 m - grey green foliage with bronze new growth - red and white round flrs from Au to Sp - moderate frost only. |
Hakea laurina Weeping form |
Shrub to 6 m - weeping grey green foliage with bronze new growth - red and white spherical flr clusters from Au to Sp - moderate frost only. |
Hakea laurina X petiolaris |
A generally hardier plant than H. laurina growing to 5m tall - tough oval leaves - red pincushion flrs - frost and drought resistant. |
Hakea leucoptera |
Silver Needlewood - An upright shrub - tough cylindrical pointed leaves - cream flr clusters in Sp & Su leading to large woody capsules - tolerant of moderate frost & dry periods. 6 x 2m |
Hakea lorea - Bootlace Oak |
A small tree to 10 m tall with corky bark - terete grey leaves to 30 cm long - showy inflorescences of creamy yellow flrs may occur Au till Sp - tolerant of drought & moderate frost. |
Hakea microcarpa |
A hardy shrub to 2 m tall - terete often prickly leaves - the white spider flrs occur along the branches in Su followed by woody fruit which open upon maturity - frost resistant. |
Hakea multilineata |
Erect shrub reaching 5m high x 2m wide - the green leaves are long and flat with 12-15 parallel veins - long spikes of deep pink flrs in Wi and Sp - well drained light or heavy soils - moderate frosts. |
Hakea multilineata burgundy form |
Erect shrub reaching 5m high x 2m wide - the green leaves are long and flat with
12-15 parallel veins - spikes of burgundy flrs in Wi and Sp - well drained light or heavy soils - moderate frosts. |
Hakea multilineata pink form |
Erect shrub - the green leaves are long and flat with 12-15 parallel veins - spikes of bright pink flrs in Wi and Sp - well drained light or heavy soils - moderate frosts. 5m x 2m |
Hakea nodosa |
Fast growing hardy hakea reaching 3 m tall - slender arching branches of terete leaves - fragrant yellow flrs in Au & Wi & interesting fruit - frost resistant. |
Hakea ochroptera |
Small rare tree to 10 m originating from the Dorrigo region - narrow non prickly needles up to 12 cm long - white axillary flrs - tolerant of frost - grows in sun or semi-shade. (Descriptive label only) |
Hakea oleifolia |
Hardy erect tree growing 6 m tall by 2 m across - light green oblong leaves with a sharp point on the end - white flrs are borne in the leaf axes in Sp - frost resistant. (Descriptive label only) |
Hakea orthorrhyncha |
Bird Beak Hakea - Fast growing shrub - long leathery leaves ending in a sharp point - vibrant display during the cooler months of bright red flrs along the stems followed by woody pods with a distinct beak - tolerant of moderate frost. 2.5m x 1.5m Descriptive label only |
Hakea petiolaris |
Sea-Urchin Hakea - Fast growing erect shrub to 5m - tough grey-green elliptical leaves to 10 cm - pink pincushion flrs in Au and Wi - frost resistant. (Descriptive label only) |
Hakea purpurea |
Shrub to 1.5 m - prickly green three-lobed leaves - showy red grevillea-like flrs followed by large woody capsules occur along the branches during Wi & Sp - tolerates dryness, lime & frost. (Descriptive label only) |
Hakea salicifolia |
Willow leaved hakea - Bushy windbreak shrub/tree 6 m - weeping foliage with rosy new growth - small white flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Hakea salicifolia fine leaf form |
Hardy fast growing large shrub or small tree to 8 m - attractive foliage with reddish growth tips - axillary clusters of white flrs in Sp - useful screening plant or street tree - frost resistant. |
Hakea salicifolia Gold Medal |
A fast growing hardy shrub to 5m - outstanding pink, yellow and green foliage - frost resistant. |
Hakea salicifolia ssp. salicifolia |
Willow leaved Hakea - small tree or shrub growing 3 - 5 m tall - green lanceolate leaves - white flrs occur in the leaf axes during Sp followed by warty oval shaped seed pods - frost tolerant. |
Hakea sericea Pink form |
Shrub to 4m - fine needle like foliage - clusters of pink spider flrs appearing along the stems in Wi and Sp - frost resistant. |
Hakea verrucosus dwarf |
Shapely shrub reaching 1.5m high - dense prickly needle like foliage - purplish red spider flrs in Wi, followed by interesting seed
capsules - requires good drainage - frost resistant.
(Descriptive label only) |
Halgania andromedifolia |
Decorative shrub to 1.5 m - dark green leaves with sticky new growth - deep blue flrs with yellow anthers in Sp - tolerant of frost, drought & alkaline soils. |
Halgania preissiana |
A lightly suckering shrub to 0.5 m tall - dull green toothed leaves with a texture like sand paper - deep blue terminal flr clusters during Sp & Su - frost & drought tolerant. |
Hardenbergia Bonnie Bilby |
Neat compact shrub - lance shaped green leaves - purple pea flrs fading to mauve in Spring - creates an attractive border - frost hardy. 0.5m x 0.3m |
Hardenbergia Happy Wanderer |
Vigorous & hardy twining creeper - green heart shaped leaves - small panicles of violet pea flrs in Sp - moderately frost hardy. |
Hardenbergia Mini Ha ha |
Dwarf bushy hardenbergia - dark green oval leaves - sprays of purple pea flrs in Sp - moderate frost only. |
Hardenbergia violacea |
Vigorous trailer or low climber - dark green foliage - purple pea flrs Wi and Sp - tolerates dryness, lime and light frosts. |
Hardenbergia violacea Bliss |
Hardy self supporting shrub to 1m tall - sprays of lilac pea flrs in late Wi to early Sp - tolerant of moderate frost. |
Hardenbergia violacea Bushy pink form |
Sprawling shrub or creeper - large rounded green leaves - pannicles of pink pea flrs in Sp - tolerates lime and moderate frosts. |
Hardenbergia violacea Bushy White Form |
Sprawling shrub to 1.5m - twining stems of oval leaves - numerous white pea flrs in Sp - light frosts only. |
Hardenbergia violacea Invergowrie |
Vigorous & hardy twining groundcover - green heart shaped leaves - small panicles of violet pea flrs in Sp - frost hardy. 1.5m across |
Hardenbergia violacea prostrate bright pink form |
Sprawling groundcover - large rounded green leaves - pannicles of bright pink pea flrs in Sp - tolerates lime - frost tender. |
Harnieria kempiana |
Small showy perennial to 0.5 m high - small green leaves - purplish pink flrs similar to a westringia occur throughout the year - moderate frost tolerance.
(Descriptive label only) |
Hebe Bouquet of Flowers |
Hardy shrub reaching 1m - large fleshy green leaves - deep rose pink flr spikes - frost resistant. |
Hebe buxifolia dwarf |
Compact shrub to 60 cm - small dark green leaves - blue white flrs in Sp - borders and rockeries - frost resistant. |
Hebe Emerald Green |
Hardy rockery plant to 40 cm high - bright green compact foliage - frost resistant. |
Hebe Wiri Charm |
Compact dwarf shrub to 75 cm tall - glossy green foliage - masses of rose-purple flowers in Su - tolerates wind & frost once established. |
Helichrysum apiculatum |
Yellow Buttons - suckering perennial groundcover - furry grey leaves - golden yellow globular flrs in clusters on erect stems most of the year - tolerant of dry conditions and most frosts. |
Helichrysum baxteri |
Native perennial daisy to 30 cm - narrow green leaves with grey reverse - short stemmed white everlasting flrs with yellow centres in Sp and Su - frost resistant. |
Helichrysum bracteatum Diamond Head |
Dense prostrate plant to 30cm high suited to rockeries and containers - green foliage yellow paper daisies most of the year - frost resistant. |
Helichrysum ramosissium |
Yellow Buttons - suckering perennial groundcover - furry grey leaves - golden yellow globular flrs in clusters on erect stems most of the year - tolerant of dry conditions and most frosts. |
Helipterum anthemoides |
Paper Daisy - Spreading evergreen mounding shrub to 25cm high by 1m wide - fine soft grey foliage - masses of small white everlasting flrs in late Wi and Sp. |
Hemiandra pungens |
Snake Plant - Prostrate groundcover - purple tinted narrow leaves with pointed tips - mauve spotted flrs in Sp & Su. - usually frost resistant - suitable for pots & hanging baskets. |
Hemiandra pungens alba |
Prostrate groundcover lime green narrow pointed leaves - white flrs much ot the year - usually frost resistant - suitable for pots & hanging baskets. |
Hemiandra pungens green |
Hardy prostrate plant - narrow green leaves
with pointed tips - mauve spotted flrs in Sp &
Su. - frost resistant - suitable for pots & hanging
baskets. |
Hibbertia aspera |
Rough Guinea Flower - bushy prostrate shrub growing 0.3 m tall by 1 m across - small grey green oval leaves - bright yellow flrs from Sp to Su - moderate frost tolerance. |
Hibbertia empetrifolia |
Woody shrub to 60cm high x 1.5m wide - small dark green leaves - yellow flrs in Sp - frost resistant - attractive in hanging baskets. |
Hibbertia grossulariifolia |
Prostrate plant spreading to 1.5 m - atttractive ovate green leaves - showy yellow flrs in Sp & Su - tolerates shade & moderate frost - great in a hanging basket.
frost - great in a hanging basket. |
Hibbertia obtusifolia |
Dainty prostrate ground cover spreading to 1m - small rounded glossy leaves - large buttercup yellow flrs in Sp & Su - sun or part shade - frost resistant. |
Hibbertia obtusifolia Invergowrie |
Small shrub to 0.5 m tall - small grey green elongated leaves - buttercup yellow flrs in Sp & Su - sun or part shade - frost resistant. |
Hibbertia pedunculata |
A hardy plant for a rockery or pot - tiny linear green leaves - lots of delicate yellow flrs on short stalks appear in Sp & Su - tolerant of frost. Prostrate. |
Hibbertia racemosa |
Stalked Guinea Flower - erect shrub to 0.75m tall - linear grey green leaves - prolific bright yellow flrs from Wi till Sp - tolerant of frost & dry periods. |
Hibbertia scandens |
Widespread vigorous sprawling plant - large lush green leaves - showy yellow flrs for most of the year often occurring with the red berries - light frosts only. |
Hibbertia sericea grey form |
Small sprawling shrub - soft grey green linear leaves - yellow buttercup-like flrs occur in Wi & Sp - frost tolerant. 0.75m x 1.0m |
Hibbertia serpyllifolia |
Dense prostrate shrub to 60 cm across - small green glossy leaves - large terminal yellow flrs from Sp till Au - requires moist soil and is tolerant of moderate frost. |
Hibbertia sp. Carpet Snake Trail |
Shrub for sandy soils 1.5m - oval green leaves - showy yellow flrs in Sp - tolerant of dry periods & frost. |
Hibbertia sp. Nomad |
Attractive sprawling plant - small grey/green leaves - yellow flrs much of the year - frost hardy. 50cm x 50cm |
Hibbertia stellaris |
Groundcover with a 30 cm diameter - small slender stemmed foliage - orange flrs in Sp and Su - most suitable in hanging baskets and tubs - frost resistant. |
Hibbertia stellaris prostrate |
Groundcover with a 30cm diameter - small slender stemmed foliage - orange flrs in Sp and Su - most suitable in hanging baskets and tubs - frost resistant. |
Hibbertia vestita |
Dainty ground cover spreading to 1m - tiny dark green glossy leaves - large buttercup yellow flrs in Sp & Su - sun or part shade - frost resistant. |
Hibiscus sturtii |
Suitable plant for a rockery growing 0.50 m high - grey/green felted oak shaped leaves - pale pink hibiscus flrs in Sp with 4 cm diameter - requires good drainage & is tolerant of moderate frost.
Descriptive label only |
Homoranthus binghiensis |
Medium shrub - small linear green leaves -
insignificant cream flrs in Sp - frost tolerant. 3m |
Homoranthus croftianus |
Rare rounded shrub to 1.5 m tall - fine linear grey green leaves - small red & lemon flrs in Sp - frost tolerant. |
Homoranthus darwinioides |
Open shrub to 0.8m - tiny linear grey green leaves - unusual pendant pale yellow fringed flrs in Su and Au - suited to rockeries - usually frost resistant. |
Homoranthus decumbens |
Spreading shrub to 20 cm high by 1.5 m wide - the fine bluish foliage is a feature - insignificant greenish cream flrs in Sp - frost tolerant. |
Homoranthus flavescens |
Shrub to 1 m - layered branches of greyish foliage - small perfumed nectar rich yellow flrs in Sp - moist well drained soil - frost resistant. |
Homoranthus lunatus |
Compact shrub, grey/green foliage
with layered appearance. Tiny cream
flowers in Spring. Frost tolerant. To 50cm. |
Homoranthus papillatus |
A neat compact shrub to 2 m - unusual horizontally spreading branches of grey foliage - tiny yellow honey rich flrs on the tops of the branches in Sp - frost resistant. |
Homoranthus porteri |
Erect shrub to 1.5 m tall x 1.5 m wide - small linear green leaves - showy bright pink flrs over a long period - frost tolerant. |
Homoranthus prolixus |
Rare shrub from near Copeton Dam - tiny blue green linear leaves give the plant a layered appearance - small golden yellow honey rich flrs in Sp - frost & drought tolerant. 0.3m x 1.5m |
Homoranthus sp. nov. Blackdown Tableland |
This rare shrub reaches a height of 30 cm & spreads to 2 m wide - outstanding fine purplish foliage - tiny cream honey rich flrs in Sp - frost tolerant.(descriptive label only) |
Hovea acutifolia |
Erect bushy shrub to 1.5 m - dark green foliage - purple pea flrs cover the bush during late Wi - tolerates shade - frost tolerance unknown. |
Hovea lanceolata |
2 m tall neatly shaped rounded shrub - long dark green leaves , glossy above, downy below - masses of purple pea flrs in Sp - frost & drought resistant - prefers some shade; grows well under eucalypts. |
Hybanthus stellarioides |
Narrow green leaves - tiny spade shaped orange flrs with a single petal occur in Su - tolerant of moderate frost. 10cm
Descriptive label only |
Hymenosporum flavum |
Native Frangipani - Ornamental fast - growing tree to 12m - glossy green leaves - sweet scented yellow flrs in Sp - light frosts only . |
Hypocalymma angustifolium |
Pink Wattle Myrtle - shrub to 1m - fine foliage - cream and pink flrs are clustered along the stems in Sp - frost tolerant. |
Hypocalymma angustifolium rubrum |
Rounded shrub to 1m high - erect red stems of tiny leaves - dainty pink & white flrs along the stems in Wi & Sp - requires good drainage - frost tolerant - sun or part shade. |
Hypocalymma cordifolia variegata Golden Veil |
A useful contrasting foliage plant growing to 1m - small variegated heart shaped leaves and pink stems - fluffy wh. flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Hypocalymma linifolium |
A shrub growing 0.5 m high by 1 m wide - narrow green leaves - showy yellow flrs in Wi - tolerates dryness and frost. |
Hypocalymma robustum |
Swan River Myrtle - Open shrub from W.A. - opposite green pine like leaves - spectacular reddish pink flrs in Wi & Sp - requires moist well drained sandy soil & shelter from wind - tolerant of moderate frost. 1m |
Hypocalymma Topaz Rose |
Shrub growing to 80 cm tall - small linear green leaves - dark pink buds & small pale pink flrs occur along the stems in Sp - tolerant of frost. |
Hypocalymma xanthopetalum |
Shrub reaching 1m - small green leaves with bright fluffy yellow flrs occurring in the axils from Wi to Sp - well drained soil - frost resistant. |
Indigofera adesmiifolia |
Open plant to 1m high - green pinnate leaves - sprays of pinkish purple pea flrs in Sp - tolerant of frost. |
Indigophera australis |
Open shrub to 2m - slender branches of ferny bluish leaves - sprays of pinkish purple pea flrs in Wi and Sp - frost resistant. |
Isopogon anethifolius - Drumsticks |
2 m tall upright shrub - divided leaves - terminal heads of yellow flrs - medium frost resistance. |
Isopogon Coaldale Cracker |
Shrub - new growth is hairy & deeply divided - creamy yellow flower heads are produced in Wi & Sp - tolerates light frost & extended dry periods. 1m x 1.5m |
Isopogon Coaldale Cracker |
Hardy shrub - new growth is hairy & deeply divided - creamy yellow flower heads are produced in Wi & Sp - tolerates moderate frost & extended dry periods. 1m x 1.5m |
Isopogon cuneatus |
Shrub to 2 m high - bright green thick leaves - showy terminal pink flower heads in Sp followed by globular cones - light frosts only - useful cut flower. |
Isopogon dawsonii |
An erect hardy shrub to 3 m - dull green deeply divided leaves - cream terminal flr heads during Wi & Sp - frost resistant. |
Isopogon formosus |
Rounded shrub to 1.5 m tall - prickly terete divided leaves - showy terminal heads of pink flrs in Wi & Sp - moderately frost resistant. |
Isopogon formosus grey form |
Upright shrub to 1.5 m tall - furry grey divided foliage - showy rose pink cone flrs from Wi till Sp - tolerant of moderate frost & lime. |
Isopogon Little Drumsticks |
Dwarf compact selection of Isopogon anemonifolius growing to 50 cm high - divided green leaves - tight yellow stalkless flrs in Wi & Sp - frost resistant. |
Isopogon petiolaris |
Small shrub to 50 cm high - strongly divided flattened leaves - terminal heads of yellow flrs occur in Sp - enjoys a moist position - frost tolerant. |
Isopogon Pink Drumsticks |
An upright shrub to 2m tall - long green leaves - pink drumstick
flowers occur in Wi & Sp - light frost only - useful cut flower. |
Isotoma axillaris |
Rounded suckering shrub to 30cm high - 8cm long lobed lime green leaves - profuse bluish - mauve star like flrs in Su - light frosts only. |
Isotoma fluviatalis |
Diminutive moisture loving ground cover - tiny starry blue flrs in Sp & Su - frost resistant. |
Ixodia achilleoides |
An erect & hardy shrub to 1 m high x 60 cm wide - dark green sticky leaves - sprays of Small white papery flrs in Su, excellent cut flr - tolerates lime, dryness & frost. |
Ixodia achilleoides dwarf |
An erect & hardy shrub - dark green sticky leaves - sprays of small white papery flrs in Su, excellent cut flr - tolerates lime, dryness & frost. 1m x 0.6m
Descriptive label only |
Jacaranda mimosifolia |
Medium deciduous tree - fine fern like foliage - mauve blue flrs in Sp - frost tender. |
Jacksonia scoparia |
Dogwood - Large shrub or small tree to 6 m tall - grey green non leafy branches, often pendulous - bright orange/yellow pea flrs in Sp - tolerant of frost.
(Descriptive label only) |
Jasminum lineare |
Desert Jasmine - Hardy plant for western districts - arching stems of green trifoliate leaves - white strongly fragrant flrs occur throughout the year followed by black berries which ripen in Su & Au - tolerates drought & moderate frost. Climber |
Jasminum suavissimum |
Sweet Jasmine - a light weight climber which is very hardy but will never pull the trellis down - long narrow green leaves - strongly perfumed starry white flrs in Sp - prefers ample moisture - frost resistant. |
Juglans nigra |
Black Walnut - magnificent fast growing tree to 50m tall - deciduous shiny divided leaves - produces a large round nut with a very hard shell - valuable cabinet timber - frost hardy. |
Juncus usitatus |
Common Reed - Hardy reed for a creek bed, pond or water feature where it provides frog & wildlife habitat - long slender green stems - reddish brown flrs on the side of the stem in Sp - tolerant of frost & waterlogging. 1.2m x 1.2m Descriptive label only |
Kardomia odontocalyx |
Weeping shrub endemic to the Torrington district of nthn NSW - tiny linear green leaves - dainty white tea tree like flrs in Su - enjoys some moisture & semi shade - frost tolerant. 1m |
Kardomia silvestris |
Rare baeckea like shub to 2.5 m tall from the Dorrigo region - tiny green leaves to 4 mm long - small white flrs occur throughout the year - tolerant of frost. |
Kennedia coccinea |
Vigorous climber or ground cover - trifoliate leaves - masses of orange red pea flrs during Sp - tolerates sun or partial shade - frost tender. |
Kennedia glabrata |
Dainty prostrate trailing plant ideal for hanging baskets - round bright green trifoliate leaves - brick red pea flrs during Spring - frost tender. |
Kennedia microphylla |
Tight mat forming plant for the rockery spreading to 1m - small trifoliolate leaves - profuse brick red pea flrs in Sp - frost tender. |
Kennedia nigricans |
Black Coral Pea - vigorous climber - large dark green leaves - black pea shaped flrs with green blotch - frost resistant. |
Kennedia prostrata |
Running Postman - prostrate plant with a spread of 1.5 m - green trifoliate leaves - showy red pea flrs in Au, Wi & Sp followed by cylindrical seedpods - tolerant of light frost. |
Kennedia rubicunda |
Dusky Coral Pea - Vigorous groundcover or climber - long stems with
green trifoliate leaves - bright red pea flrs in Sp -
prefers part shade & good drainage - frost tender. Creeper |
Keraudrenia integrifolia |
An attractive shrub from the desert – rusty-tomentose foliage – purple star shaped flrs much of the year – frost tolerant. To 1m
(Descriptive label only) |
Koelreuteria paniculata |
Golden Rain Tree - hardy deciduous tree growing to 10m - gold and orange autumn colour - yellow flr sprays in Sp leading to reddish brown hop-like pods in Su - frost resistant. |
Kunzea ambigua dwarf |
Cushion like plant to 1 m - fine green foliage - fluffy white flrs during Sp - frost resistant. |
Kunzea ambigua pink |
Hardy upright shrub to 3 m - small heath like leaves - fluffy pink flrs Sp to Su - frost resistant - useful screening shrub. |
Kunzea ambigua prostrate |
Attractive groundcover - fern like soft green foliage - profuse starry white flrs in Sp and Su - usually frost resistant. |
Kunzea ambigua x parvifolia |
Upright shrub - fine leaved aromatic foliage - pinkish purple pompom flrs in Sp - frost resistant. 1.5m |
Kunzea axillaris weeping form |
Large shrub or small tree from Kempsey in NSW- pendulous branches - wh. fluffy flrs crowded along the side stems in Su - frost tolerance unknown. 8m |
Kunzea badjaensis |
Vigorous groundcover to 30cm high - small dark green leaves with reddish stems - fluffy white flrs in Su - frost resistant. (Descriptive label only) |
Kunzea baxteri |
A bushy shrub - attractive green leaves - showy red
bottlebrushes with yellow anthers in Sp & Su - requires
good drainage - tolerant of moderate frost. 2m |
Kunzea baxteri compact |
A bushy shrub growing to 2 m tall - attractive green leaves - showy red
bottlebrushes with yellow anthers in Sp & Su - requires good drainage - tolerant of moderate frost. |
Kunzea capitata |
Pink Buttons - rounded shrub to 1.5 m - tiny stem clasping leaves, hairy when young - mauve pink flr heads in Sp & Su - frost resistant. |
Kunzea ericoides (Syn. Leptospermum phylicoides) |
A very hardy rounded screening plant reaching 5 m - red stemmed aromatic foliage - white flrs with prominent anthers in Sp & Su - frost resistant. |
Kunzea ericoides Snowman |
Useful as a low hedge, this compact shrub grows to 50 cm high - small green leaves - masses of white lacy flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Kunzea obovata |
Rounded shrub reaching 1.5 m tall - tiny greyish green leaves - globular heads of pink flrs with prominent stamens in late Sp - moderately frost resistant - prefers well drained gravelly soils. |
Kunzea occidentalis |
Upright shrub - green foliage – good display of white flrs in Sp & Su - grows in heath & dry schlerophyll forests - tolerant of moderate frost.3m |
Kunzea parvifolia |
Small upright shrub to 1.5 m - fine aromatic foliage - pinkish purple pompom flrs in Sp and Su - frost hardy. |
Kunzea parvifolia dwarf |
Compact shrub to 30cm high - dense foliage, minute leaves - mauve fluffy flrs in Sp - frost resistant - ideal rockery plant. |
Kunzea pauciflora |
Erect hardy shrub to 1.5m tall - very fine diosma like foliage - small deep pink flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Kunzea pomifera |
Muntrie - Bush tucker plant - small rounded green leaves - small white flrs in Sp followed by attractive edlible green & red berries with a spicy apple flavour - tolerant of drought, frost & lime. Groundcover to 0.5 m high |
Kunzea pulchella |
An erect shrub - small grey green oval leaves - brilliant
red brushes with gold tipped stamens during the
warmer months - requires excellent drainage -
survives moderate frosts. 2m-3m |
Kunzea sp. A |
Upright shrub to 5 m tall - superfine green foliage - wh. flrs in Sp - enjoys moist soils - tolerant of moderate frost. |
Lagarostrobos franklinii |
Huon Pine - A long lived Tasmanian conifer - green foliage -
suitable tub specimen as slow growing - frost tolerant.
Descriptive label only |
Lagerstroemia |
shrub or small tree reaching 2 - 4 m - Attractive glossy green oval leaves, with bronze new growth - dark red buds open to pale pink flrs deepening to dark pink - frost resistant. |
Lagerstroemia indica Prairie Lace |
Prairie Lace Crepemyrtle - shrubby tree to 3 m tall * attractive
smooth trunk and green foliage with red new growth turning red/orange in Au - bright pink flrs with
white margins in Su - frost tolerant. |
Lagunaria patersonia |
Norfolk Island Hibiscus – bushy shapely tree to 12 m tall - leathery dark green
leaves - showy pink hisbiscus like flrs occur in Sp & Su - hardy in heavy alkaline soils as long as the drainage is good -
tolerant of moderate frost & coastal exposure. |
Lambertia formosa |
Mountain Devil - upright vigorous shrub to 2m - reddish pointed narrow leaves - dark pink grevillea like flrs much of the year leading to unusual pods - moderate frosts only - needs good drainage. |
Lambertia uniflora |
Shrub to 2 m tall - whorls of small pointed green leaves with reddish new growth on erect stems - single reddish orange terminal flrs during Su - light frosts only.
(Descriptive label only) |
Lavandula Winter Purple |
Compact shrub to 1 m - aromatic grey green leaves - purple flr spikes from Sp till Su - frost resistant. |
Lechenaultia biloba compact |
Cascading shrub to 0.5m - soft dull green foliage - brilliant pure blue flrs in Sp - useful for hanging baskets - light frosts only. Requires perfect drainage |
Lechenaultia biloba large flower |
Cascading shrub to 0.5m - soft dull green foliage - brilliant pure blue flrs in Sp - useful for hanging baskets - light frosts only. Requires perfect drainage |
Lechenaultia floribunda |
Rockery plant reaching 50cm - fine green foliage - blue flrs Sp to Su - light frosts only. |
Lechenaultia formosa Eldorado |
Bushy spreading shrub to 30cm tall - tiny green leaves - brilliant orange flrs in Sp - great for hanging baskets - frost tender. |
Lechenaultia hirsuta |
Small open scrambling shrub - dark green brittle stems with small linear leaves - showy scarlet flrs in Sp - drought tolerant - frost tender - makes a good pot specimen. Descriptive label only. |
Leionema beckleri |
A neat rounded shrub growing up to 1.5 m tall - small green oval leaves - masses of white starry flrs from Wi to Su - prefers some shade & a cool root run - frost resistant. |
Leionema coxii |
Shrub with a pyramidal shape - dark green eliptical leaves with fruity fragrance - terminal clusters of creamy flrs in Sp - requires some shade & is hardy to moderate frost. 3m |
Leionema dentatum |
Toothed Phebalium - Upright shrub growing 2-3 m tall – aromatic green leaves with white underside and toothed margins – clusters of cream flrs with pale yellow anthers are produced in Sp – hardy to frost & dry periods. |
Leionema elatius Donnybrook |
Upright shrub - small oval light green leaves - white starry flrs in Sp - tolerant of dry periods and frost. 1.5m x 1m |
Leionema elatius subsp. beckleri |
A neat rounded shrub growing up to 1.5 m tall - small green oval leaves - masses of white starry flrs from Wi to Su - prefers some shade & a cool root run - frost resistant. |
Leptospermum Aphrodite PBR |
Upright shrub to 2.5 m tall - bright green foliage may be clipped as a hedge
- masses of bright pink flrs occur in late Sp - tolerant of frost & wet conditions. |
Leptospermum Ballerina |
Reliable shrub for a moist well-drained spot - small green pointed leaves with reddish new growth - dark pink & pale pink flrs with frilly edges occur from Wi till Su - frost resistant. 1.5m x 1.5m |
Leptospermum brachyandrum |
Shrub reaching 4 m tall - silvery green foliage & ornamental green & brown peeling bark - small white flrs in Sp - grows beside watercourses & is frost resistant. |
Leptospermum brachyandrum silver |
Shrub reaching - silvery green foliage & ornamental
green & brown peeling bark - small white flrs in Sp -
grows beside watercourses & is frost resistant. |
Leptospermum brevipes |
Hardy screening shrub to 4 m tall - greyish green foliage, often pendulous - small white flrs during Sp & early Su - frost resistant. |
Leptospermum Burgundy Queen |
Bushy shrub to 2 m - small burgundy coloured linear leaves - red flrs in Wi to Sp - frost resistant. |
Leptospermum Cardwell |
Shrub to 1 m - fine light green leaves - shrub is covered with white flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Leptospermum Cherish |
A hardy shrub reaching up to 3 m tall by 2 m wide - oval green leaves - during Sp large white flrs are produced on long branches which are good for floral work - frost resistant. |
Leptospermum Copper Glow |
Rounded shub to 3m - dark green and copper coloured foliage with reddish stems - small white flrs - usually frost resistant. |
Leptospermum Copper Glow select |
Bushy shub to 2 m - weeping dark green and copper coloured foliage with reddish stems - white flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Leptospermum Copper Sheen |
Low - growing dainty shrub - showy claret coloured foliage - white Tea tree flrs with green centres - light frosts only |
Leptospermum deuense |
A dense rounded plant to 1.5m high - rounded grey green leaves with hairy new growth - single white flrs occur in Su - frost hardy. |
Leptospermum epacridoideum |
Hardy shrub to 2m - tiny rounded dark green leaves - white flrs in Su - frost resistant. |
Leptospermum Fantasia |
Shapely medium sized shrub - small tea-tree type leaves - 2-tone double pink flrs in May & Oct - frost tolerant. |
Leptospermum grandifolium |
Mountain Teatree - Dense shrub to rounded tree - silky pointed green leaves - 18 mm wide wh. flrs in Su - enjoys a moist position - tolerant of moderate frost & snow. 2 - 6m |
Leptospermum horizontalis |
Hardy shrub to 1 m tall x 2 m wide - layering branches of prickly wedge shaped green leaves - white flrs in Sp & Su - frost resistant. |
Leptospermum juniperinum horizontalis |
A useful prostrate plant for banks & rockeries - pointed green leaves - white flrs during Sp & Su - frost resistant. |
Leptospermum Lambethii |
Shrub to 2m - typical tea-tree type foliage - large pink flrs in Wi & Sp - frost resistant. |
Leptospermum lanigerum |
Woolly Teatree - Shrub originating in Tasmania & sthn Victoria - foliage covered in silky hairs - small wh. teatree flrs in late Sp - tolerant of water-logged sites & frost. 3m |
Leptospermum lanigerum low form |
A spreading shrub reaching 1 m high - soft grey foliage - woolly buds & large wh. flrs in late Sp - survives permanently wet conditions - tolerant of frost & snow. |
Leptospermum lanigerum pale pink |
Upright shrub - soft grey foliage - woolly buds & small
pale pink flrs in late Sp - survives permanently wet
conditions & semi shade - tolerant of frost & snow. |
Leptospermum lanigerum var. macrocarpum |
Open shrub to 1m - pointed dark green leaves - large pale pink flrs with green centre in Su and Au - suited to rockery - frost resistant. |
Leptospermum Lipstick |
A ardy upright shrub to 1.5 m tall - pointed broad green leaves - masses of bright
pink tea tree flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Leptospermum Little Bun |
Neat bushy shrub to 0.5 m - fine green foliage - masses of white 5 petalled flrs cover the bush in Wi and Sp - frost resistant - suitable for tubs and rockeries. |
Leptospermum liversidgei |
Swamp May - upright shrub - strongly aromatic foliage reputed to repel mosquitoes - pale pink flrs are produced along the stems in Su - requires plenty of water & tolerates poor drainage - responds well to clipping & hedging - light frost only. 1.8m |
Leptospermum Mesmer Eyes PBR |
Ahardy shrub growing to 1.5 m high x 1m wide - attractive green
foliage with red stems & pinkish new growth - large flrs opening white then changing to pink in Sp - frost tolerant |
Leptospermum Mini Pink Cascade |
Hardy prostrate ground cover - very fine foliage - pink blossom in Sp - tolerates most frosts. |
Leptospermum minutifolium |
rounded open shrub to 2 m tall - attractive green foliage with very tiny leaves - wh. flrs occur in Sp & early Su - frost resistant. |
Leptospermum morrisonii Burgundy |
Hardy upright shrub reaching 3 m high by 2 m wide - attractive burgundy coloured leaves - large pure white flrs in Su - tolerant of wet conditions & frost. |
Leptospermum nanum pink |
Dwarf tea-tree to 45 cm tall - fine dense foliage - single pink flrs in Wi & Sp - frost resistant - suitable for borders, rockeries or tubs. |
Leptospermum nanum rubrum |
Dwarf tea-tree to 1 m tall - burgundy foliage - single red flrs in Wi & Sp - frost hardy. |
Leptospermum nitidum (bronze) |
A Tasmanian species reaching 2 m - furry juvenile leaves followed by neat shiny foliage - large white flrs during Su - frost resistant. |
Leptospermum novae-angliae |
Hardy long lived shrub - fine green foliage - white tea tree flrs in Sp - frost tolerant. 2 - 3m |
Leptospermum novae-angliae pink |
A shrub reaching 2 - 3 m tall - particularly fine green foliage - masses of pale pink flrs in Sp - frost tolerant. |
Leptospermum obovatum |
Erect shrub to 3 m tall by 1.5 m wide - green foliage - white tea-tree flrs in Su - useful screening plant - frost resistant. |
Leptospermum Pacific Beauty |
Vigorous groundcover growing to 30 cm high - fine lacy foliage - masses of pink buds opening to wh. flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Leptospermum Pearl |
Shrub to 2 m - small pointed linear leaves - pink buds open to wh. flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Leptospermum petersonii |
Lemon - scented Tea Tree - small tree or large shrub to 5 m - decorative aromatic leaves - small white flrs early Su - heavy soils - moderate frosts only. |
Leptospermum Pink Cascade |
Hardy ground cover to 0.5 m - fine foliage - pink blossom in Sp - tolerates most frosts. |
Leptospermum polygalifolium |
Jelly Bush - A hardy shrub to 3 m - narrow tea-tree foliage - large white flrs in Sp - very frost resistant. |
Leptospermum Purple Haze |
Upright shrub - small oval green leaves - showy magenta tea tree flrs occur in Sp - may be clipped or hedged - frost resistant. 1.5m x 1m |
Leptospermum Red Cascade |
A dwarf weeping tea tree to 1 m tall x 1.5 m wide - fine reddish foliage - masses of red flrs during Sp & Au - frost resistant. |
Leptospermum Red Damask |
Shrub to 2 m - bronze coloured foliage - large double red flowers in Wi and Sp - frost resistant. |
Leptospermum Riot |
An upright shrub to 1.5 m tall - prune plant after flowering to encourage new growth -
showy carmine coloured flrs in Sp - frost tolerant. |
Leptospermum rotundifolium Julie Anne |
Neat ornamental groundcover spreading to 1 m wide - small round dark green leaves - large pale pink flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Leptospermum rotundifolium Lavender Queen |
Shrub to 1.5 m - dark green round leaves - large lavender flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Leptospermum scoparium Big Red |
Tea Tree - upright shrub to 2m - attractive burgundy coloured foliage - large double red flrs in Wi , Sp and Au. - frost resistant. |
Leptospermum sericeum |
Rounded shrub reaching 2m tall - the silver/grey obovate leaves are a feature - pink teatree flrs in Sp - moderate frosts only. |
Leptospermum spectabile |
An erect plant growing 2 m high - narrow elliptical leaves with burgundy new growth - very showy red flrs are seen in late Sp - frost resistant. |
Leptospermum squarrosum |
This erect hardy shrub grows to 2.5 m tall & 1.5 m wide - small lanceolate leaves - pink flrs occur on old wood during Au & Wi - flowers well in most climates - frost resistant. |
Leptospermum Starry Night |
Hardy upright shrub - attractive weeping burgundy
foliage - large pure white flrs in Su - tolerant of wet
conditions & frost. 2.5 x 2m |
Leptospermum Tickled Pink PBR |
Upright growing hardy shrub to 2 m tall - the bright green foliage may be
pruned to create an effective hedge or screen - vibrant pink tea tree flrs in Sp - frost tolerant. |
Leptospermum turbinatum |
Grampians Tea Tree - hardy & showy in flr, this spreading shrub grows up to 2 m tall - rounded glossy leaves - white tea tree flrs to 2.5 cm diameter in Sp - frost resistant. |
Leptospermum venustum |
Rare shrub reaching 2 m in height - arching branches of elliptical leaves - deep pink flrs which fade with age in Wi & Sp - frost tolerance unknown. (descriptive label only) |
Leptospermum wooroonooran |
Wurunuru Ti-Tree - Long lived & slow growing shrub - small rounded leaves with red growth tips - small wh. flrs in Sp & Su - used in colonial medicine - requires a cool root run & is frost hardy. 2m |
Leucophyllum Lavender Lights |
An exotic plant from Mexico - a useful hedging shrub growing to 1.5 m x 1.5 m - soft
silvery grey foliage - rose purple trumpet shaped flrs in Su - tolerant of frost & drought. |
Leucophyta brownii (syn. Calocephalus brownii) |
Cushion Bush - neat rounded shrub to 1 m - silvery twig-like foliage - creamy yellow button flrs in Su - light frosts only. |
Libertia formosa |
A vigorous clumping lily growing to 80 cm tall - spikes of white flrs occur just above the
foliage in Sp - tolerates frost & semi-shade. |
Libertia paniculata |
Perennial lily with strap like foliage - 40 cm stems with white flrs occur in Sp - enjoys moisture & some shade - frost tolerant. |
Libertia peregrinans - Golden Reed |
A lily native to New Zealand growing to 45 cm high - ornamental striped orange & green foliage - small white iris like flrs - enjoys moist soil - frost tolerant. |
Liquidambar styraciflua |
Liquidamber - spreading deciduous tree to 18 m tall - brilliant Au. foliage - frost hardy. |
Lobelia gracilis |
Decumbent perennial - small toothed green
leaves - bright blue white throated flrs occur
during the warmer months - prefers a moist
semi shaded spot - tolerant of moderate frost. |
Lobelia quadrangularis |
Summer Skies - Lobelia quadrangularis Summer Skies 0.3m x 1m Ground cover perennial - tiny glossy green leaves - masses of small blue & white flrs much of the year - frost tolerant. 0.3m x 1m |
Lobelia trigonocaulis |
Forest Lobelia - a dainty groundcover growing up to 15 cm high x 30 cm wide - trailing stems of green heart shaped leaves - blue flrs occur thoughout the year - prefers shade & is perfect in a hanging basket. |
Logania albiflora |
Attractive shrub growing 1.5 m high – deep green lance-shaped leaves – a massed display of tiny wh. flrs occurs late Wi to early Sp – prefers well-drained sandy soil in a semi-shaded position – frost hardy. (Descriptive label only) |
Lomandra confertifolia Little Con |
Rounded bushy plant to 30 cm high x 70 cm wide - fine lime green grass-like leaves - hardy in sun or difficult areas under trees - frost resistant. |
Lomandra confertifolia ssp.rubiginosa |
A tussock forming herb to 0.5 m tall - fine bluish foliage - small reddish flower spikes - frost resistant. |
Lomandra confertifolia Stanthorpe |
Green grass-like plant to 70 cm tall x 60 cm across - yellow & burgundy
flr spikes occur in Sp & Su - hardy & low maintenance - frost resistant |
Lomandra filiformis dwarf form |
Dwarf Mat Rush. This hardy tufted grass-like plant grows to 20 cm tall - super-fine green foliage & small lemon flr spikes from Sp to Su - useful for borders - frost resistant.
(Descriptive label only) |
Lomandra hystrix |
Hardy tussock forming plant to 1 m tall - long green weeping strap like leaves - prickly spikes of creamy yellow flrs in Sp - tolerant of shade & heavy soils - frost resistant. |
Lomandra leucocephala |
Small grass-like plant - narrow grey green strap like leaves - cream globular heads of scented flrs in Su - frost & drought tolerant. 0.5m
(descriptive label only) |
Lomandra longifolia |
Large grass like tussock reaching 70 cm high - strap like foliage which arches attractively - hardy & useful waterside plant - frost resistant - enjoys sun or shade. |
Lomandra multiflora |
Many-flowered Mat-rush - a hardy tussock reaching
60 cm tall - tough grey green strap like leaves - showy spikes of creamy
yellow flrs occur in Sp - frost resistant - grows into a neat potplant. |
Lomandra obliqua |
Small wiry ground cover - twisted grey/green foliage - creamy yellow flrs in Sp - frost tolerant. Descriptive label only |
Lomatia fraseri |
Shrub reaching 3 m tall - deep green serrated foliage - sprays of grevillea like pure white flrs are borne during Su - light frosts only. |
Lomatia myricoides |
Hardy rounded shrub or small tree to 5 m - toothed dark green leaves - white to pale pink grevillea like flrs during Su - grows in shade or sun & is resistant to light frost - - useful cut flower. |
Lomatia silaifolia |
Wild Parsley - hardy erect plant to 1.5 m tall - attractive divided green leaves - long terminal sprays of cream flrs - frost resistant. |
Lonicera fragrantissima |
Winter honeysuckle - hardy shrub to 2 m - round leathery leaves - cream richly scented flrs in Wi - frost hardy. (descriptive label only). |
Lonicera Woodbine |
Honeysuckle - hardy shrub or semi climber to 2 m - round green semi deciduous foliage - pink scented flrs in Sp - frost hardy. |
Lonicera x americana |
Pink Honeysuckle - shrub or semi climber to 2m - round green semi deciduous foliage - pink scented flrs in Sp - frost hardy. |
Lophostemon confertus |
Brush Box - fast growing tree to 30m - dense pinnate foliage and rough bark - white flrs in Su - tolerant of clay soils - light frosts only. |
Lophostemon suaveolens |
Swamp Box - Bushy tree with a rough bark - broad thick green leaves turning red prior to dropping off - small white flrs in Sp & Su - tolerant of clay & wet conditions - frost tender. 10m |
Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum |
Upright shrub reaching 2m in height - burgundy foliage - pink fringed flrs in Sp and Su - frost hardy. |
Lotus australis |
Austral Trefoil - compact rounded herb growing to 50 cm high - green trifoliate leaves - bears dark pink pea flrs in Su - lives only 3 to 4 years - frost hardy.
Descriptive label only |
Lotus bertholetii |
A prostrate trailing plant ideal for hanging baskets - fine silvery green foliage - red pea flrs in Springfrost tender. |
Luma apiculata (syn. Myrtus luma) |
a large bushy shrub reaching 5 m if left Unpruned - round glossy aromatic leaves - small cup shaped flrs from Su to Au - ideal for hedging - light frost only. |
Lysiphyllum hookeri |
Queensland Ebony - Semi-deciduous native bauhinia with a neat habit suitable for bonsai - bilobed leaves resembling butterfly wings - showy white scented flrs with red stamens are produced after rain - tolerant of drought & clay soils - frost tender. 8m x 4m |
Macrozamia mountperriensis |
Native cycad - glossy green palm like fronds growing up to 1.5 m long - decorative fruit with red seeds - requires good drainage - frost & drought tolerant . 0.3m tall trunk
Descriptive label only |
Maireana oppositifolia Silver Shadow |
Hardy shrub with a conical shape to 60 cm high - outstanding soft silver foliage on upright stems - tolerant of frost, heat & drought - attractive hedging plant.
(Descriptive label only) |
Maireana oppositifolia Smokey |
Hardy shrub with a conical shape - outstanding
soft silver foliage on upright stems - tolerant of
frost, heat & drought - attractive hedging plant. |
Maireana triptera |
Three-winged Bluebush - A compact saltbush - succulent blue-green foliage - small insignificant flrs & pink seed capsules which turn black with age - prefers sandy soils in an arid climate.50cm x 50cm Descriptive label only |
Marianthus bicolor |
Painted Billardiera - Lightweight twining shrub - dark green oval leaves - conspicuous cream flowers with maroon striations - will grow under estabished trees in dappled shade - frost tolerant. Climber |
Maytenus disperma - Orangebark |
Large shrub or small tree to 6 m tall - attractive bright green foliage - small yellow flrs - a semi rainforest species & tolerant of some shade - frost tender.
(Descriptive label only) |
Mazus pumilio |
A completely prostrate perennial spreading 50 cm in Sp & Su - serrated green leaves - short stemmed purple flrs in Sp & Su - prefers a moist position - survives moderate frost. |
Mazus pumilio mauve |
Completely prostrate creeping ground cover for a moist position - rosettes of green obovate leaves - mauve flowers in Sp & Su held above the foliage - frosts burn the foliage but it recovers. |
Melaleuca alternifolia |
Snow-in-summer - bushy shrub to 6 m tall with papery bark - small linear green leaves - masses of wh. bottlebrush flowers in Sp - tolerant of frost & poor drainage - commercially planted for the production of tea tree oil. |
Melaleuca armillaris |
Bracelet Honey Myrtle - bushy shrub to 6m - pine like green foliage - small white bottlebrush flrs in Sp and Su - frost resistant. |
Melaleuca armillaris Mauve |
Vigorous shrub to 5m - dark green narrow leaves - mauve brushes fading to white in Sp & Au - frost resistant. |
Melaleuca armillaris Pink |
large fast growing shrub to 4m - fine dense bright green foliage - small pink brushes in sp and Su - tolerant of waterlogging and frost. |
Melaleuca Ballarkona |
Named after the towns of Ballarat & Arkona, this erect shrub grows to 4 m tall - white
brushes to 10 cm long are produced in Sp - useful screening plant - frost hardy. |
Melaleuca bracteata |
White cloud tree - a useful ornamental shelter tree reaching 10 m - fine dark green foliage - small wh. brushes in spring - suitable for windbreaks on heavy soils - frost resistant. |
Melaleuca capitata |
Dense shrub to 2 m tall - dark green foliage with soft fluffy new growth - terminal creamy yellow globular flrs in Sp & Su - moderate frosts only. |
Melaleuca ciliosa |
Attractive shrub growing to 1m x 1m – small ovate green leaves – in late Sp masses of creamy yellow globular flr heads are produced – tolerant of a range of soil types, drought & moderate frost. |
Melaleuca Claret Tops |
Compact bushy shrub to 1.5 m tall - fine green foliage with purplish growth tips - small white brushes occur in Sp - moderate frosts only. |
Melaleuca coccinea |
Goldfields Bottlebrush - shrub to 2 m - tangled branches with attractive opposite leaves - brilliant red bottlebrushes during Sp & Su - tolerant of most soil types including limestone - frost hardy. |
Melaleuca decora |
Large erect shrub or small tree to 6m with white paperbark - linear leaves to 2cm - creamy white brushes to 6cm in Sp & Su - frost resistant. |
Melaleuca decussata |
Totem pole honey myrtle - shrub to 3 m - fine weeping greyish foliage - small mauve brushes in Sp & Su - frost resistant. |
Melaleuca decussata dwarf |
Compact bushy shrub to 1.5 m - fine greyish stem clasping foliage - prolific small purple brushes in Sp - frost resistant. |
Melaleuca diosmifolia |
Green Honey Myrtle - dense shrub growing 3 m tall - unusual greenish yellow stem clasping leaves - cylindrical spikes of green flrs in Sp & Su - light frost only. |
Melaleuca elliptica |
An upright shrub reaching a height of 2 m - small round grey/green leaves & grey flaky bark - showy burgundy red bottlebrush flrs in Sp, Su & Au - moderate frost only. |
Melaleuca ericifolia |
Swamp Melaleuca - dense shrub to 3m - pale, corky bark - cream brushes in Oct - tolerant of poorly drained saline & alkaline soils - usually frost tolerant. |
Melaleuca ericifolia nana |
Bushy dwarf shrub to 1.5 m - small linear leaves - small white brushes in Su - tolerates lime, smog , salt, frost and water-logged conditions. |
Melaleuca erubescens |
Attractive shrub from WA - green leathery strap like
leaves with distinctveins - terminal spikes of
pink/mauve flrs in Sp - moderate frost tolerance. 1.5m |
Melaleuca fabri |
Attractive shrub from W.A. - green leathery strap like leaves with distinct veins - terminal spikes of pink/mauve flrs in Sp – moderate frost tolerance. 1.5m |
Melaleuca filifolia dwarf |
Shrub to 1 m tall - long narrow green leaves - ornamental bright pink brushes with
yellow anthers in Sp - light frosts only. |
Melaleuca fulgens apricot |
An open erect shrub to 2 m - grey green linear foliage - large showy gold tipped apricot brushes in Wi & Sp - moderately frost resistant - prefers a moist position. |
Melaleuca fulgens dwarf orange |
Shrub to 1.5 m - small linear grey green leaves - round orange brushes during Sp - frost resistant. |
Melaleuca fulgens hot pink |
An open erect shrub to 2 m - grey green linear foliage, the new growth having pink stems - large showy gold tipped bright pink brushes in Wi & Sp - moderate frosts only - prefers a moist position. |
Melaleuca fulgens mauve |
Rounded shrub to 1.5m grey green linear leaves - large showy mauve brushes in Sp - requires good drainage - usually frost resistant. |
Melaleuca fulgens purple |
Rounded shrub to 1.5 m grey green linear leaves - large showy purple brushes in Sp -
requires good drainage - usually frost resistant. |
Melaleuca fulgens red |
Scarlet Honey Myrtle - Unusual shrub to 1.5 m high x 2 m wide - minute scale like leaves along spiralling upright branches - masses of small round yellow wattle like flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Melaleuca gibbosa pink |
Bushy shrub - grey/green decussate foliage on arching stems - small pink brushes in late Sp & Su - enjoys moist soil - tolerates some frost and waterlogging. 1.5m x 2m |
Melaleuca gibbosa purple |
Bushy shrub - grey/green decussate foliage on arching
stems - small mauve brushes in late Sp & Su - enjoys
moist soil - tolerates some frost and water logging. 1.5m x 2m |
Melaleuca gibbosa white |
Bushy shrub - grey/green decussate foliage on arching stems - small white brushes in late Sp & Su - enjoys moist soil - tolerates some frost and waterlogging. 1.5m x 2m |
Melaleuca glaberrima |
Hardy shrub to 2.5 m tall - small linear green leaves - 2 cm long mauve flr spikes occur Sp & Su - performs well in clay soils, tolerant of drought & frost. |
Melaleuca Green Globe |
A dwarf form of M. armillaris growing like a 1.5 m high cushion bush - very fine green foliage - small wh. brushes during Sp - hardy in heavy limy soils - frost tender. |
Melaleuca halmaturorum |
A tree growing to 8 m with an irregular often tortured growth habit - white papery bark & a dense canopy of small green leaves - small cream flr clusters in Sp - enjoys poorly drained saline soils - tolerant of moderate frost. |
Melaleuca hamulosa mauve |
Adaptable screening shrub growing 4 m tall - small dark green leaves - mauve flr spikes are produced in Sp & Su - tolerant of most soils - frost hardy. |
Melaleuca huegelii |
Chenille Honey Myrtle - large shrub or small tree to 5 m tall - small sessile green leaves - purplish pink buds & clusters of long wh. flr spikes occur in Su - tolerant of limestone - frost hardy. |
Melaleuca hypericifolia |
Rounded shrub to 6m attractive arching foliage - rusty red brushes in Sp and Su - moderate frosts only. |
Melaleuca incana |
Hardy shrub to 3 m - soft grey green pendulous foliage - small yellowish green flrs in Sp - tolerates wet soils and drought - usually frost resistant. |
Melaleuca incana nana |
Semi-prostrate shrub to 1 m - fine soft grey green foliage - rockeries or tub specimen - light frosts only. |
Melaleuca irbyana |
Swamp Tea-Tree - Rare shrub or tree with a papery bark for poorly drained soils - weeping branches of tiny dense green leaves - small cylindrical spikes of scented white flrs - moderate frosts only. 4m to 10m |
Melaleuca lanceolata |
Moonah - a small bushy tree to 5 m tall - small dark green leaves - profuse large white flr spikes in Su - tolerant of heavy soil & frost. |
Melaleuca lateritia |
Robin Redbreast Bush - Erect and open shrub to 1.5m - soft linear green leaves - large outstanding orange brushes inside the shrub in late Sp and Su - frost resistant. |
Melaleuca lateritia dwarf |
Dense rounded shrub to .80m - beautiful soft foliage - similar to M. incana nana in that it is shy to flr - light frosts. |
Melaleuca laxifolia |
Hardy woody shrub with fibrous bark growing 3 m x 3 m - thin green leaves with prominent oil glands - spikes of purplish pink flrs occur in Sp - requires good drainage - moderate frost tolerance. |
Melaleuca leuropoma |
Attractive shrub to 1.5 m - very narrow dark green linear leaves - brown buds & terminal pom pom like flrs which may be mauve, pink, yellow or white occur in Sp - requires good drainage & is frost hardy. |
Melaleuca linariifolia |
Snow in Summer - Small tree to 10 m - papery bark - fine dense foliage - profuse lacy white flrs in Su - suited to poorly drained sites - frost tender when young. |
Melaleuca linariifolia Purple Tip |
Dense compact shrub to 3m - soft grey green foliage with purple new growth - white flr clusters Sp and Su - moderate frosts only. |
Melaleuca Little Nessy |
M. nesophila dwarf - neat compact shrub to 2m high x 3m wide - dense green foliage - gold tipped mauve globular brushes in Su - drought tolerant. |
Melaleuca Little Red PBR |
Compact shrub suitable for hedging reaching 0.75 cm high - bright red new growth - small white brushes in Sp - light frost only. |
Melaleuca lutea (syn. M. citrina) |
Erect bushy shrub to 3 m - green narrow leaves - dense oval heads of yellow flrs during Sp - tolerant of a range of soil types - moderate frost tolerance. |
Melaleuca macronychia subsp. Macronychia |
Shrub growing up to 1.5 m tall - dark green elliptical leaves - large red bottlebrush flrs occur during the warmer months - prefers good drainage & is frost hardy. |
Melaleuca megacephala |
An erect ornamental shrub to 2.5 m tall - the broad deep green leaves are spirally arranged - terminal yellow pom pom flrs are produced in Sp - light frost only. |
Melaleuca micromera |
Spreading shrub to 1.5m high x 2m wide - minute scale like leaves gives conifer appearance - masses of small round yellow flr heads in Sp - frost resistant. (Descriptive label only) |
Melaleuca minutifolia |
A paperbark reaching 5 m tall - attractive foliage, tiny leaves - white flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Melaleuca nesophila |
Bushy shrub to 4m - bright green oval leaves - terminal mauve flrs heads in Sp& Su - medium frosts only. |
Melaleuca nodosa |
Ornamental rounded shrub to small paperbark tree of 5 m - fine linear leaves - cream globular flr heads in Sp - frost resistant. |
Melaleuca oldfieldii |
An erect shrub reaching 3 m tall by 2 m wide - elliptical green leaves - terminal pale yellow globular flrs are borne late Sp - hardy in most soil types. (Descriptive label only) |
Melaleuca pentagona compact |
A bushy shrub to 1.5 m tall - small narrow linear green leaves - pinkish purple globular flr heads occur during Sp - frost resistant. |
Melaleuca pentagona var. latifolia |
A showy erect shrub to 1.5 m high - narrow deep green leaves - masses of bright pink terminal flrs occur in Sp - adaptable in a range of soils - frost hardy. |
Melaleuca platycalyx |
Rounded shrub - small bluish green oval leaves - small pinkish purple brushes sprout out along the branches in Sp - frost tolerance unknown. 1.5m |
Melaleuca pulchella |
Claw Flower - small shrub to 0.7 m high with a 1.5 m spread - weeping branches of stem clasping leaves - mauve claw flrs in Sp & Su - frost resistant. |
Melaleuca quinquenervia |
Broad-leaved Paper Bark - a tree up to 25 m tall - grey green lanceolate leaves to 9 cm
long - cylindrical spikes of creamy wh. flrs from Su to Wi - excellent for damp conditions - frost tender. |
Melaleuca quinquenervia red flowered form |
A paper bark tree to 25 m tall - grey green eucalypt like leaves - a rare form with red bottlebrush flrs during Wi - suitable for wet sites - frost tender. (seedling) |
Melaleuca radula |
Graceful Honey Myrtle - Open erect shrub to 1.5m - grey linear leaves - large mau;ve flrs in small clusters in Sp & Su - frost resistant. |
Melaleuca Revolution Gold |
Shrub to 6 m - fine golden foliage with red stems - moderate frosts only. |
Melaleuca Revolution Green |
Dense shrub to 10m - bright green foliage - small white brushes in Sp - frost resistant. |
Melaleuca sapientes |
Dense spreading shrub to 1 m tall - soft silvery grey foliage - small terminal heads of pinkish mauve flrs in Sp & Su - hardy in a range of soils - moderate frost. |
Melaleuca Seafoam |
Compact shrub to 3 m - narrow linear leaves - masses of small pure white brushes in late Sp - hardy in poorly drained soils - moderately frost resistant. |
Melaleuca Snowflake |
Compact dense shrub to 1.5 m - narrow grey green foliage with red tipped new growth - white brushes in flushes - light frosts only. |
Melaleuca Snowstorm |
Shrub to 1.5 m * 1.5 m - fine soft weeping green foliage - lacy white flowers in late Sp to Su - usually frost resistant . |
Melaleuca sp. nov. Warialda |
Compact hardy shrub endemic to the Warialda district - fine green foliage - small mauve brushes in Su - responds well to pruning - frost hardy. 2m x 2m |
Melaleuca spathulata |
Erect compact shrub to 1.5m - small oval leaves - profuse terminal clusters of showy mauve - pink flrs in Sp & Su - usually frost resistant. |
Melaleuca squamea |
Hardy upright shrub to 3 m tall - lanceolate green leaves - terminal heads of mauve flrs - tolerant of frost & poorly drained soils. |
Melaleuca steedmanii |
A very showy upright shrub to 1.5m - small oval grey green leaves - spikes of brilliant gold tipped red flrs in Wi and Sp - tolerant of dryness, lime and frost. |
Melaleuca styphelioides |
Prickly Leaved Paperbark - hardy shrubby tree to 10m - small prickly leaves - spongy bark and small cream brushes in Su - tolerates poor drainage and saline soils - frost resistant. |
Melaleuca suberosa |
Cork-bark Honey-myrtle - unusual shrub with a corky bark to 1 m - green overlapping leaves along the stems - deep pink flrs with an unpleasant odour are crowded along the older branches during Wi & Sp - frost hardy. |
Melaleuca systena |
Bushy shrub growing 1-2 m - small linear green leaves - bears dense terminal heads of white to creamy yellow flrs in Sp - requires good drainage - frost hardy. |
Melaleuca tamariscina |
A hardy & ornamental shrub reaching 5 m tall x 3 m wide - pendulous super fine foliage - spikes of creamy bottlebrush like flrs in Sp - tolerant of poor drainage & moderate frost. |
Melaleuca teretifolia |
Upright open shrub to 2.5m - dull green pine needle like leaves to 7cm long - globular reddish pink flr clusters in Su - frost and drought resistant. (Descriptive label only) |
Melaleuca teretifolia Georgiana Molloy |
Upright open shrub to 2.5 m - dull green pine needle like leaves to 7 cm long - globular bright pink flr clusters in Sp - frost and drought resistant. |
Melaleuca thymifolia |
Shrub to 1m - small light green leaves - dainty violet flrs over long period - full or filtered sun - frost resistant. |
Melaleuca thymifolia Cotton Candy |
Dainty shrub to 0.8 m - fine green foliage - hot pink lacy flowers most of the year - frost resistant. |
Melaleuca thymifolia Pink Lace |
Attractive compact shrub to 50cm high - fine greyish foliage - delicate lacy pink flowers most of the year - frost resistant. |
Melaleuca thymifolia prostrate |
Tiny groundcover spreading approx. 0.5 m - small light green leaves - dainty violet flrs over long period - full or filtered sun - frost resistant. |
Melaleuca thymifolia White Lace |
Similar to M. Pink Lace but with white flrs. |
Melaleuca tortifolia |
Rare bushy shrub for moist position to 4.5 m high tall - papery bark & attractive grey green foliage - small cream brushes in Sp - endemic to the New England Tableland - frost resistant. |
Melaleuca trichophylla |
Low growing shrub to 0.5 m x 1.5 m for a rockery or container - white hairs cover the linear leaves - terminal globular heads of very showy purple flrs occur in Sp - frost hardy. |
Melaleuca trichostachya |
Narrow leaved Paperbark - reaching 10 m, this is a popular inland form of paperbark - small linear leaves - massed heads of fluffy white to cream flrs in Sp & Su - moderate frost tolerance. |
Melaleuca tuberculata |
Variable shrub originating in WA - small blue green leaves - terminal mauve flr heads in Sp - tolerant of moderate frost. 1m |
Melaleuca uncinata |
Broombush - upright bushy shrub to 2 m tall - terete dull green leaves - round yellow wattle like flrs in Sp - tolerant of frost & drought - enjoys sandy soils - the foliage is used for making brush fences. |
Melaleuca urceolaris |
Showy shrub to 1 m high - arching branches of soft grey/green foliage - spectacular display of creamy yellow flr heads in Sp which age to pinkish red - grows in sand or clay - tolerates drought & moderate frost. |
Melaleuca Velvet Cushion |
Semi-prostrate shrub to 1m - fine soft grey green foliage - rockeries or tub specimen - light frosts only. |
Melaleuca villosisepala |
Shrub 0.5m - narrow linear green leaves - the flrs comprise terminal 20mm heads of pink stamens with yellow anthers in Sp & Su - frost tolerance unknown. |
Melaleuca violacea prostrate |
Dainty prostrate shrub forming a tidy mat with a 1m diameter - small dark green leaves - purple claw flowers in Sp - frost resistant. |
Melastoma affine compact |
Vigorous shrub similar to the tibouchina - large green furry leaves - purple flrs with yellow stamens are followed by bluish black fruit - frost tender. |
Melia azedarach |
White Cedar - An ornamental deciduous shade tree reaching 10m - dark green pinnate leaves - lilac flowers in Sp followed by yellow berries - frost resistant. |
Melia azedarach var. australasica |
Deciduous tree growing 10 m tall - dark green pinnate leaves - bears clusters of lilac flrs in Sp & yellow berries in Aut. - cabinet timber - drought tolerant - frost tender when young. |
Mentha australis |
Native River Mint - Fast growing perenniel herb - green aromatic foliage, similar to spearmint & used in cooking - clusters of tiny
wh.flrs in Su & Au - enjoys a wet shady spot - moderate frost only. 30cm x 1m Descriptive label only |
Mentha satureioides |
Pennyroyal - Mat forming perennial herb – bright green fragrant leaves on suckering stems – small white flowers occur throughout the year – frost resistant. 0.2m x 1m
(Descriptive label only) |
Micromyrtus ciliata |
Fringed Myrtle - spreading shrub growing to 30cm high by 1.5m wide - tiny aromatic leaves - in Sp it bears masses of small white flrs aging to red - frost resistant - requires cool root run. |
Micromyrtus sessilis |
Spreading shrub to 1 m tall - super fine foliage - small sessile heads of tiny wh. flrs in Sp - well drained soil - frost resistant. |
Microseris lanceolata |
Murnong Yam Daisy - Rosette forming perennial herb - green toothed leaves & edible tuberous roots, a traditional bush tucker - yellow daisies are produced in Su & Au - tolerant of drought & moderate frost. 40cm Descriptive label only |
Mirbelia confertifolia |
Shrub to 1.5 m tall - erect linear leaves - prolific & showy bright orange pea flrs in Sp - enjoys acidic well drained soils in full sun to part shade - frost resistant. |
Myoporum bateae |
Vigorous shrub to 2.5 m - dark green pinnate leaves - clusters of tiny pale pink flrs in Su. - light frosts only.
(Descriptive label only) |
Myoporum ellipticum |
hardy groundcover growing 0.5 m tall x 2 m across - oval fleshy green leaves - small white flrs throughout the year - tolerant of heavy clay & moderate frost. |
Myoporum floribundum |
Tall weeping shrub or small tree to 4m - narrow dark green foliage - white flrs along the stems in Sp & Su - full or filtered sun - frost resistant. |
Myoporum insulare |
Boobialla - tall shrub or small tree to 6 m - green elliptical almost succulent leaves - small purple spotted white flrs much of the year - used as a rootstock for grafting eremophilas - moderate frost only |
Myoporum Monaro Marvel |
A vigorous groundcover mounding to 30 cm high with a 2 m spread - lush
green foliage - wh. flrs in Su - frost resistant. |
Myoporum Montanum |
Western Boobialla - Rounded shrub growing 3 m x 3 m - large lime green fleshy leaves - small wh. perfumed flrs from Wi till Su & purple fruit - frost tender. |
Myoporum parvifolium pink |
Hardy prostrate groundcover - small fleshy green leaves - pale pink starry flrs - moist position - frost resistant. |
Myoporum parvifolium pink fine leaf form |
Prostrate groundcover - small fleshy green leaves - pale pink starry flrs - moist position - frost resistant. |
Myoporum parvifolium purpurea |
Neat totally flat ground cover - small purplish leaves - white spotted flrs Sp-Su - frost resistant - tolerates wet conditions. |
Myoporum parvifolium purpurea fine leaf form |
Neat totally flat ground cover - small purplish leaves - white flrs Sp - Su - frost resistant - tolerates wet conditions. |
Myoporum parvifolium white broad leaf form |
Vigorous prostrate plant to 3 m across - succulent like green leaves - small white flrs in Sp - grows in clay or sandy soils - frost hardy. |
Myoporum parvifolium white fine leaf form |
Groundcover to 20 cm high - fine linear green leaves - white starry flrs - moist position - frost resistant. |
Nematolepis elliptica |
Compact shrub - oval green aromatic leaves, silvery underneath - starry white flrs in Sp & Su - prefers a cool root run - moderate frost tolerance. To 1.5m |
Nematolepis squamea subsp. Retusa |
Small-leaved Satinwood - Shrub suited to heavy clay soils - pointed shiny green
leaves, pale underneath - clusters of starry white flrs in
Sp & Su -tolerates moderate frost. 2m Descriptive label only |
Newcastelia interrupta |
Open perennial growing 50 cm high - soft grey foliage - in Sp & Su tiny violet flrs
appear in white cotton wool-like pom poms - requires good drainage - tolerant of drought and moderate frost.(Descriptive label only) |
Notelaea microcarpa |
Native Olive - Small bushy tree to 7 m tall - olive like dull green lanceolate leaves - tiny cream flrs in Sp give way to purple berries in Su - frost and drought tolerant. |
Nothofagus cunninghamii |
Myrtle Beech - eventually reaching 50 m tall, this slow growing tree is smaller in cultivation - attractive crenulated leaves with bronze new growth - insignificant flrs - tolerant of wet conditions, frost & snow - prefers shade. (Descriptive label only) |
Ochrosperma citriodorum (syn. Baeckea citriodora) |
shrub growing 0.4 m tall x 0.7 m wide - tiny green strongly lemon scented foliage - minute white starry flrs in Su - light frost only. (descriptive label only) |
Olearia asterotricha |
Rough Daisy-bush - grows 1-2 m tall - grey green felted leaves - provides a good display of blue flrs from Sp till Wi - moderate frost tolerance.
(Descriptive label only) |
Olearia canescens |
Hardy shrub for a dry well-drained position - soft grey leaves - white daisies with yellow centres occur in Sp - tolerant of frost & shade. |
Olearia floribunda violet |
Shrub to 1.5m - soft dark green pine like foliage - clusters of small violet daisies in Sp and Su - tolerates lime, frost, & snow - prefers some shade. (Descriptive label only) |
Olearia homolepis |
Sweet and Small - Perennial for well drained soils - bright green leaves - showy purple daisies from Wi till Su - tolerant of moderate frost. 60cm |
Olearia microphylla |
Upright shrub to 1 m tall x 60 cm wide - tiny green leaves - small white daisies in Sp - frost resistant.
(Descriptive label only) |
Olearia microphylla var teretifolia |
Compact shrub to 0.5m - dark green conifer like foliage - small white daisies in Sp - frost tolerant - excellent tub specimen. (Descriptive label only) |
Olearia minor |
Shrub to 1 m tall - tiny oval grey green leaves - small prolific pale blue daisies in Sp & Su - hardy to
moderate frost & extended dry periods. |
Olearia phlogopappa |
Shrub to 1.5m - felted grey leaves - bright pink daisy flrs in Sp - moist semi - shaded position - tolerates frost and snow. |
Olearia phlogopappa mauve |
Rounded shrub to 1.5m high - soft grey foliage - small mauve daisies in Sp - frost and snow resistant. |
Olearia phlogopappa subsp. Flavesens |
Upright shrub originating in alpine & subalpine regions - soft greyish green narrow eliptical leaves - pannicles of white daisies appear during Su - frost hardy. 1.5m |
Olearia rudis |
Upright sparsely branched shrub to 1 m tall - robust stems of bright green serrated leaves - showy mauve daisies 4 cm in diameter occur in Sp - frost tender. (Descriptive label only) |
Olearia sp. aff. Lanuginosa |
Woolly Daisy Bush - sprawling plant to 1m tall x 1.5 m across - soft spikes of grey foliage - masses of small white daisies in Sp - tolerant of drought & some frost - may be clipped. |
Olearia tenuifolia |
Rounded shrub to 1 m tall - sticky linear green leaves - terminal mauve daisies occur in Sp & Su - frost resistant. |
Olearia teretifolia compacta |
Dwarf shrub reaching 50cm - dark green conifer like foliage - profuse small white daisy flowers in Sp - ideal rockery or tub plant - frost resistant. |
Olearia tomentosa |
Compact native daisy forming a 1 m tall clump - olive green leaves - 3 cm diameter blue daisy flrs on short stems in Sp & Su - frost tolerant. (Descriptive label only) |
Ophiopogon planiscapus Nigrescens |
Black Mondo Grass - non invasive ground cover - purple/black strap like leaves - small spikes of white flrs - frost tolerant. |
Orthrosanthus laxus nana |
Dwarf Morning Iris - Tufting perennial - tufting perennial - thin grey green grass like foliage - pale blue flrs are produced from Sp till Su on stems just showing above the foliage - requires well drained soil - moderately frost tolerant. To 20cm |
Orthrosanthus multiflorus |
A clump forming plant with green strap like leaves to 40 cm high - produces many stems of light blue/mauve iris like flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Oxylobium arborescens |
Bushy shrub to 2m tall - attractive grey green leaves - massed yellow pea flrs during
Sp & Su - frost resistant. |
Oxylobium ellipticum |
Shaggy Pea - spreading shrub to 50 cm high - dark green elliptical leaves - masses
of yellow and red pea flowers from Sp to Su - enjoys some shade and excellent drainage - frost tolerant. |
Ozothamnus (Helichrysum) diosmifolium |
Sago Flower - bushy shrub to 1.5m - tiny linear leaves along erect branches - dense terminal heads of white flrs in Sp suitable for drying - frost resistant . |
Ozothamnus diosmifolium pink |
Sago Flower - bushy shrub to 1.5 m - tiny linear leaves along erect branches - dense terminal heads of pink flrs in Sp suitable for drying - frost resistant. |
Ozothamnus diosmifolius pink |
Sago flower - Bushy shrub - tiny linear leaves along erect branches -
dense terminal heads of pink flrs in Sp suitable for
drying - frost resistant. |
Ozothamnus secundiflorus |
Cascade Everlasting - Subalpine woodland shrub - aromatic dark green leaves with a dense white indumentum - masses of
wh. flr heads in Su - frost hardy. 1m |
Pandorea Lady Di |
Vigorous climber - green pinnate leaves - large white trumpet flrs in Sp and Su - light frosts only. |
Pandorea pandorana |
Wonga Vine - Vigorous climber - green pinnate leaves - creamy white flrs with purple spotted throat in Sp - tolerates dryness and moderate frost. |
Pandorea pandorana Gold |
Vigorous climber - green pinnate leaves - tubular yellow flrs in Sp - tolerant of light frosts only. |
Pandorea pandorana pink |
Vigorous climber - green pinnate leaves - pink
flrs in Sp - moderate frost. |
Pandorea pandorana Snowbells |
Vigorous climber or groundcover - lush green pinnate leaves - masses of small wh. trumpet flrs in Sp - tolerates moderate frost. 2m |
Pandorea pandorana Tiffany |
A fast growing creeper - dark green pinnate leaves - cream bells, yellow in the
centre with red markings occur in Sp - moderate frost only. |
Pandorea Ruby Belle |
dark green pinnate leaves – masses of deep red
trumpet shaped flrs with white throats are
produced in Sp – light frost only. |
Pandorea Ruby Bells |
Vigorous twiner which can cover a high fence - dark green pinnate leaves - masses of deep red trumpet shaped flrs with white throats are produced in Sp - light frost only 2m x 3m |
Parahebe perfoliata |
Diggers Speedwell. A perennial with a spread of 1 m - arching stems of
grey/green stem clasping leaves - sprays of bright
blue flrs in late Su - needs well drained position in
some shade - frost resistant. |
Parsonsia eucalyptophylla |
Tall woody creeper which will happily cover a fence or climb a tree - long linear green leaves - large attractive pannicles of yellow flrs occur in Sp
followed by long seed pods - tolerant of dry periods & frost.4m
(Descriptive label only) |
Patersonia occidentalis |
Native Iris - a tufted perennial, the flat green leaves growing to 40 cm tall - purple iris like flrs on stems rising up to 80 cm high - must have good drainage - frost resistant. |
Patersonia occidentalis White |
Native Iris - a tufted perennial, the flat green leaves growing to 40 cm tall - white iris like flrs on stems rising up to 80 cm high - must have good drainage - frost resistant. |
Patersonia umbrosa var. xanthina |
Yellow Flag - tufted perennial growing to 0.75 m - green strap like leaves - showy 3-petalled bright yellow flrs in Sp - requires consistant moisture - moderate frost tolerance. Descriptive label only |
Pavonia hastata |
Open shrub for moist soil - green leaves with toothed margins - small pale pink hibiscus flrs with a deep red throat in Su - tolerant of frost. 1m
Descriptive label only |
Pelargonium Applause |
An herbaceous perennial growing to approximately 40 cm high x 60 cm wide -
masses of soft pink flowers from Sp till Au - may be pruned severely in Wi - frost tolerant. |
Pelargonium australe |
Native Storksbill - an adaptable herbaceous plant growing to 50 cm high - the geranium scented lobed leaves form a rosette - pale pink flrs with red streaks occur throughout the year - frost tolerant. |
Pelargonium Mallee Magic |
Small clumping perennial with
scalloped green leaves - masses of pale pink flrs with dark pink markings bloom in August with occasional ones throughout the year - moderate frost
only. |
Pelargonium rodneyanum |
Magenta Storksbill - dainty plant forming a clump to 30cm high - green geranium like foliage - bright pink flrs from Sp to Au - frost resistant. |
Pennisetum alopecuroides |
Swamp Foxtail - a hardy clumping grass with long narrow arching blades - purplish flr heads on stems reaching 1m tall - medium frosts only. |
Pennisetum Rubrum |
Purple Fountain Grass - Vigorous clumping grass to 1.5 m tall - outstanding green & burgundy foliage - purple feathery plumes are produced in Su & Au - frost tender but will recover if frosts not too severe - a rock mulch is beneficial for winter warmth. |
Persoonia nutans oxycoccoides |
Geebung - An open scrambling shrub, endangered in its native environment - narrow green leaves - pendulous yellow flrs in Su & Au followed by green berries - tolerant of clay soils & frost.0.9 x 1.5m |
Petalostigma pubescens - Quinine Berry |
Small tree to 6 m tall - attractive ovate dark green leaves - female plants produce globular orange/yellow fruits duning Su - light frost only. |
Petalostylis labicheoides |
A hardy quick growing shrub for a well drained situation reaching 3 m x 3 m - green pinnate leaves - golden yellow flrs similar to a cassia from Wi - Su - light frost only. |
Petrophile canescens |
This erect shrub growing 1 m tall belongs to the Proteaceae family - tough green well divided leaves - creamy yellow cone shaped flrs in Su - frost tolerant. |
Phebalium daviesii |
Rare shrub endemic to Tasmania - green wedge shaped leaves - profuse terminal clusters of pale yellow flrs in Sp - tolerant of moderate frost. 1.5m x 1.5m |
Phebalium Dulcie's Delight |
Compact shrub for well drained site - clusters of bright yellow flowers in Sp - frost hardy to 1.5m |
Phebalium glandulosum subsp. Eglandulosum |
Rounded bushy shrub to 1 m tall- small wedge
shaped warty green leaves - bears clusters of small yellow star like flrs in early Sp - frost resistant. |
Phebalium graniticola |
Rounded shrub local to Tenterfield - small green
leaves, bronze underneath - clusters of starry yellow
flrs in Wi & Sp - frost hardy. 1m x 1m |
Phebalium lamprophyllum |
A rounded shrub growing up to 2 m tall - lime green feathery foliage - small starry flrs from Wi to Su - prefers some shade & a cool root run - frost resistant. |
Phebalium lamprophyllum x elatius |
A neat rounded shrub growing up to 1.5 m tall - small green oval leaves - masses of white starry flrs from Wi to Su - prefers some shade & a cool root run - frost resistant. |
Phebalium nottii |
Rounded shrub to 1 m - small oblong dark green leaves with rusty hairs on underside & along stems - bright pink starry flrs with prominent yellow anthers in Sp - frost resistant. |
Phebalium nottii Isla Gorge |
Neat shrub - narrow deep green leaves - terminal clusters of bright pink flrs with yellow anthers in late Wi & Sp - enjoys sandy well-drained soils - frost hardy. 1m |
Phebalium nottii Kaye Bryant |
Rounded shrub from Canarvon Gorge NP - green
pointed leaves with pale underside - pink starry flrs in
Sp & Su - frost resistant. 1.5m |
Phebalium phylicifolium yellow |
Rounded shrub to 1 m high - small linear dark green leaves - masses of yellow flower heads in Sp & Su - tolerant of frost & snow. |
Phebalium rotundifolium |
Compact shrub to 1m - small round leaves - fluffy yellow flr clusters in Sp - frost resistant - requires well drained soils. |
Phebalium speciosum |
Upright shrub growing 3 m tall - long green leaves, paler underneath - terminal clusters of pink flrs - moderate frost tolerance. |
Phebalium squamulosum |
Fast growing bushy shrub to 2m - attractive narrow green leaves with mustard underside - perfumed yellow starry flrs in Sp - prefers cool moist soils in sun or semi shade - frost resistant. |
Phebalium squamulosum ssp. Lineare |
Hardy erect shrub to 1.5 m - fine linear green leaves, rusty underneath
- profuse clusters of pale yellow flrs in Sp - tolerant of frost. |
Phebalium squamulosum subsp. ozothamnoides |
Shrub to 50 cm tall - small oval grey felted leaves - fluffy yellow flrs occur in Wi & Sp - requires good drainage - frost resistant. |
Phebalium stenophyllum |
Compact shrub to 1 m tall - narrow dull green linear leaves - attractive heads of
yellow starry flrs in Sp - tolerant of dappled shade & frost. |
Phebalium sylvaticum |
Compact shrub – linear green leaves with pale underside – clusters of cream starry flrs occur in Spring – frost resistant. 6m |
Phebalium verrucosum |
Upright shrub to 3.0 m tall - linear grey green leaves - starry cream flrs in Wi & Sp - frost tolerant. |
Phebalium whitei |
A particularly decorative though slow growing erect shrub to 50 cm tall - dark green leaves with cream underside - brown / gold buds followed by bright yellow starry flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Phebalium woombye Gibraltar Range |
Shrub for a cool position - dark green aromatic leaves, tan underneath - clusters of small white flrs in late Wi to Sp - tolerant of moderate frost. 1,5m |
Phebalium Woombye prostrate |
A dainty but hardy groundcover to 1 m across - elliptical green leaves with buff underneath - starry white flrs with prominent yellow anthers in Sp - tolerates moderate frosts. |
Philotheca Bournda Beauty |
Compact hardy shrub to 1 m - aromatic green foliage - pink buds opening to wh. star-shaped flrs during Wi & Sp - frost resistant. |
Philotheca buxifolius Cascade of Stars |
Compact shrub to 0.3 m with a cascading habit - chunky green foliage - pink buds opening to white starry flrs during Sp - frost resistant. |
Philotheca difformis Starsprite |
A hardy shrub to 0.5 m - very fine lime green foliage - wh. starry flrs during Sp - tolerates frost, drought & shade - one of the best Australian plants for low hedging. |
Philotheca epilosa |
Shrub to 1.5 m high - aromatic green foliage with promenant oil glands - white starry flrs
in Spring - frost resistant. |
Philotheca Flower Girl |
Hardy shrub to 1 m suitable for rockery or tub specimen - aromatic green leaves - pink buds opening to pale pink starry flrs in Wi & Sp - frost resistant |
Philotheca myoporoides long leaf form |
Native Wax Flower - shrub to 1.5 m - aromatic green leaves - pink buds and white starry flrs in Wi and Sp - tolerant of frost, lime and partial shade. |
Philotheca myoporoides ssp. Acuta |
Hardy shrub to 1.5 m tall - small green aromatic leaves - pink buds followed by starry wh. flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Philotheca salsolifolia Star Wonder |
A dainty member of the Rutaceae family growing to 1 m - fine heath like leaves - pink eriostemon like flrs in Sp - requires good drainage & a cool root run - frost resistant. |
Philotheca Stardust |
Hardy & vigorous shrub to 1.8 m - aromatic green leaves - good display of white star shaped flrs from Wi to Sp - frost resistant. |
Philotheca verrucosus |
A small open shrub with arching branches - tiny green
leaves along warty stems - pink buds opening to white
flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Philotheca Winter Rouge |
Neat rounded shrub to 80 cm high - aromatic green foliage - pink buds open to white waxy flowers in late Wi - frost resistant. |
Pimelea ferruginea Magenta Mist |
A dense rounded shrub to 1 m high - bright green oval leaves grow opposite along the stem - showy terminal heads of pink flrs occur from Sp to Au - frost tolerant. |
Pimelea linifolia pink |
An open slender plant reaching 60 cm high - fine green foliage - terminal heads of pink flrs - frost resistant. |
Pimelea linifolia var. collina |
Headland form with a semi prostrate habit - grey green oval leaves - large heads of white flrs much of the year - frost tolerance unknown. |
Pimelea Pygmy White |
Small Rice Flower - a rockery plant growing 30cm high x 60cm wide - compact green foliage - balls of small wh. flrs most of the year - requires well drained acidic soil - frost resistant. |
Pimelea rosea Deep Dream |
A suitable shrub for a cottage garden growing to 1 m tall - small narrow lime green leaves - showy heads of purplish pink flrs in Sp which attract butterflies - requires a well drained soil & is tolerant
of frost. |
Pimelea Snowclouds |
Bushy rounded shrub to approx. 0.5 m - dark green foliage - showy masses of white flowerheads in Sp - frost tolerance unknown. |
Pimelea venosa |
Very rare species growing 1.5 m tall endemic to Bolivia Hill - unusual lime green hairy foliage - small white flrs in Sp - enjoys perfect drainage - frost tolerance unknown. |
Pinus radiata |
Monterey Pine - effective windbreak tree for tableland districts - fast growing preferring an annual rainfall exceeding 600mm - frost resistant - suitable for commercial timber production. |
Pistacia chinensis |
Chinese Pistachio - excellent street tree with a neat round crown & height to 6 m - deciduous green pinnate leaves tuning brilliant red & orange in Au - insignificant flrs develop into red & blue berries during Au - frost hardy. |
Pittosporum angustifolium (syn. P. phylliraeoides) |
Native Apricot - graceful shrub or small tree to 6 m - weeping green foliage - small pale yellow flrs in Sp followed by orange capsules which split to reveal sticky red seeds - frost resistant. |
Pittosporum phillyreoides |
Native Apricot - Graceful shrub or small tree to 6m - weeping green foliage - small pale yellow flrs in Sp followed by orange capsules which split to reveal sticky red seeds - frost resistant. |
Pittosporum revolutaum |
Rainforest shrub - bright green oval leaves - terminal clusters of yellow fragrant flrs in Sp - large orange fruit split to reveal sticky red seeds - light frost only. 3m |
Pittosporum rhombifolium |
Small to medium tree to 25m but usually less - broad glossy leaves - creamy white flower clusters in Su followed by masses of orange berries in Au and Wi - frost tender when young. |
Platysace ericoides |
A small upright shrub to 70 cm tall - deep green lanceolate leaves - compact heads of wh. flrs suitable for picking occur during Sp & Su - prefers a moist well drained soil - tolerant of moderate frost. |
Platysace lanceolata |
A hardy bushy plant to 60 cm high - narrow green lanceolate leaves - long lasting terminal umbils of flrs occur during Su - frost tolerant - occasionally self-seeds in the garden. |
Platysace sp. |
A small upright shrub to 70 cm tall - deep green lanceolate leaves - compact heads of wh. & dusky pink flrs suitable for picking occur during Su - frost tolerance unknown. (Descriptive label only) |
Plectranthus suaveolens |
Small-leaved Plectranthus - Fast growing shrub - succulent stems & aromatic grey green furry leaves - spikes of bluish purple flrs throughout the year - frost tender. 0.5m Descriptive label only |
Podocarpus elatus |
A tree reaching 40m in rainforest, endemic mainly to coastal Qld & NSW - pointed lanceolate green leaves - the purple seed is attached by a fleshy edible stem - frost tender when young. To 12m in cultivation
(Descriptive label only) |
Podocarpus lawrencei |
Mountain plum pine - a slow growing conifer usually to 3 m high originating in Tasmania - attractive grey fringe like foliage - 5 mm long succulent red fruit - frost hardy - tub specimen. |
Pomaderris andromedifolia |
Bushy rounded shrub - oval green leaves with a pale underside - panicles of terminal yellow flrs in Sp - requires moist well drained soil - tolerant of moderate frost. 1-2m
Descriptive label only |
Pomaderris elachophylla |
Slender stemmed shrub - the masses of tiny round
leaves are a feature - small creamy yellow flrs - frost
resistant. 2m
Descriptive label only |
Pomaderris graniticola |
Rounded shrub - dark green elliptic leaves similar to a cotoneaster - showy panicles of yellow flrs about 5 cm in diameter occur in late Sp - drought tolerant but hardy to only moderate frost. 4m Descriptive label only |
Pomaderris lanigera |
Large shrub with some similarities to a cotoneaster - attractive dark green furry leaves with pale undersides - creamy yellow flower clusters in Sp - frost resistant. (Descriptive label only) |
Pomaderris obcordata Mallee Princess |
Compact shrub - small green leaves - terminal clusters of pale buds & white flowers in Wi & Sp - tolerant of part shade & frost. 0.5m x 1m |
Pratia pedunculata |
Dainty prostrate creeping perennial reaching a diameter of 80 cm - tiny green leaves
along a stem which readily puts down roots - small white flrs. throughout the warmer months - enjoys moisture -
tolerates frost. |
Prostanthera aff. howellieae pink |
Rare shrub - attractive grey green linear leaves - small
pink flrs in Sp - frost resistant. 1m |
Prostanthera aff. howellieae pink |
Rare shrub - attractive grey green linear leaves - small pink flrs in Sp - frost resistant. To 1m. |
Prostanthera aff. howellieae purple |
Rare shrub - attractive grey green linear leaves - small purple flrs in Sp - frost resistant. To 1m |
Prostanthera aspalothoides |
Rounded shrub to 70cm - tiny linear aromatic dark green leaves - red tubular flrs in Sp - well drained soils - drought and frost resistant.
(Descriptive label only) |
Prostanthera aspalothoides Bright Spark |
Rounded shrub to 70 cm - tiny linear aromatic dark green leaves - red tubular flrs in Sp - well drained soils - drought and frost resistant. |
Prostanthera aspalothoides yellow |
Upright shrub to 0.7 m tall - tiny lenear grey green aromatic leaves - yellow tubular flrs in Sp - frost tolerant.
(Descriptive label only) |
Prostanthera baxteri |
Erect shrub to 1.5m - narrow grey aromatic leaves - prolific mauve flrs in Sp - good drainage essential - frost resistant. |
Prostanthera calycina - Red Mintbush |
Spreading shrub to 0.5 m high - small deep green aromatic leaves - tubular pinkish red flrs in Sp - requires good drainage - drought & frost tolerant . |
Prostanthera chlorantha |
Upright shrub to 60 cm tall - tiny aromatic grey leaves - unusual green tubular flrs with purple spots appear in Sp - frost resistant. |
Prostanthera cryptandroides |
1 m high shrub - fine aromatic foliage - lilac pink flrs during Sp & Su - frost resistant. |
Prostanthera cuneata |
Alpine Mint Bush - rounded compact shrub to 1 m - small aromatic leaves - white flrs in Su - tolerant of frost and snow. |
Prostanthera cuneata Alpine Gold |
Rounded compact shrub to 1 m - small aromatic leaves with a lime green tip - white flrs in Su - tolerant of frost and snow. |
Prostanthera densa x ovalifolia |
Bushy shrub to 2 m - the green fleshy quite hairy foliage is aromatic - purple flrs in Sp - frost tolerant. |
Prostanthera denticulata |
Rough Mintbush - spreading shrub to 1 m high - tiny dark green aromatic leaves - small sprays of purple flrs occur in Sp & Su - frost tolerant. |
Prostanthera digitiformis |
Recently discovered 1m tall mint bush from Tenterfield district - attractive fresh green foliage - small wh. flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Prostanthera gilesii |
A small mint bush to 80 cm tall - fleshy dark green aromatic foliage - wh. flrs in Sp - frost resistant - prefers some shade. |
Prostanthera incisa pink |
Rounded bushy shrub to 1.5 m tall - strongly aromatic toothed foliage - masses of pink flrs in Sp - tolerant of frost. |
Prostanthera lasianthos Badja Peak |
Fast growing shrub to 4 m tall - green aromatic serrated leaves - wh. flrs in Su - cool root run required - frost resistant. |
Prostanthera lasianthos Kallista Pink |
Fast growing tall shrub to 4 m - long green aromatic toothed leaves -
sprays of pink flrs in Su - frost tolerant. |
Prostanthera lasianthos Pink Form |
Victorian Christmas Bush - fast growing tall shrub to 4m - long green aromatic toothed leaves - pale pink flr sprays in Su - usually frost resistant. |
Prostanthera linearis |
A hardy shrub reaching 1.5m high - green linear aromatic leaves - violet flrs in Sp - some shade desirable - frost resistant. |
Prostanthera magnifica |
Shrub to 1.5 m tall - aromatic leaves with wavy margins - outstanding mauve/pink flrs with persistant purple calices in Sp - good for pot culture as difficult to maintain on own roots - frost tender. |
Prostanthera Mauve Mantle |
While this vigorous shrub will grow to only 1 m tall, it will reach 3 m in width - small dark green leaves - mauve flrs with purple spotted throat during Sp - tolerates filtered sun - frost resistant. |
Prostanthera melissifolia pink |
Robust & fast growing shrub to 3m - strongly aromatic dark green toothed leaves - prolific pink flrs in Sp - cool moist position - light frosts only. |
Prostanthera melissifolia purple |
Robust & fast growing shrub to 2 m - strongly aromatic dark green toothed leaves - terminal purple flrs in Sp - cool moist position - tolerant of frost. |
Prostanthera Mint Ice |
Fast growing erect shrub to 2m - large lanceolate variagated aromatic leaves - white flrs in Sp - part shade - frost resistant. |
Prostanthera nivea |
Snowy Mint Bush - compact medium shrub - narrow fragrant leaves - profuse white flrs in Sp - tolerates dryness and lime - usually frost resistant. |
Prostanthera ovalifolia |
Oval-leaved mint bush - shrub to 2.5m - aromatic oval leaves - masses of purple flrs in Sp - usually frost resistant - part shade or sun. |
Prostanthera ovalifolia compacta |
Dense shrub to 1.5 m tall - aromatic oval leaves - masses of showy purple flowers in Sp - suited to cool semi-shaded areas - tolerates lime and moderate frost. |
Prostanthera ovalifolia Gibraltar |
Upright ornamental shrub to 5 m tall - oval green aromatic leaves - masses of purple flrs in Sp - frost tolerant. |
Prostanthera ovalifolia purpurea |
Shrub to 2 m - dark green aromatic foliage with purplish stems - purple flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Prostanthera ovalifolia variegata |
Vigorous shrub to 2.5 m - variegated fragrant foliage - purple flrs in Sp - usually frost resistant. |
Prostanthera ovalifolia x stenophylla pink |
Rounded bushy shrub to 1.5 m tall - small aromatic divided leaves - small pink flrs in Sp - frost tolerant. |
Prostanthera phylicifolia |
Mint bush - erect bushy shrub to 1.5 m - small dark green aromatic leaves - purple bell shaped flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Prostanthera Poorinda Ballerina |
Dense fast growing shrub to 3 m - dark green narrow leaves - masses of white flrs. in Sp - frost resistant. |
Prostanthera porcata |
Bushy shrub reaching 1.5 m high - dark green aromatic foliage - red flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Prostanthera rhombea mauve |
Reasonably hardy shrub to1m tall - small felted dark green aromatic leaves - dainty purple flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Prostanthera rhombea Pink |
Dainty upright shrub to 1m high by 50cm wide - small rounded aromatic leaves - pink flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Prostanthera rotundifolia |
Round -leaved mint bush - shrub to 2 m - small dark green rounded aromatic leaves - lilac flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Prostanthera rotundifolia Mini Pink |
Small shrub with tiny rounded aromatic dark green leaves - pink flrs in Sp - prefers some shade - frost resistant. |
Prostanthera rotundifolia Mt Zero Form |
Neat shrub to 1 m - round bright green scented leaves - purple flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Prostanthera Rowleys Creek purple |
Rare shrub - attractive grey green linear leaves - small
purple flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Prostanthera rylstonii |
Shrub reaching 1 m tall - small dark green strongly aromatic leaves - purple flrs in Sp - frost resistant |
Prostanthera rylstonii pink |
Shrub reaching to 1 m tall - small grey green strongly aromatic leaves - pale pink flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Prostanthera saxicola Pigeon Blue |
Dense spreading shrub to 30 cm high - small pointed green leaves - mauve flrs in Sp & Su - tolerantes semi shade & frost - looks great in a rockery or pot. |
Prostanthera saxicola Torrington |
Upright open shrub - tiny dark green leaves - small purple flrs in Sp - tolerant of frost. 0.75cm |
Prostanthera saxicola var. montana |
Compact spreading shrub to 30cm high - small aromatic leaves - large white flrs with purple throat in Sp & Su - full or filtered sun - frost resistant. |
Prostanthera scheelii variegata |
Bushy shrub to 2.5m - unusual variegated aromatic foliage - mauve flrs in Sp - part shade - frost resistant. |
Prostanthera scutellarioides Miniature |
Small shrub to 0.6m - linear fragrant leaves - purple flrs in Sp - usually frost resistant. (Descriptive label only) |
Prostanthera serpyllifolia yellow |
Spreading shrub to 50 cm high - small bright green ovate leaves - masses of yellow flowers in Sp & Su - frost tolerant.
(Descriptive label only) |
Prostanthera sp. aff.howellieae purple |
Rare shrub to 1 m tall - attractive grey green linear leaves - small purple flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Prostanthera sp. Coaldale |
Bushy rounded shrub to 1 m tall - small aromatic leaves - mauve flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Prostanthera sp. nov. Donnybrook |
Bushy shrub to 1.5 m tall - sweetly scented green foliage - mauve/pink flrs in Su - frost tolerant. |
Prostanthera sp. Rowleys Creek mauve |
Rare shrub - attractive grey green linear leaves - small purple flrs in Sp - frost resistant. 1m |
Prostanthera sp. Rowleys Creek pink |
Rare shrub - attractive grey green linear leaves - small pink flrs in Sp - frost resistant.1m |
Prostanthera spinosa Mt Arapiles |
Low growing compact shrub to 60 cm x 1 m - small hairy aromatic leaves
and lots of spines along the stems - attractive pale pink flrs in Sp - requires well drained soil and some shade - frost
tolerant. |
Prostanthera staurophylla |
Recently discovered 2 m high mint bush from Tenterfield district -
attractive fresh green foliage, the aromatic leaves shaped like tiny hands - small mauve flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Prostanthera stenophylla dark purple |
Shrub - small dark green strongly aromatic
leaves - purple flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Prostanthera stenophylla pink |
Shrub reaching 1 m tall - small dark green strongly aromatic leaves - pink flrs in Sp -
frost resistant. |
Prostanthera striatiflora |
Hardy rounded shrub to 1.5 m high - narrow green leaves - white flrs with a purple striped throat in Sp - drought & frost resistant. |
Prostanthera teretifolia pink (syn. P.
staurophylla) |
Unusual pink flred form of this rare native mint bush -
fine grey strongly scented foliage - frost resistant. |
Prostanthera teretifolia purple (syn. P. staurophylla) |
Rare shrub from the Torrington district reaching 1 m tall - strongly aromatic soft grey foliage - purple flrs during Sp - requires a well drained situation - frost resistant. |
Prostanthera walteri |
An unusual shrub reaching 1 m tall - green foliage without a strong mint bush scent - translucent green tubular flrs in Sp & Su - frost resistant. |
Pseudanthus pimeleoides |
Neat rounded shrub to 1 m - small linear green leaves - conspicuous white fringed flrs in Wi & Sp - prefers moist soil - frost resistant. |
Ptilotus nobilis |
Yellow Tails - Short-lived perennial from inland Australia - green fleshy leaves - buff yellow conical flrs lengthening to 20 cm long cylindrical spikes - grows in loamy well-drained soils - withstands light frosts. m1 >Descriptive label only |
Pultenaea capitellata |
Prostrate groundcover growing 50 cm wide - the tiny grey green leaves are hairy underneath - bright yellow pea flrs occur on terminal heads during Sp & Su - prefers a moist position - frost tolerant. |
Pultenaea pedunculata |
Spreading pea plant - tiny linear green leaves - yellow flrs with red markings occur in Sp & Su - prefers moist well-drained soil in semi-shade - light frost only. Groundcover 0.2m x 3m |
Pultenaea pedunculata Pyalong Gold |
Dainty prostrate trailer to be planted at 60 cm centres or in hanging baskets - small green leaves - yellow pea flrs in Sp - frost resistant - requires well drained soil. |
Pultenaea villosa |
Bacon & Eggs - pendulous spreading shrub to 1.3 m high - small hairy green leaves - yellow & red axillary pea flrs during Sp - frost resistant. |
Pycnosorus globosus |
Billy Buttons - clump forming perennial daisy to 0.30 m high - silver grey strap like leaves - yellow spherical flr heads with stems to 0.8 m occur throughout the warmer months - light frosts only. |
Quercus acutissima |
Sawtooth oak - a spreading deciduous tree to 14 m wide - dark green chestnut like leaves - frost resistant. |
Quercus canariensis |
Deciduous to semi-deciduous tree - large dark green lobed leaves which turn golden during Wi - large sessile acorns - frost hardy. |
Quercus cerris |
Turkey Oak - deciduous spreading tree reaching 5m in height - dark green lobed furry leaves - acorns with large interesting caps may be collected in Au - frost resistant. |
Quercus coccinea |
Scarlet Oak - very large spreading shade tree - deciduous deeply divided leaves which turn brilliant red in Au - acorns fall to the ground in Au - frost hardy. |
Quercus engelmanii |
Spreading evergreen tree to 18m - a broad irregular crown of blue or grey green lobed leaves - acorns fall in Au - frost resistant. |
Quercus ilex |
Holm or Holly Oak - a slowgrowing evergreen tree to 20m - small oval mature leaves, the juvenile leaves being serrated - 2cm long acorns - frost resistant. |
Quercus macrocarpa |
Burr Oak - deciduous tree reaching 24m with a stout trunk and broad crown - large green leaves - very large acorns - frost hardy. |
Quercus palustris |
Pin Oak - deciduous tree to 16m - deeply divided glossy leaves turning red during Au - round acorns in Au - frost hardy. |
Quercus robur |
English Oak - very large spreading tree - deciduous lobed leaves with yellow Au colour - large oval acorns fall in Au - frost hardy. |
Quercus rubra var. borealis |
Fast growing stately deciduous tree reaching 27 m with a similar spread - deeply lobed leaves which turn a brilliant red in Au - acorns fall in Au - frost resistant. |
Quercus suber |
Cork Oak - stately spreading evergreen tree to 20m (eventually!) - small oval green leaves - thick corky bark on the trunk and branches - polished red brown acorn with a mossy cap - frost and drought resistant. |
Quoya dilatata - Foxgloves |
Spreading shrub endemic to dry shrubland in WA -
leaves & branches covered in woolly white hairs -
bright orange tubular flrs in Sp - frost tolerance
Descriptive label only |
Ranunculus inundata |
River Buttercup - Small riparian plant - bright green divided leaves - small yellow buttercups in Sp & Su - prefers to be beside water or slightly inundated - provides good frog habitat - tolerant of frost & semi-shade. 3m Descriptive label only |
Ranunculus lappaceus |
Native Buttercup - a hardy perennial which grows in most soils with adequate moisture - golden yellow flrs are produced on 40 cm long stems in Sp & Su - frost resistant. |
Regelia megacephala |
Striking erect plant for collectors reaching 2 m - pairs of bright green leaves along the stems - brilliant purple claw flrs in Sp - light frost only. |
Restio tetraphyllus |
A moisture loving rhizomatous plant - erect green plumelike stems to 1 m - insignificant flrs but excellent foliage for arrangements - frost resistant. arrangements - frost resistant. |
Restio tremulus |
Unusual rush like plant approx 50cm high for a wet spot - dense wiry green foliage - heads of rusty brown shivery flrs in Sp - useful for floral arrangements - frost resistant. |
Rhagodia parabolica |
Fragrant Saltbush - low maintenance shrub growing 2 m tall - grey green leaves – produces tiny fragrant yellowish grey flrs & red fruit in Su - useful habitat & fire retardant plant - requires excellent drainage & is tolerant of moderate frost. |
Rhagodia spinescens |
Grey Saltbush - Prostrate groundcover to1.5 m across - soft silver foliage - tiny red berries in Su - tolerates drought and frost. |
Rhaponticum australe |
Native thistle - An erect herbaceous perennial now considered extinct in NSW - deeply divided green leaves - upright woolly stems of terminal thistle flrs with brown bracts & pink flr heads occur in Sp & Su - grows in black clay soils - tolerant of moderate frost. 60cm Descriptive label only |
Rhodanthe chlorocephala |
Everlasting Daisy - Annual native daisy suitable for creating a wildflr meadow - flrs produced in Sp & Su range from white to deep pink - prefers sandy soil - light frost only.
0.5 x 0.3m
Descriptive label only |
Ricinocarpus Bridal Star |
Showy upright shrub to 3 m - bright green soft needle like foliage - masses of starry white flrs in Sp and Su - usually frost resistant. |
Ricinocarpus pinifolius |
Bushy shrub to 2 m tall - small dark green linear leaves - masses of lightly perfumed pure white flrs with small yellow centres in Sp - frost tolerant. |
Rosa chinensis Mutabilis |
The Butterfly Rose - shrub to 2 m tall - creates an attractive informal hedge - single flrs
open yellow & change to crmson from sp till Wi - disease & frost resistant. (Descriptive label only) |
Rosa General Gallieni |
Hardy shrub with minimal thorns growing to 2 m tall - glossy green foliage - double red
fragrant blooms occur in flushes - frost resistant. (Descriptive label only) |
Rosa Graham Thomas |
Upright shrub to 2 m - rich yellow double blooms with a strong fragrance - flrs throughout
the warmer months - frost resistant. (Descriptive label only) |
Rosa Green Ice |
Very hardy miniature rose - white to soft green flrs most of the year - good for hanging baskets. |
Rosa Iceberg |
Prolific pure white semi-double flrs for most of the year - cutting grown. |
Rosa Monsieur Tillier |
throughout the warmer months - frost resistant. (Descriptive label only) |
Rosa Restless |
Hybrid tea rose from Alister Clarke - deep green foliage - large semi-double deep red flowers with a storng fragrance are produced during the warmer months - frost resistant. Climber Descriptive label only |
Rosa The Fairy |
Very hardy low growing bushy shrub - trusses of small double pink flrs are produced throughout the year - minimal pruning required - frost resistant. |
Rose Duchesse de Brabant |
Hardy & vigorous rose to 2 m tall by 1.5 m wide - pale pink globular flrs with a faint perfume occur all year round - frost resistant. |
Rose Fortunes Double Yellow |
Vigorous old fashioned climbing rose - peach coloured semi - double roses in Sp - frost hardy. (Descriptive label only) |
Rose Iceberg |
Prolific pure white semi-double flrs for most of the year - cutting grown. |
Rose Lorna Doone |
Vigorous climbing rose - creamy yellow flowers in flushes throughout the warmer months - once established, this rose looks after itself, requiring minimal pruning & water - frost resistant. |
Rose Red Cascade |
A ground cover for pots & hanging baskets - dark red flr clusters during the warmer months - frost resistant. |
Rose Snow Carpet |
A miniature prostrate rose ideal for planter boxes or pots - masses of small double white blooms during the warmer months - frost resistant. |
Rosmarinus Majorca Pink |
Small evergreen shrub growing to 1 m tall but may be kept lower as a hedge - scented grey green foliage useful for cooking - pale pink flrs from Sp to Au - frost hardy. |
Rostellularia adscendens |
Rare shrub - attractive grey green linear leaves - small purple flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Rulingia dasyphylla |
Fast growing spreading shrub to 1m high with a width of 2 m - soft grey green foliage - pink buds & white flrs in Spring - frost & drought tolerant. |
Rulingia hermanniifolia |
Ground cover - small crinkled glossy green leaves - pale pink starry flrs in Sp - medium frosts only. |
Rulingia kempiana |
Hardy shrub to 2 m - hairy incised leaves - small starry yellow flrs most of the year - frost tolerance unknown.
(descriptive label only) |
Rulingia sp. Gurulmundi |
Fast growing groundcover to 50 cm high - green serrated leaves along arching branches - starry pink flrs - requires perfect drainage - light frosts only. |
Sannantha angusta (syn. Baeckea sp. Clarence River) |
A hardy open shrub reaching 2 m in height - fine dark green leaves on pendulous branches - showy with tiny white flrs during Su - tolerant of frost & moist soils. |
Sannantha collina |
Erect shrub to 2.5 m tall - fine dark green foliage - small baeckea like wh. flrs in Su - tolerant of frost. |
Sannantha tozerensis (syn. Baeckea sp. Mt Tozer) |
A dense sprawling shrub which may be clipped to form a hedge - shiny dark green round leaves - showy white flrs along the stems in Su - tolerant of light frost. 1m x 2m |
Scaevola aemula |
Fast growing rounded shrub growing to 40 cm tall - succulent green foliage - purple fan shaped flrs throughout the year - light frosts only - excellent for pot plants - semi shade.
Scaevola aemula pink |
Vigorous prostrate perennial reaching 20 cm high x 1 m wide - trailing green foliage - pink fan shaped flrs much of the year - frost resistant. |
Scaevola aemula white |
The perfect plant for a hanging basket - trailing stems of lush green leaves - spikes of white fan flrs throughout the warmer months - light frost only. 0.3m |
Scaevola albida Mauve Clusters |
Creeping ground cover - serrated green leaves - mauve fan shaped flrs in Sp and Su - moderate frosts only. |
Scaevola calendulacea |
Prostrate shrub to 1m similar to S. Purple Fanfare - shiny
succulent green leaves - purple fan flowers most of the
year - resistant to salt spray - frost tender.(descriptive label only) |
Scaevola crassifolia upright |
Bushy shrub - fleshy green toothed leaves – spikes of small mauve fan flrs from Wi to Su - grows happily in coastal conditions in sand – light frost only.1.5m
(descriptive label only) |
Scaevola Misty Blue |
Vigorous groundcover - lush bright green foliage - blue flrs similar to S. striata most of the year - useful for hanging baskets - light frosts only. |
Scaevola pallida white |
Prostrate ground cover for a shady situation - small lime green leaves - white fan shaped flrs in Sp and Su. |
Scaevola phlebopetala |
Small prostrate plant with a width of 1 m - dull green foliage - brilliant purple fan flrs with a gold coloured eye throughout the warm months of the year - showy container specimen - frost tender. |
Scaevola Pink Perfection |
Dainty prostrate perennial - bright green foliage - showy pink flrs most of the year - an outstanding plant for hanging baskets however not hardy in the ground - light frosts only.
Scaevola Purple Fanfare |
Very fast growing groundcover to about 1.5m diameter - succulent green foliage - purple fan shaped flrs throughout the year - light frosts only - excellent for pot plants - semi shade. |
Scaevola ramosissima |
Snake Flower - small perennial scrambling shrub growing to 40 cm tall - dark green linear leaves - showy purple fan flowers during the warmer months - tolerant of frost. |
Scaevola sp. North Coast (aff. S. striata) |
Small scrambling perennial - bright green leaves - large vivid blue/purple fan flrs in Sp. |
Scaevola striata |
Low growing spreading perennial to 1m diameter - prolific purple fan shaped flrs in Sp and Su - excellent rockery plant - sun or part shade. |
Schinus areira |
Pepper Tree - hardy tree for the stock yards reaching 16m - lime green foliage on pendulous branches - small inconspicuous white flrs followed by red berries in Su - drought & frost tolerant. |
Schoenia filifolia
Schoenia filifolia |
Annual herb for mass planting - soft light green foliage - glossy yellow everlasting daisies in Sp & Su - requires good drainage - tolerant of moderate frost. 0.5 x 0.5m
Descriptive label only |
Scleranthus biflorus |
Mossy prostrate plant to 60cm wide resembling a bright green cushion - tiny white flrs - requires moist, well drained position in full sun - frost tolerant. |
Senecio amygdalifolius |
Almond-leaved Senecio 1m Upright perennial for a moist position - new growth has purple stems & toothed green leaves - yellow daisies in Sp - light frosts only. 1m Descriptive label only |
Senna artemisioides - Feathery Cassia |
A hardy rounded shrub to 1 m - grey green narrow pinnate leaves - showy yellow cassia like flrs in Sp - long lived and tolerant of moderate frost. |
Senna barclayana |
Fast growing upright shrub to 1 m tall - green pinnate leaves - golden pea flrs in Sp - moderate frost tolerance. |
Senna circinnata |
Coiled Cassia - Hardy shrub - fine deep green foliage - small clusters
of yellow flrs occur most of the year peaking in Wi -
drought & frost tolerant.2m |
Senna coronilloides Sensation |
Spreading shrub to 1 m high - green pinnate foliage - yellow cassia like flrs from Sp to Au - moderate frost tolerance. |
Solanum linearifolium - Kangaroo Apple |
Shrub reaching 4 m - long glossy green linear leaves - purple flrs in Sp & Su are followed by ochre yellow berries - tolerant of moderate frost. |
Sollya heterophylla |
Blue-bell creeper. Vigorous twining climber - lime green foliage - deep blue bells in Sp & Su - frost resistant. |
Sollya heterophylla Blue Bells |
Acompact shrub to 1 m tall or a light climber for cottage gardens - green leaves are edged in cream - small blue bells are produced in Su - tolerant of frost & light shade. |
Sollya heterophylla blue shrub form |
Shrubby form of the Bluebell creeper to 1 m tall - shiny lime green leaves - clusters of dainty bells during Su followed by bluish berries - tolerates lime & frost. |
Sollya heterophylla pink form |
Dainty climber - lime green leaves - pale pink bells during Su followed by blue cylindrical fruit - frost resistant. |
Sollya heterophylla white form |
dainty climber - lime green leaves - white bells during Su followed by blue cylindrical fruit - frost resistant. |
Sowerbaea juncea |
Lilac Stars - perennial lily forming a clump to 40 cm tall - blue green reed like foliage - scented mauve flower heads occur on long stems in Sp - requires a moist sunny position - tolerant of frost. |
Sphaeralcea Priscilla Pink |
Compact shrub to 1 m - green serrated leaves - dainty pink hibiscus-like flrs from Sp to late Au - frost resistant . |
Spyridium scortechinii |
A dense shapely shrub to 1 m for rockery or container culture - small pointed leaves - round woolly flr heads in Wi & Sp, ideal for picking & drying - frost resistant. |
Stemodia florulenta |
Bluerod - upright perennial to 1 m in height - bright green foliage - small showy purple
flrs most of the year - tolerant of drought, frost & heavy soils.
(Descriptive label only) |
Stenanthemum scortechinii |
A dense shapely shrub to 1 m for rockery or container culture - small pointed leaves - round woolly flr heads in Wi & Sp, ideal for picking & drying - frost resistant. |
Stenanthemum scortechinii prostrate |
Low growing shrub to 30 cm tall - fine dark green foliage with rusty coloured stems - masses of small cream woolly flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Stylidium adnatum Palgarap |
Trigger Plant - erect perennial to 0.5 m - attractive soft green foliage - pale pink flr spikes in Nov & Dec - prefers good drainage - moderate frost only. (Descriptive label only) |
Stypandra glauca |
A small compact form of this hardy lily reaching 0.5 m high - grey green sheathing leaves
- bright blue flrs with yellow anthers are produced in Sp - tolerant of frost & some shade. |
Swainsona greyana |
Shrubby perennial legume to 1 m high - pinnate leaves - spikes of purplish pink pea flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Syzygium australe Elite |
Dense fast growing upright shrub - glossy green slightly weeping foliage - cream flrs in Sp followed by pinkish red edible fruit - tolerant of light frost - hedges well & a suitable screen for driveways. 5m x 3m |
Tasmannia lanceolata |
Mountain Pepperbush - rounded shrub to 2 m tall - lush green shiny leaves & red stems - clusters of cream flrs in Su followed by edible black berries - all parts of the plant have a hot flavour - prefers semi shaded moist position - moderate frost tolerance. |
Templetonia retusa |
Cockies' Tongues - a 2 m tall member of the pea family forming a rounded shrub - grey green leathery leaves - large deep pink to brick red pea flrs - tolerates alkaline soils, some frost & part shade. |
Tetragonia tetragonioides |
Tetragonia tetragonioides - Warrigal Greens - Trailing plant - bright green triangular leaves, which are edible - insignificant yellow flrs - blanch in hot water for one minute before rinsing and then steaming as for spinach. Groundcover Descriptive label only |
Tetratheca ciliata pink |
Spreading plant reaching 50 cm high - small dark green oval leaves - showy display
of pink flrs in Wi - frost resistant. |
Tetratheca thymifolia pink |
Rounded suckering rockery shrub to 60 cm - small green elliptical leaves in whorls around the stem - very attractive mauve/pink open bell like flrs occur mainly in Sp - frost resistant. |
Tetratheca thymifolia white |
Rounded suckering rockery shrub to 60 cm - small green elliptical leaves in whorls around the stem - open white bell like flrs occur mainly in Sp - frost resistant. |
Thelionema caespitosum blue |
A native lily with tufted grass like leaves growing to 30 cm tall - bears white star like flrs on stems to 50 cm tall - frost resistant. |
Thelionema caespitosum white |
A native lily with tufted grass like leaves growing to 30 cm tall - bears white star like flrs on stems to 50 cm tall - frost resistant.
(Descriptive label only) |
Thelionema grande |
Blue Flax Lily - ornamental native lily growing 1m high by 0.5m wide - grey green strap like leaves - deep blue starry flrs on slender stems - frost resistant. |
Thomasia purpurea |
Erect shrub to 0.5 m - oblong green hairy leaves - dainty pinkish mauve flrs occur on axillary sprays in Sp - frost tolerant. |
Thomasia purpurea miniature |
Ornamental plant to 0.4 m tall - crinkly green leaves - small pinkish purple lantern like flrs in Sp - tolerant of dry shade & moderate frost. |
Thomasia quercifolia |
Oak-leaved Thomasia - compact shrub to 1 m - rusty tomentose foliage and stems - purplish pink lantern shaped flrs in Spring. |
Thryptomene saxicola F.C. Payne |
Shrub to 1m fine - green foliage - deep pink flrs Wi - Sp suitable for floral work - usually frost tolerant. |
Thysanotus multiflorus |
Fringed Lily - a showy tufted perennial to 30 cm high - green grass like leaves -
mauve fringed three petalled flrs on 30 cm stems occur in Sp - tolerant of moderate frost. |
Toona Ciliata |
Red Cedar Deciduous rainforest tree to 40 m, often butressed - glossy pinnate dark green leaves - sprays of small white flowers in Sp - tolerates light frost & heavy soil - useful cabinet timber. |
Trachymene caerula |
Blue Lace Flower - Annual herb originating in WA - deeply divided green foliage - beautiful terminal heads of blue lacy flrs from Sp till Su - reasonably hardy in free draining soils - tolerates light frost. 1.0 x 0.8m Descriptive label only |
Tremandra stelligera |
Rounded shrub to 0.6 m - toothed, hairy green leaves - showy 4-petalled purple flrs in Sp & Su - tolerant of frost and semi-shade. |
Tweedia caerulea |
Open upright growing perennial - downy grey green heart shaped leaves - sky blue five petalled flrs in Su - frost & drought resistant. |
Ulmus parvifolia |
Chinese Elm - Graceful spreading tree to 10 m - deciduous small serrated leaves - patchy bark - avenues - frost hardy. |
Ulmus parvifolia dwarf |
A particularly dense semi-deciduous small tree or tall shrub to 4 m - small serrated leaves - frost resistant. |
Ulmus Seiju |
Dwarf Lacebark Chinese Elm - Grows into a bushy tree 4 m tall - gradually develops an ornamental corky trunk - small green semi deciduous serrated leaves - may be clipped - frost & drought resistant. |
Velleia foliosa |
Upright perennial herb to 0.5 m - thick stems and large almost succulent green leaves - yellow flrs with reddish throats occur in Sp & Su.
label only) |
Ventilago viminalis |
Supplejack - Small tree, vine like while young, for western districts -
narrow drooping shiny green leaves - tiny greenish flrs
during Sp or Su - foliage often lopped for fodder - frost
& drought tolerant. Descriptive label only |
Veronica derwentiana |
Derwent Speedwell - an alpine perennial growing to 1 m tall - stem clasping blue green leaves - dense terminal heads of white flowers are produced during Su - enjoys a moist position in dappled shade - frost resistant. |
Veronica formosa |
Tufted perennial growing to 70 cm tall - small dark green oval leaves arranged in pairs along stem similar to Hebe sp. - small sprays of light blue flrs in Sp & Su - tolerant of shade & frost. (Descriptive label only) |
Verticordia chrysantha |
Grows about 60 cm high & is relatively hardy - small linear leaves - feathery yellow flrs in Sp - at least some frost tolerance - good drainage essential. |
Verticordia plumosa |
Purple feather flower - a bushy shrub to 1 m - fine greyish foliage - prolific purple flrs over a long period - moderate frosts. |
Verticordia plumosa pink |
Pink feather flower - a bushy shrub to 1 m - fine greyish foliage - prolific pink flrs over a long period - frost resistant. |
Verticordia plumosa purple |
A bushy shrub to 1m - fine greyish foliage – fringed mauve flrs occur in Sp - frost resistant. |
Viola Baby Blue |
Neat suckering perennial - tiny round green leaves - small purple violets in Sp - frost resistant. |
Viola betonicifolia |
Native Violet - small tufted plant which reseeds readily - oblong dark green leaves - the typical violet shaped flrs in Sp are purplish blue - enjoys a damp shady spot - frost resistant. |
Viola calyeana |
Swamp Violet - small prostrate trailing herb to 15 cm high - rounded green leaves - delicate white violets with purple streaks occur in Sp & Su - suitable for hanging baskets - enjoys a moist shaded position - frost tolerant - suitable for hanging baskets. |
Viola hederacea |
Native Violet - A New England form of this ground hugging perennial for a moist position - round green leaves - purple & white violets in Sp & Su - frost tolerant. Groundcover |
Viola hederacea Monga Magic |
A dainty ground cover for a moist position - small rounded green leaves - mauve flrs much of the year - frost tolerant. Groundcover |
Viola Zeehans Blue |
Miniature non-invasive form of V. hederacea to 1 m wide - tiny dark green leaves - vivid blue & white flrs over many months - use as a weed suppressant - enjoys a shady spot away from frost. |
Wahlenbergia communis Snowbells |
Perennial forb with a diameter of 20 cm - suckering green foliage - prolific five petalled white "blue bells" occur on slender stems most of the year - frost resistant. |
Wahlenbergia gloriosa - Royal Bluebell |
Herbaceous suckering plant - glossy dark green leaves with wavy margins - bright blue flrs are produced on slender stems in Sp & Su - moist well drained soils - frost tolerant. |
Wahlenbergia stricta Blue Mist |
A lightly suckering groundcover to approx. 50 cm across - low growing green foliage - the brightly coloured double bluebells are held on 50 cm long stems over many months - frost tolerant. |
Westringia aff. glabra Wollomombi |
Neat rounded shrub to 1 m high - fine lime green foliage - bright purple flrs during Su - frost resistant. |
Westringia amabilis |
Hardy compact shrub to 1 m tall - attractive lime green foliage - mauve flrs most of the year - frost & drought resistant. |
Westringia Blue Moon |
Compact shrub growing to 1 m x 1 m - soft grey green foliage - bluish mauve flrs throughout the year -
frost hardy |
Westringia crassifolia |
Whipstick Westringia - rare shrub to 2 m tall with an open habit - small dark green leaves - purple flrs occur during Sp - frost tolerant. |
Westringia Elizabeth Bough |
Dwarf shrub to 0.8 m tall forming a tight dome - fine grey foliage - mauve flrs much of the year - frost resistant. |
Westringia eremicola |
Erect open shrub to 1.5 m - small linear grey green leaves - pink flrs in Sp and Su - frost resistant - tolerant of lime. |
Westringia eremicola Bismuth Falls |
Shrub to 1 m - small linear green leaves - small purple flrs occur throughout the year - frost resistant. |
Westringia eremicola purple |
Shrub to 1 m - small linear grey green leaves - bright purple flrs occur throughout the year - frost resistant. |
Westringia fruticosa |
Native Rosemary - Compact shrub to 1.5m - small grey - green leaves - white flrs most of the year - usually frost resistant. |
Westringia fruticosa Morning Light |
Shrub to 1.5 m - variegated foliage - purple spotted white flrs in Sp - usually frost tolerant. |
Westringia glabra |
Hardy shrub to 1.5 m - glossy green leaves arranged in whorls of 4 - bluish mauve flrs in Sp - requires well drained soil & half shade - frost resistant. |
Westringia Glabra Cadabra |
This hardy screening or hedging plant grows to 1.5 m - dense green foliage - violet flrs during Wi & Sp - frost tolerant. |
Westringia Jervis Gem |
A compact dwarf form of Wynyabbie Gem, this westringia grows to 1 m high - foliage
similar to W. fruticosa - lilac flrs most of the year - salt tolerant. |
Westringia longifolia Snowflurry |
Hardy shrub to 2m - fine linear leaves - white flrs during most of the year - frost & drought resistant. |
Westringia Poorinda Parvane |
An open shrub reaching a max height of 2 m - small green leaves - attractive mauve flrs fading to pink predominantly in Sp - frost resistant - tolerant of sun or semi - shade. |
Westringia purpurea - (Prostanthera sp.) |
Hardy bushy shrub to 1.5m - lime green linear leaves - purple flrs in Sp - frost resistant. |
Westringia Sea Mist |
A tough shrub reaching 2 m tall - variegated foliage with a yellow appearance - mauve flrs in Wi & Sp - frost resistant. |
Westringia Smokie |
A variegated form of W. fruticosa growing to 0.5 m - silky grey leaves edged with white giving smoky appearance - white flrs - frost resistant. |
Westringia sp. Dangar Falls |
Rounded shrub - small greyish green leaves - purple flrs in Sp & Su - tolerant of frost. 1m x 1m |
Westringia sp. Low |
Low spreading shrub similar to W. glabra reaching a height of 30 cm and a diam. of 120 cm - bluish purple flrs - frost resistant. |
Westringia White Rambler |
Hardy spreading shrub growing to 1 m tall x 3 m wide - attractive glossy green foliage - masses of white flrs in Sp & Su - frost resistant. |
Westringia Wynyabbie Gem |
Fast growing shrub to 2 m - fine grey/green foliage - dainty mauve flrs most of the year - tolerates frost. |
Westringia Zena |
Small compact form of W. fruticosa - grey foliage - white flrs - ideal for hedging - frost resistant. |
Xanthorrhoea glauca |
Grasstree - relatively fast growing grasstree with a potential spread of 4 m - the skirt consists of tough bluish green leaves - tall woody flower spikes occur from June to Nov. irregularly - frost tolerant - enjoys fertile basalt soils. |
Xanthorrhoea glauca green foliage form |
Grasstree - Relatively fast growing grasstree - the skirt consists of tough green leaves - tall woody flower Flower spikes are produced from June to Nov. irregularly - frost tolerant - enjoys fertile soils. Width 3m |
Xanthorrhoea johnsonii |
Grasstree - a widespread species with a trunk which can reach up to 5 m tall - long narrow green leaves - the flower spike is produced in Sp & grows to approx. 1 m tall - tolerant of frost & dry periods. |
Xanthorrhoea macronema |
A tufted plant without a trunk - linear green leaves to 1 m long - cream flr spikes which superficially resemble banksia flrs occur in Sp & Su - tolerates shade & light frost - ideal for a rockery. |
Xerochrysum bracteatum |
Diamond Head - dense prostrate perennial to 8 cm high for pots or a rockery - hairy green foliage - bright yellow paper daisies with orange centres are produced on short stems during Su - frost resistant. |
Xerochrysum bracteatum Diamond Head |
Dense prostrate perennial to 8 cm high for pots or a rockery - hairy green foliage - bright yellow paper daisies with orange centres are produced on short stems during Su - frost resistant. |
Xerochrysum bracteatum red & purple |
Everlasting Daisy - Showy perennial daisy for pots or a rockery - hairy green foliage - red & purple paper daisies are produced during Su - frost resistant. 0.8m |
Xerochrysum bracteatum Summer mix dwarf |
Paper daisy for cut flrs - green furry leaves - mixed coloured everlasting flrs in yellow, orange, pink, white & red - frost tolerant. 0.45m |
Xerochrysum neoanglica |
Perennial Everlasting Daisy - rare perennial with a rosette of lush green foliage - large
yellow paper daisies are produced on an upright stem to 30 cm high - frost resistant. |
Xerochrysum New England escarpment |
Perennial Everlasting Daisy - rare small plant with a rosette of
lush green foliage - bright yellow paper daisies are produced on an upright stem to 30 cm high - frost resistant. |
Ziera Carpet Star |
A compact prostrate plant spreading 50 cm wide - trifoliate glossy green aromatic leaves - small starlike pink flrs during Sp - moderately frost resistant. |
Zieria aspalothoides Gibraltar |
Shrub to 1 m tall - bright green aromatic foliage - small pink starry flrs during Sp - frost resistant. |
Zieria granulata |
Bushy shrub to 3 m high - green aromatic trifoliate leaves with conspicuous oil glands - clusters of 4-petalled white flrs in Sp & Su - frost tolerant. |
Zieria Pink Crystals |
Hardy but dainty shrub to 1 m - aromatic pinnate leaves - small pink starry flrs in Wi & Su - frost resistant. |
Zieria smithii Robust form |
2m – Upright shrub - strongly aromatic glossy green trifoliate leaves – clusters of small pale pink flrs from Wi till Sp – moderate frost tolerance. |